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Any freepers who have been blessed by a miracle? Here's an opportunity to post your story.
1 posted on 01/07/2003 10:40:31 AM PST by NYer
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To: .45MAN; AKA Elena; Angelus Errare; Aquinasfan; Aristophanes; ArrogantBustard; Askel5; Barnacle; ...
Miraculous FAITH bump!
2 posted on 01/07/2003 10:42:39 AM PST by NYer (I believe in miracles.)
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To: NYer
whoop t do - a bump for you. God Bless,
3 posted on 01/07/2003 10:48:41 AM PST by ex-snook
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To: NYer
Your story brought tears to my eyes. God bless you, your wife, and your precious daughter.
4 posted on 01/07/2003 10:51:07 AM PST by bigfootbob
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To: NYer
Prayer is powerful!!!!!! I believe.
5 posted on 01/07/2003 10:55:50 AM PST by Patrick
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To: NYer
I wonder about that lady's heart pumping at 57% efficiency. It might be a misprint on the original. Larry Holmes' heart, for example, when in training for the Mike Tyson fight, was at 55% and, according to doctors, is the maximum efficiency rate that any heart can achieve.

Be that as it may, I DO believe in miracles. In 1988 I had triple bypass surgery. Early in 2001 my bypasses shut down. The doctors are puzzled as to why I am still alive.

6 posted on 01/07/2003 10:56:33 AM PST by PatriotGames
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To: NYer
I have had a few miracles in my life but the one that just makes me in awe of God is the one that happened in my neice.

Erica was born on the day of the big snow here in NC...January 24, 2000. She was non respondent at birth and had an odd color to her. She improved "enough" to be sent home where she did not thrive. She could not keep breast milk down and her stomach was constantly upset. A week after coming home she "died" . Her mother had to perform CPR on this tiny baby all the way to the hospital. When they arrived she was placed on a ventilator.

After many tests it was confirmed that Erica was born with menengitis. She lost the frontal left lobe of her brain as a result. Dr's gave no hope of her ever being able to speak and said that she would be developmentally delayed. Severely so.

Today, Erica is a bright and TALKATIVE almost 3 year old. She converses with others with outstanding clarity in her words. She loves to draw and write. She is beginning to learn to read. Her neurologist in Chapel Hill said ( we have written documentation ) that if he did not know, for a fact, that the MRI pics he has were of her he would swear that this child is NOT the same kid whose pics he has.

One can say all day long that she is not a miracle but I will believe otherwise forever. The moment we heard of her being taken to the hospital and put on a ventilator we hit our knees. God is able!

8 posted on 01/07/2003 11:17:51 AM PST by PleaseNoMore
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To: NYer
I think probably any believer can point to innumerable small ways in which God has smoothed over some problem, or done something for us. (I can point to one from yesterday, in fact.....)

There are also bigger ones -- I've got several "touched by God" experiences, as have a number of people I know. My personal favorite is this one:

I was driving along a pretty full freeway one day. I was in the left lane. Traffic was going about 70, when some bozo pulling trailer-full of junk decides to pull onto the freeway at about 25 mph. He cut off a couple of lanes of traffic. The other cars began to skate around, and dodge to the left. It became obvious that I was about to be squashed onto the construction barrier just to my left. There was almost no shoulder, and certainly no room for a car. I was going to be in a nasty wreck, and there was nothing I could do about it.

Just before the wreck was going to happen, the construction barrier ended, revealing a "spare lane," into which I swerved, and avoided the accident. The "spare lane" ended within about 1000 feet, but it was enough: I was able to avoid the wreck.

Not too long after, I drove that way again. I was all set to show the "spare lane" to my family, but it wasn't there, and there was no indication that it had ever been there.

(As it happens, at the exact time this occurred, my wife and kids had decided to pray for me to have a safe trip....)

9 posted on 01/07/2003 11:32:32 AM PST by r9etb
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To: MsLady
Miracle ping....
10 posted on 01/07/2003 11:33:27 AM PST by r9etb
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To: NYer
Thank you for your post.
11 posted on 01/07/2003 11:38:36 AM PST by azhenfud
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To: NYer
While a newborn infant, my mother was thrown from my grandmother's arms while riding a mule-drawn buckboard and was run over by it. She was crushed by the wheels, and was blue and not breathing by the time my late grandfather got the wagon stopped and ran back to her. My late grandmother, a saintly and loving woman whom I miss very much, bent over my mother's lifeless body out of that wagon rut and prayed desperately to Jesus Christ to heal her newborn daughter.

Immediately, my mother began to breathe again. He normal color soon returned. She's hale and hearty today, may God be praised.

