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1 posted on 12/09/2002 7:38:48 AM PST by 1bigdictator
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To: 1bigdictator
Ask why these Islamic countries are full of peace and tolerance:

Saudi Arabia - Conversion by a Muslim to another religion is punishable by death. Bibles are illegal.

Yemen - Bans proselytizing by non-Muslims and forbids conversions. The Government does not allow the building of new non-Muslim places of worship

Kuwait - Registration and licensing of religious groups. Members of religions not sanctioned in the Koran may not build places of worship. Prohibits organized religious education for religions other than Islam

Egypt -Islam is the official state religion and primary source of legislation. Accordingly, religious practices that conflict with Islamic law are prohibited. Muslims may face legal problems if they convert to another faith. Requires non-Muslims to obtain what is now a presidential decree to build a place of worship

Algeria - The law prohibits public assembly for purposes of practicing a faith other than Islam. Non-Islamic proselytizing is illegal, and the Government restricts the importation of non-Islamic literature for distribution.

Jordan - Has the death penalty for any Muslim selling land to a Jew.

(All information is from US State Department Human Rights Reports)

I could go on with more examples.

2 posted on 12/09/2002 7:52:11 AM PST by 2banana
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To: 1bigdictator
I think Bush is correct. Islam is a religion of peace, provided you have any amount of reason.

One can take a fairy tales and turn them into an ideology of destruction and terror. Demeaning Mohammed or his followers for September 11, 2001, is stupid foolishness and the work of those driven by hate themselves.

All religions have been known to commit excess in God's name. However, that does not mean that the religion, its founders, or God is to blame.
3 posted on 12/09/2002 7:52:33 AM PST by republicanwizard
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To: 1bigdictator
Militant Islam is the enemy of America and all Americans be they here at home or abroad. In my own view, Islam is a cult preaching death and a reward in heaven for those who murder non-Muslims. Fanatical Islamics drew the 'first blood' by turning airliners into terrorist weapons of mass destruction. All across the world, Isamics are not preaching peace, or religious tolerance or non-violence. They only preach hatred, murder, revenge, and destruction to all who are not Muslim.

I have not heard Muslims renouncing violence and terrorism. Instead, they were dancing in the street celebrating 911. Is there a single voice shouting, 'Peace, peace?!' or 'Pray for Tolerance?!' If so, I have not herd one; not even a single voice. The Islamics are condemned by their own silence.

4 posted on 12/09/2002 7:54:27 AM PST by ex-Texan
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To: 1bigdictator
Bush mouths certain platitudes, but does he really believe them, or is this diplomacy? Right now, it looks as if the Arabian Sauds are going to let us use a base. "War is deception," Mohammed said. Maybe Bush is taking that advice.
5 posted on 12/09/2002 7:56:52 AM PST by Mamzelle
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To: 1bigdictator
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7 posted on 12/09/2002 8:10:01 AM PST by Stand Watch Listen
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To: 1bigdictator
If Conservatives want or expect Bush to bash a religion, then they are dumber than Democrats.
13 posted on 12/09/2002 8:27:28 AM PST by Consort
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To: 1bigdictator
Nobody would like to think that a major world religion has a deeply aggressive and dangerous strain in it

Never underestimate the power of wishful thinking.

25 posted on 12/09/2002 10:11:48 AM PST by Aquinasfan
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To: 1bigdictator
Islam IS a religion of Peace...PIECE OF SH*T
28 posted on 12/09/2002 11:05:11 AM PST by ConservativeConvert
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To: 1bigdictator
US Conservatives dispute Bush’s portrayal of Conservatisism.

29 posted on 12/09/2002 11:05:29 AM PST by Kay Soze
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To: 1bigdictator
I have no doubt that there were plenty of Germans during the Nazi period who went about their lives being productive citizens of civil society -- scientists, engineers, physicians, etc. They may have been marginal and perfunctory in their loyalty to the Nazi leadership and doctrines. Thus, it would not have been fair to overgeneralize and blame every single German as being equally guilty for the evils commited by the Nazi regime.

