LOL Oh my! well, get every last little bit!
I think we're landing in California ....and I'm gonna need to sign off pretty soon! I feel like we had a wonderful trip to Hawaii! We got to do a bunch of stuff there! I always think we'll get to do more than than what we actually have time for! But what a wonderful time this evening!
I really enjoyed the limo ride, Tonk! It was fun getting glammed up with the Girlz and it was fun getting into bikinis at the beach! I loved seeing the base there, and if any of you from there are actually lurking, THANKS!!!
I thank Kathy and ms feather and Dubya for instructing me in the fine art of posting pictures of the Girlz on the Canteen thread!
(I did a pretty good crumb check on the jet ride over, Kathy, so all you have to do is spot check it and refrigerate the leftover goodies!)
Good night, sleep well, and thank you for helping to honor our troops. G-d bless you good. Happy Thanksgiving!!