This took place on a dirt road in a Missisippi cottonfield in 1946. There were no paramedics back then, and the nearest doctor was miles away. Neither of my late grandparents had the slightest medical or lifesaving knowledge; they knew how to read, write, and pray -- that's it. Only a miracle could and did save my mother from an early grave, and I'm very grateful for it. My grandmother's sincere prayer was answered. Thanks be to God, my mother lived, as did I, and someday my children.

Why did my mom live while other children did not? We can't know. Sometimes God's supernatural Power intervenes to avert such nightmares; other times, He allows tragedy and heartbreak to occur. In either case, His comfort and healing are the true miracles. The Lord can bring a broken heart back to life, or start a still heart beating again, as He wills. And who are we to question Him? I hope that if such a tragedy every strikes my life, Our Lady will intercede for me to remember that a sword pierced her own immaculate heart too, that His ways are not our ways, and that "the Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away; blessed be the Name of the Lord."

Were it not for the mercy of God and the faith my dear Christian grandmother displayed on the side of that muddy country road so long ago, my mother would not be alive today -- and I would not be writing these words now. The fact that she lived and that I exist at all is a miracle as far as I am concered.

20 posted on 01/07/2003 12:13:59 PM PST by B-Chan
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To: NYer
My friend's mother went to Duke Medical to have some tests done. The doctors there told her the had found a brain tumor the size of a golf ball and surgery was recommended immediately (the next am). That night, our church initiated the "prayer chain" and each one on the list was called to intercede for her.

Upon the surgeons performing the prodecure, the doctors said they'd never seen anything like what they found. They said the tumor was dead from the inside and that upon touching the "shell" with the scalpel the tissue "burst like a balloon" into nothing. There was nothing there to extract.

My friend's mother has been well now for five years with no affects at all.

God is merciful, indeed.

24 posted on 01/07/2003 12:22:31 PM PST by azhenfud
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To: NYer

Einstein Quote on Miracles

25 posted on 01/07/2003 12:26:57 PM PST by AnnaZ
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To: NYer
In 1988, I was sitting at the maternity ward window marveling over our newborn 10-1/2 pound bouncing baby truck, er...I mean boy. I noticed another man standing a few yards down equally in awe of his own newborn child except he wasn't in awe. He was standing there with one hand on the glass and trying to brush back a cascade of tears with his other.

I approached him, offered him a cloth diaper (hey, they made great hankies) and asked him if he was okay. I didn't want to pry but you just can't ignore the emotions he was going through.

He told me everything was just fine. Everything was remarkably... just fine. He must have seen the puzzled look in my eyes so he started to explain why he was so overly emotional. His wife had a number of setbacks during the pregnancy (I'm sorry I don't recall what the technical terms were) and the doctors had told them that she was in danger of losing the baby. They went home and prayed.

Around the seventh month, the doctors told them that the baby was not showing any positive signs (I'm guessing that meant very weak heart rate, unusually underdeveloped organs, etc... but for whatever reason the baby was given absolutely no chance of survival) and they regretted to inform them that it would be in everyone's best interest that they "terminate" the pregnancy.

He gave me the same shocking stare as he and his wife must have given the doctors. He told me that there was no way in God's name would they take the life of their baby. If God wanted his baby, God would take it. In the meantime, they were God's stewards and would do whatever they could to see that this precious little soul was not wasted. This young man told me that each night he went home and prayed like he had never prayed before.

Soon after they refused the doctors advice the weekly checkups started showing more positive results. The turnaround in the babies health left the doctors a little skeptical but they couldn't deny that the baby was showing very little signs of the previously terminal diagnosis. 2 months later, a full term, their baby boy was born. He was above average on the APGAR tests, had all his fingers and toes and showed absolutely no defects. He was a perfectly happy and healthy baby boy, and the doctors were left scratching their heads as they went back over their 7th month diagnosis.

I had never given a complete stranger a hug, but after that tale, he didn't quite seem so strange. I wished him well, and quickly turned to walk away so he wouldn't see the tear forming in the corner of my eye. Miracle? You bet.

26 posted on 01/07/2003 1:15:36 PM PST by Hatteras
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To: NYer
A couple of summers ago, we got into our boat around 5pm to head down river to a restaurant with our two little girls and one of their friends. We would need to go through a lock at one point, but figured no problem, it was a beautiful day and we would have more than enough time to head back home while it was still light out. We also knew that it would still be early enough in the evening to get fuel in the boat for the ride back. On the ride down, we drove full throttle, thus consuming 3/4 of the tank by the time we got to the restaurant.

The restaurant was packed, we were starved, the little girls were miserable because they were hungry. We finally were seated and knew we'd have to eat very quickly and get out of there ASAP because the gas docks at the only marina on the way back would be closing.

Our food seemed to arrive hours later and the sun was on its way down. It was about 8:45 pm. We wolfed the food down, paid the bill and ran out to the boat to get going. A loud crack thundered overhead and rain began to pelt us. A storm appeared "from nowhere" and was blowing south, in the direction we were heading.

