I am not sure what you expect the people of California to do. We have voted and passed many anti-illegal alien measures, more than any other citizens in the country in fact. What happens? The liberal judges throw them out. It is not the people of California's fault. You have the wrong perception of us that is for sure. I can't fault you for that, I understand why, but reality of life and people of this state is entirely different then you think.
I don't think making the LAPD do something about this problem is the answer. I would be willing to wager they would love to. The problem lies with the judical branch of government. The liberals learned a long time ago that the real power was in the judges ability to make law from the bench. They of course, see the illegals as potential votes for their candidates therefore they make sure we can't do a darn thing to stop this invasion from the south.
The answer to this problem is getting the judical branch to uphold the laws we have in place. That will take change in administration, and the end of political correctness. Most Californians, liberal, and conservatives do not like the influx of immigrants that burden us all with higher taxes, health care, education problems, etc. This crosses party lines and to think that the police can change things is not understanding the power of the Judge in this country. This needs to come to an end yesterday.
To: ladyinred
Thanks for your remarks. I am just learning the full extent of this problem. The people need to learn and start taking action.
23 posted on
11/02/2002 11:43:35 PM PST by
To: ladyinred
"I am not sure what you expect the people of California to do." It wasn't liberal judges' fault that Los Angeles politicians handcuffed the LAPD with Special Order 40 - a decree not to cooperate with the INS in most all cases.
Let the sheeple of Kalifornia themselves pay for the crazy liberal schemes their elected local politicians enact. Only then will they demand a crackdown on illegals by local police. is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson