Posted on 12/19/2002 8:11:34 AM PST by Mia T
by Mia T, 12-19-02 |
The following movie in Flash format for Without Sanctuary features a series of photographs from James Allen's collection with a voice narrative about the work by Mr. Allen. If you have a regular speed 56K modem, be patient - the movie will start playing in about eight minutes. If you have a high-speed connection, the movie will load for playback in about 20-30 seconds.
4. Two years ago a riot occurred in Atlanta, Georgia, in which four white policemen were killed and several wounded by a colored man named Richardson, who was himself finally burned to death. Through the press the public was informed that the negro was a desperado. As a matter of fact, Richardson was a merchant, well to do and law-abiding. The head and front of his offending was that he dared to reprimand an ex-policeman for living in open adultery with a colored woman. When it was learned that this negro had been so impudent to a white man...
What, then, is the cause of lynching? At the last analysis, it will be discovered that there are just two causes of lynching. In the first place, it is due to race hatred, the hatred of a stronger people toward a weaker who were once held as slaves. In the second place, it is due to the lawlessness so prevalent in the section where nine-tenths of the lynchings occur.
[A]t the time of his death Ron Brown was under investigation by an independent counsel, and was likely to be indicted. According to his business partner and confidant, Nolanda Hill, Brown had told President Clinton days before he was asked unexpectedly to travel to Croatia that he would negotiate a plea agreement with the independent counsel, which would entail telling what he knew about alleged illegalities in the Clinton-Gore Administration. Clinton, according to Brown, responded badly.
Judicial Watch, the only entity that has, in its case, taken the sworn testimony of John Huang, which sparked the campaign finance scandal, had also asked the Court to depose Ron Brown, the former Clinton Commerce Department Cabinet Secretary who orchestrated the sale of seats on trade missions in exchange for large campaign contributions to the Democratic Party and Clinton-Gore campaigns, among other illegal acts. The Court in the lawsuit which exposed the scandal has stated that had Ron Brown lived, he would have been deposed by Judicial Watch.
Following his death in Croatia, the Clinton-Gore Pentagon precipitously announced that the death was accidental, before a standard safety investigation was undertaken. Importantly, a safety investigation was never undertaken.
In addition, the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology was asked to examine the body. What the pathologists and photographers found was a hole in Secretary Brown's head, the size and shape of a .45 caliber bullet.
Interviews on BET television with the chief military pathologist suggest that he wanted to conduct an autopsy to see if the hole was the result of a gunshot wound, but he was called off by The White House, Joint Chiefs of Staff, and the Clinton-Gore Commerce and Transportation Departments. |
Move has tacit backing of Congressional Black Caucus, NAACP, and 75% of African-Americans Brown was key witness in Judicial Watch lawsuit which uncovered John Huang and likely defendant in Independent Counsel probe at time of his death in Croatia PRESS CONFERENCE SCHEDULED FOR 2:00 P.M. ON THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12, ON D.C. FEDERAL COURTHOUSE STEPS
© Copyright 1997-2002, Judicial Watch, Inc. |
8. Mr. Grafeld told me, referring to Judicial Watch's allegations that Commerce Department trade mission seats were sold in exchange for campaign contributions, that "(Judicial Watch Chairman and General Counsel) Klayman is right on target" but that he believes that the trade mission issues were "only the tip of the iceberg -- that the really big money went towards Presidential access."
Mr. Grafeld indicated to me that he believes that Ms. Moss was asking for political contributions in exchange for seats on Commerce Department trade missions, likely at the direction of Hillary Rodham Clinton, but that documents showing this illegal activity had "left the building." In fact, there were effectively no security procedures at the Commerce Department to ensure that sensitive and secret documents and/or any documents which might evidence criminal activity stayed in the building. The purported letters referenced by Mr. Grafeld and Nolanda Hill could easily have "left the building" absent sufficient procedures to secure them.
9."Hill's charges lead to one conclusion -- reappoint the independent counsel"
WASHINGTON - The business partner of late Commerce Secretary Ron Brown testified Monday to a scheme by First Lady Hillary Clinton and top-level White House operatives to cover up evidence linking Commerce Department trade missions to political contributions. Today, the Chairman of the Republican National Committee charged that Nolanda Hill's sworn accusations "mandate that the independent counsel's investigation of the Commerce Department's trade missions be reactivated."