I had the girls get up under the tiny nose of the boat to stay dry while my husband and I had to both stand to navigate through the near darkness, through many narrow bends in the river and pelting rain. Oh, and the gas gauge was edging under 1/4 as we flew like the wind up river. The marina we sought was just ahead...

But by the time we got there, the gas docks had been shut down. My husband, daring creature he is, decided to continue home so that we'd at least be closer to home when we finally ran out of gas and would need to be towed. We were also still on the other side of the lock, which can turn into a time consuming ordeal waiting for your side to open to lock through.

I was terrified of being caught out on the river in the darkness and rain because of the heavy barge traffic. It was a dangerous situation. So I prayed. I prayed hard.

"Lord, we must get in front of this storm, and Lord, we are running out of gas. Lord, PLEASE, you've GOT to do something with this fuel situation!!"

A few minutes later, obsessing about the gas gauge, I had to look twice at the reading: it said 3/4. I tapped it with my finger and it still said 3/4 of a tank. I wept. And the rain stopped. Starry skies now overhead. We arrived at the lock...they saw us coming and the huge doors were opening for us by the time we reached it. Once out on the other side it was a short ride to our marina.

My husband dropped me and the girls off at our marina and as I stepped on the dock, I was sprinkled with rain....from a completely clear and starry sky. It was a nice sprinkle and I took it as a Message that I need not to have worried, the we would be taken care of. We headed up to my car which I had just filled up completely with gas that afternoon before boating. I turned the key and the gas gauge caught my eye:

It was down by half a tank.
29 posted on 01/07/2003 8:02:01 PM PST by Dasaji
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To: NYer
I was with my wife and her family in Mexico (she is from Monterrey, Mx). We were driving on a single lane highway behind someone towing a baha-type off-road vehicle with HUGE wheels (probably 24-inchers). Well, one of the things fell OFF the vehicle and then, I swear as I sit here, it appeared to VEER, mid-air, and bounce about a meter in front of us, then over our car, then (as I looked back) bounced into a revine.

Had we been 1 KPH slower or faster or even a few feet closer, I would not be here to tell this story.

Anyone who has even seen what happens when a wheel with tire hits a car knows the death and carnage that can follow. Our angels, to my everlasting humility, decided to grab that wheel and jump it over our car.

Yes, miracles happen all the time.
30 posted on 01/07/2003 8:10:52 PM PST by freedumb2003
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To: NYer
OK, a second miracle (sometimes you don't even see your blessings in front of you....)

My wife reminded me of a HUGE miracle we encounter every day. My cat, Musica, is over 20 years old. That is like 110 or 120 people years. She is spry, jumps up onto the bed, is demanding as all get out and basically allows us to serve her at her whim. Her sister Neysa passed away 2 years ago at 18.

Since I am 43 years old, my babies have been a part of my life for nearly half of my life. They saw me through so much and always gave me unconditional love.

Musica keeps my wife company since I am away from home every week (I am a consultant engaged in Pittsburgh and Memphis but I live in Los Angeles). We have, by choice, no children.

My understanding is that the average cat lifespan is 15 years but the oldest cat on record lived to be 32 years old so she has a good 10 years or so.

This is not a minor miracle. God watches after my wife and my kittie for reasons He only knows. I am again humbled and on those bad nights away from home when I think of existence, I know that, if I am reasonably good, I will be together in the afterlife with my wife, her favorite dog, and my cats.

In the meantime, I thank God for holding my extraordanairy cat alive. Every day.
31 posted on 01/07/2003 9:00:25 PM PST by freedumb2003
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To: NYer
In the coming days, as this world is transformed into Christ's Kingdom, miracles will be more common than taxes. The world is on the verge of being stunned by the Almighty God. Imagine 144,000 Sons of God, with the exact same annointing as Jesus, all of them loose on the Earth at the same time, and you understand why He said "greater works shall ye do, because I go to the Father."
32 posted on 01/07/2003 9:06:28 PM PST by Russell Scott
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To: NYer
Any freepers who have been blessed by a miracle?


Just 2 months ago I had a heart attack that should have killed me. The artery that feeds the entire right side of my heart was completly blocked. The artery feeding the left side was over 95% blocked. A quad bypass later, and I am still here to FReep.

The more I learn about my condition, the more I am in awe of God's Grace.

33 posted on 01/07/2003 9:47:41 PM PST by Mr_Magoo
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To: NYer
Not a personal story, but one that touched me nevertheless:

A few years ago, I heard a news item about a house catching fire while a teenage boy was sleeping inside. Someone driving along the freeway saw the fire, exited the freeway, drove to the house, broke into the house, found the unconscious boy, dragged him outside to safety, and left the scene.

Of course, the boy's rescuer was an angel.
34 posted on 01/07/2003 11:45:32 PM PST by exDemMom
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