Nevertheless, it would be ludicrous to suggest that the existance of numbers of relatively blameless Germans therefore absolves National Socialism as a movement of all guilt, to label it as an "ideology of peace" merely because a few people under its sway did not do bad things. No, we judged National Socialism by its fruits, and those fruits were horribly evil. That evil was not a random accident, but the inevitable and intentional consequence of its founding documents and leadership's direction. We correctly judged National Socialism as evil, an ideology of war and of crimes against humanity, because this is what it was all about, both in thought and in deed. And beacuse it was not just a matter of thought, but also of deed, the rest of the civilized world eventually had to fight it, first for our own defense and self-preservation, and then to defeat and abolish this scourge of humanity. We justified not just defeating National Socialism, but in undertaking a systematic "de-nazification" of Germany, because the evil thoughts inherently led to evil deeds, and the evil deeds could not be tolerated, ever again.

Whatever applies to National Socialism must apply to Islam many times over, for Islam's fruits are even more evil than National Socialism's. The evil fruits are not accidental, but derive inevitably as the result of faithful Muslims obeying the dictates of authoritative Islamic documents. Islam is a religion that condones and commands war, murder, rape, slavery, pilage, destruction, persecution, intolerance, and a host of other evils, directed against ALL of humanity that has not submitted to the Islamic ideology. Are there Muslims that do not do these things? Of course. There is no doubt that one can find many Muslims who go about their daily lives as peaceful and productive members of society, just as one could have found such Germans in Nazi Germany. But the existance of such in no way absolves Islam as a whole. When one weighs the evidence of Islamic history as a whole (a history which already far surpasses Hitler's dream of a mere "thousand-year Reich"), then one has no alternative but to conclude that this is a history of unprecedented and unequalled evil deeds. And one is forced to draw some conclusions regarding the source of the thoughts from which these deeds were motivated.

With all due respect to our President (for whom I have voted, support, and admire in all other aspects), I am forced to conclude that he is either ignorant or is being grossly mis-informed and badly served by his advisors. The fact is that Islam is not a "religion of peace", but rather is an ideology of war. Islam is not good, but evil. And Islam is an evil far worse than National Socialism, and far more dangerous both to the U.S. and all of humanity. Crimes against humanity routinely and repeatedly have been and are continuing to be committed by the followers of Islam and in the name of Islam, not because they are marginal and misguided lunatics, but because they are faithful followers of Islam, obeying the explicit commandments and principles of Islam. Just as there is a clear cause-and-effect relationshp between Mein Kampf and the death camps, there is just as clear of a cause-and-effect relationship between the Quran and the Hadiths on the one hand and fourteen centuries of war, murder, rape, slavery, pilage, destruction, and persecution of the "infidel kafir" at the hands of Muslims. And those of us who are not Muslims are fully justified in making a judgement even more severe against Islam than we have made against National Socialism.

32 posted on 12/09/2002 11:13:41 AM PST by Stefan Stackhouse
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To: 1bigdictator
Bush has called ...Islam ....a religion committed to ‘‘morality and learning and tolerance.’’

If not for the cold fact that people who practice Islam are responsible for nearly every armed conflict on the planet, this statement would be worthy of hearty laughter.

56 posted on 12/09/2002 11:03:47 PM PST by Mr. Mojo
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To: 1bigdictator
74 posted on 12/15/2002 2:03:20 PM PST by Jael
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To: 1bigdictator
Anywhere there is terrorism you'll just about always find a group of Muslims these days. I'm not saying there aren't some peacefull Muslims, but they are either gutless or not in the majority.
142 posted on 12/15/2002 10:59:59 PM PST by A CA Guy
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To: Clemenza; Yehuda; rmlew; Kaafi; RaceBannon; PARodrig
154 posted on 12/15/2002 11:14:32 PM PST by Cacique
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To: 1bigdictator
I think the Indians know better than us the truth of this religion. They seem perplexed at Bush's choice of words. Wonder why?
231 posted on 12/16/2002 1:26:51 PM PST by Republic of Texas
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