"Independent counsel Daniel Pearson's investigation into allegations that the Commerce Department sold seats on trade missions for contributions to the Clinton-Gore campaign was dropped after Ron Brown's death in April of 1996," noted RNC Chairman Jim Nicholson.
"In light of Nolanda Hill's testimony, it seems the allegations of wrong-doing go much higher than the late Ron Brown. Pearson must be re-appointed, and the independent investigation allowed to continue."
Mrs. Hill, who testified she was Brown's business partner and "close personal confidant for over seven years," testified that he showed her "an inch-thick set" of Commerce Department documents linking trade missions and political contributions. He was under orders from former White House Chief of Staff Leon Panetta and current Deputy Chief of Staff John Podesta, he told her, to withhold the documents until after the 1996 Presidential elections. Brown died weeks afterwards, she testified.
Hill testified that Hillary Clinton and senior White House officials had ordered Brown to ask business executives to give a minimum of $50,000 to the Democrat National Committee and the 1996 Clinton-Gore campaign to gain seats on the trade missions. "I'm doing my chores for Hillary Clinton," Brown told her.
"Nolanda Hill's allegations of a cover-up orchestrated at the highest levels of the White House are serious and troubling," Nicholson said, "as is the fact that she was indicted by the Justice Department only two months after she first made these allegations under oath." Hill made the allegations in an affidavit January 17, and expressed fears that she would face retaliation from the Clinton Justice Department for doing so, Nicholson noted. She was indicted on March 13.
10. Wall Street Project, clinton, Jesse Jackson and the Death of Ron Brown
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr |
Two years ago a riot occurred in Atlanta, Georgia, in which four white policemen were killed and several wounded by a colored man named Richardson, who was himself finally burned to death. Through the press the public was informed that the negro was a desperado. As a matter of fact, Richardson was a merchant, well to do and law-abiding. The head and front of his offending was that he dared to reprimand an ex-policeman for living in open adultery with a colored woman. When it was learned that this negro had been so impudent to a white man...
What, then, is the cause of lynching? At the last analysis, it will be discovered that there are just two causes of lynching. In the first place, it is due to race hatred, the hatred of a stronger people toward a weaker who were once held as slaves. In the second place, it is due to the lawlessness so prevalent in the section where nine-tenths of the lynchings occur.
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CLINTON RIPS GOP RECORD ON RACE WASHINGTON (Dec. 19) - Former President Clinton says Republicans are hypocritical for berating Senate Republican leader Trent Lott about his insensitive comments on race. ``How can they jump on him when they're out there repressing, trying to run black voters away from the polls and running under the Confederate flag in Georgia and South Carolina?'' Clinton said Wednesday in New York. ``I mean, look at their whole record. He just embarrassed them by saying in Washington what they do on the backroads every day.'' Lott has been trying to atone for publicly wishing that former segregationist Sen. Strom Thurmond had been elected president in 1948. Lott said his home state of Mississippi voted for Thurmond ``and if the rest of the country had followed our lead, we wouldn't have had all these problems over all these years either.'' Lott has apologized, but many conservatives have called for him to give up his leadership post. President Bush's aides have said Lott doesn't have to resign, but the White House is not making the case for keeping him in place either. ``I think that the way the Republicans have treated Senator Lott is pretty hypocritical, since right now their policy is, in my view, inimical to everything this country stands for,'' Clinton said while attending an event for the European Travel Commission. ``They've tried to suppress black voting, they've ran on the Confederate flag in Georgia and South Carolina. And from top to bottom, the Republicans supported it. So I don't see what they're jumping on Trent Lott about.'' Republican National Committee Chairman Marc Racicot called Clinton's comments ``misleading'' and ``divisive rhetoric.'' ``This is another tired example of Bill Clinton misrepresenting the facts and misleading the American people to gain political advantage,'' Racicot said.
12/18/02 20:42 EST
Copyright 2002 The Associated Press. The information contained in the AP news report may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or otherwise distributed without the prior written authority of The Associated Press. All active hyperlinks have been inserted by AOL. |
Meet the Smart New York Women Who Can't Stand Hillary Clinton, The New York Observer, JANUARY 17, 2000
hillary clinton, someone she regards with utter contempt, reveals the insidious process by which classes of voters become auto-disenfranchised.
roadside ad, Pushme-Pullyou
"I did not have any involvement in the pardons that were granted or not granted," insisted Sen. KnowNothing, seeming to forget her presence at the New-Square/Oval-Office schmooze that secured pardons for the four Hasidic felons who set up a phony school in Brooklyn to swindle the government out of millions intended for the poor. ![]() |
the Gestalt--the synthesis of the evidence -- the absurd reason for the president's Thanksgiving-Day Camp David-DC-Camp David trip; the Ron-Brown-posthumous, Ron-Brown-related, Thanksgiving-Day corpse; the Sonya Stewart deposition informing us that evidence of illegal Commerce activity had "left the building;" and "a huge box" hauled back to Camp David by said corrupt president under subpoena. Mia T, Helen Thomas Syndrome: THE SYMPTOMS
WASHINGTON (Dec. 19) - Former President Clinton says Republicans are hypocritical for berating Senate Republican leader Trent Lott about his insensitive comments on race.
``How can they jump on him when they're out there repressing, trying to run black voters away from the polls and running under the Confederate flag in Georgia and South Carolina?'' Clinton said Wednesday in New York. ``I mean, look at their whole record. He just embarrassed them by saying in Washington what they do on the backroads every day.''
Hypocrit Divide Amerika liar !!.....
The absolute blad-faced lying by Clinton making that statement about Republican racism yesterday was mind-boggling. Thank you for taking the time to create this essay.
What? Me utter anti-Semetic slurs?
We will watch the Republicans like hawks,
for any misstep we can use to our advantage.
We will accuse them of what we are already doing.
We will quickly get our faxes into the hands
of our friends in the mainstream media.
They will do our bidding and I shall be victorious.
DITTO! I believe John LeBoutillier is heading it up and looking for donations. Perhaps you by-pass $$ by writing to them directly:
Counter Clinton Library
PO Box 20989
West Palm Beach, FL 33416
Too much information to keep to ourselves so let's share it.
You speak a mountain of truth there, you Sly Fox you !
I'm hoping that the Evil hitler clintoon is never my leader.....
"Ron Brown killed by someone in clinton administration, perhaps clinton, himself."
...I'd like to focus the rest of the broadcast on the pioneering work which you have done with respect to Ron Brown, the Commerce Department, and his role in all of these scandals. Let me get right to the heart of the matter. There are many people in America who believe that Ron Brown's death was all too convenient for Bill Clinton, that, had he lived, the testimony he would have been required to give, the focus of investigation on his activities would have brought down Bill Clinton. Many people think that the plane crash in which he perished was not an accident. What do you think? LARRY KLAYMAN: Well, I think it wasn't an accident either, but, what is unfortunate is that you need an investigative agency like the Justice Department and the FBI to really look into it and find out what happened. We knew that Ron Brown was a scandal waiting to happen. That's why, back in 1995 I brought a lawsuit in January on behalf of Judicial Watch because it seemed to me that, if you are going to look at the Clinton administration, the Commerce Department where Brown was Secretary, was the first place to look. You had the all time leading Democrat fund-raiser. You had someone who had been accused of accepting the $600,000 bribe from the government of Vietnam to push trade relations &emdash; and that mysteriously ended just a day before we opened up trade relations (there was this grand jury in Miami). Someone who had represented, in his private practice, Baby Doc Duvalier, one of the worst dictators in American history (America being the whole region), who persecuted Brown's own people in effect &emdash; somebody who was just completely amoral. Brown was the kind of person who got himself involved in business deals profiting off of government service, or public service. So that's why we focused on him. We were making headway, we brought a lawsuit. The judge, in fact, had allowed us to take discovery, we had noticed his deposition, and, ironically, he asked for a postponement because he had to go to Bosnia during that trip, no one was more disappointed (obviously I didn't want to see him die, from a humanitarian standpoint). We wanted to get the information out of him. He had a tremendous knowledge of what went on in that Clinton administration. Now, moving forward, of course, months later, we came upon John Huang and that was the spark that rekindled this whole scandal. But since then, we've met with someone that he was in business with, and this was his latest Independent Counsel grand jury investigation at the time that he died. That person's name: Nolanda Hill. She opened a company called First International. It was alleged that