There is no cause to dislike the Mexican people. They are breaking our laws, but our government has given them the green light to do so. They are fleeing economic conditions that are fostered by a government that could care less about their poverty. I do not blame them as much as I blame our federal government. There is not excuse for their inactivity on this subject, not the least of which is their free pass to El Presidente' Fox and his predicessors. Is Trent Lott the roll model for our complete Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches of governemnt?
Calls to violence are juvenile. Give most of these hot-heads a gun with a poor family standing in front of them and they'd put it down and ask if the folks needed some water. They're mostly the comments of people who haven't thought out what they want to say on the subject, but want to reinforce their disagreement with what is going on. There is no denying that there are folks out there who are truly racist. Some of them do show up. It's unfortunate, but it happens. This is a public forum. Anyone from the public can post here. They do. It's up to us to rebut their comments and get them booted on down the road.
Racism and violence are the two red harings that will prevent this issue from ever being fixed. They are the last two things you will find anyone who's serious about a humane remedy to this problem, using to support their position.
You can like these Mexican lawbreakers if you wish. I will continue to dislike them as I dislike all lawbreakers.