(((((LIL BOOP))))
(((((MUDBOY SLIM)))))
I needed that!
My Dad has been traveling out west (driving) - Nevada/Cal/Oregon/Washington - and was on his way back to Texas and had a boo-boo this morning.
I got a call from the folks at a Hugo, Colo. Community Hospital and he was in an accident this morning. I talked to the doctor and to my Dad, and he's going to be ok. He was shook up a bit and has some injuries they were treating and then they were sending him on to Denver to another Hospital since they were just a small facility in Hugo. He peeled back the skin on his left arm from his wrist to the elbow and Denver will work on that, and the doctor said he might need skin grafts, but didn't know for sure. Anyway, that's his worst injury and we'll see how that goes.
He hit some black ice and hit the median, rolled it a couple of times and ended up in the opposing lane of traffic, but didn't hit another car. It landed on the wheels tho, and he got out on his own the doctor said. Another car came by and Dad said he was a real nice guy with a cell phone and he called an ambulance.
Anyway, I'll call the hospital in Denver after 1 p.m. Central time to check on him. The doctor said it wouldn't do to call before then due to transit time and all. Well, you can imagine what went through my mind when the lady called and told me he had been in an accident. Thankfully, it's not as bad as my first thought.....whew!
Guess it's time for a cup of coffee. Maybe some Irish coffee, huh?, lol !