he received $500,000 of defaulted government loan money from that company under the table which he never reported on his disclosure forms when he became Secretary of Commerce, and perhaps not on his income tax returns. Nolanda Hill is in a position to know what happened with Ron Brown, and we were fortunate enough to convince her to meet with us. She told me and she told our investigator, Andy Thibault, that she believes Ron Brown was killed &emdash; which is an incredible statement. HOWARD PHILLIPS: Killed intentionally, not by accident. LARRY KLAYMAN: Killed intentionally, by the Clinton administration. I asked her "how did you come to that conclusion?" She said that two weeks before that plane went down, Ron Brown had gone to the White House and met with the President. Typically, he was walking around in bare feet; he sat down on his couch, put his feet up on the stool, and Brown said to him, that he was going to have to plea to some type of plea bargain to end that Independent Counsel investigation that concerned First International; that it was closing in on him, it was closing in on his son, Michael, who was alleged to have taken a bribe on his behalf from these lums? [hoodlums?] who ultimately have gotten into trouble. And the reaction of Clinton was, with his hands crossed: that's nice, no comment, kind of like an organized Nolan figure, she took it. And when the plane went down two weeks later, she received a call from the Secretary of the Army that said they were looking for the bodies in the water &emdash; and, of course, we know the official alibi is that the plane hit a mountain. And, from that, she kind of comes to the conclusion that there is something obviously very suspicious here. She says that Brown always had a difficult relationship with the White House; it was a marriage of convenience, and she thinks he was killed. And that is, perhaps, her motivation in coming forward and now talking to the authorities (she's talked not just to us, but to the Thompson committee, perhaps to Dan Burton's committee), she's trying to arrange for some type of immunity to testify. We hope and pray for her health, because she is in a position that she could tell the entire story. And, although she admits to wrongdoing, she says she now wants to set the record straight. So here is somebody, the closest person to Ron Brown (perhaps even closer than his wife) who believes that he was killed by someone in the Clinton administration, perhaps the President himself. HOWARD PHILLIPS: And, of course, there were other people traveling with him who went down in the process of Mr. Brown's death in that plane crash. LARRY KLAYMAN: Well, you know, ruthless people will do ruthless things. Some of those people actually had knowledge about Ron Brown's doings. For instance, this person, Chuck Meissner, who we heard about during the Thompson committee hearings, and who we've received a lot testimony about &emdash; Meissner was John Huang's boss. Meissner was the guy who, according to Jeffrey Garten [Undersecretary of Commerce for international trade during Clinton's first term], didn't heed instructions in keeping Huang just in certain areas. This is somebody who, conveniently, also went down in that plane crash, who might have a lot to say today. HOWARD PHILLIPS: So it was like shooting fish in a barrel for those who found Mr. Brown's continued existence un... LARRY KLAYMAN: That's a good way of putting it, Howard. You know, after Ron Brown died there was also someone else who turned up dead at the Commerce Department &emdash; a Miss Wise &emdash; this was somebody who worked in the same division as John Huang who perhaps knew that documents were being destroyed. We had taken the deposition &emdash; that is when we get oral testimony as lawyers &emdash; of John Huang's secretary, and she was forced to admit at our deposition that Huang handed her cables from overseas (who knows where from &emdash; perhaps even Communist China) and told her to shred them on a daily basis.
It's not easy to play fair against Mr. and Mrs. Clinton, who, in the words of the authors, "operated like a crime family, expecting friends and aides to protect them even against their own best interests." What's amazing, of course, is that's exactly what Clinton friends and aides have always done, from Susan McDougal to Webster Hubbell to flocks of nameless White House special assistants. Even Jim McDougal died just in time to deprive the independent counsel of a key witness against Mrs. Clinton, thus derailing what the authors report to have been her likely indictment for perjury and obstruction related to the Whitewater investigation.... Reading the tumultuous events of the Lewinsky probe in a comprehensive narrative is unlike attempting to make sense of it in daily doses. Something different comes through the heavy accumulation of detail of, for example, the duplicity of the Justice Department, or the sharklike behavior of the White House. One begins to get a choking sense of the atmosphere of corruption and ruthlessness the Clintons inhabit -- and, worse, have forced the rest of us to inhabit. Taken in one piece, the habitual, even casual abuse of power on display begins to resemble conditions one normally associates with a state of totalitarianism, where such concepts as truth and justice are only paid lip service. In the end, then, it makes you wonder when there will be fresh air again. |
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