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Peter Jennings Blaming North Korean Nuclear Weapons On Bush!!! Ignores Clinton Treaty Fiasco!!!
| Peter Jennings (by ghost writer)
Posted on 10/17/2002 3:29:51 PM PDT by MindBender26
The Bush administration has been thrown a very dangerous, potentially explosive curveball today. What is the president going to do about North Korea's admission that it has been going ahead with efforts to build nuclear weapons.
You can see the potential here. What is the administration going to do about the Koreans even as it insists that it may have to go to war against Iraq for allegedly similar activity? We are looking at this in a variety of ways tonight. How great is the threat, and what does the North Korean leader, Kim Jong Il, hope to achieve by making this announcement now? Especially since he seemed to be making significant overtures toward the outside world in recent weeks.
Faced with such a brazen, unapologetic declaration, why hasn't the Bush administration reacted more aggressively? Is diplomacy a more effective route in this situation, or is there a double standard here, dealing with one state that violates the Bush doctrine on terrorism differently from another?
TOPICS: Business/Economy; Crime/Corruption; Culture/Society; Foreign Affairs; Government; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections
KEYWORDS: axisofevil; clintonlegacy; northkorea; nuclear
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This is the daily email "Jennings' Journal"
A complete absence of any comments about Clinton being suckered into deal in first place and the billions of our dollars that Clinton sent to DPRK to buy them off!!!
And of course, they don't mention probability that DPRK has nucs already, since that would cast more guilt on Clintonistas!!!
To: MindBender26
It's time to purge our networks of Canadians, we got rid of Ashleigh Banfield, now it's time to take care of Peter Jennings.
posted on
10/17/2002 3:31:10 PM PDT
To: MindBender26
Faced with such a brazen, unapologetic declaration, why hasn't the Bush administration reacted more aggressively?I guess Peter expected and hoped the President would launch nuclear missiles this afternoon?
posted on
10/17/2002 3:32:22 PM PDT
Dog Gone
To: MindBender26
what does the North Korean leader, Kim Jong Il, hope to achieve by making this announcement now? Help out his buddy, Saddam, by making things more complicated. And Jennings just joined in "aid to Saddam" as well.
posted on
10/17/2002 3:32:29 PM PDT
To: MindBender26
Peter never ceases to disgust. It must have been his ghost writer that called Rush today.
Memo to Peter: Hey Clymer, the NKs confessed because we confronted them. They volunteered nothing you dishonest piece of Clinton....
posted on
10/17/2002 3:33:01 PM PDT
To: MindBender26

Ashwari, and Terrorist (Murderer of Americans) Arafat:
"You are fools. Jennings is our Palestinian plant.
From our bed to your people. Leave him alone. He does his job for us very very well."
To: MindBender26
I think we're overreacting too early here. The questions are perfectly legitimate, IMHO; it's the way World News Tonight answers the questions that will show their fairness or lack thereof.
posted on
10/17/2002 3:34:52 PM PDT
To: MindBender26
Has anyone thought that maybe, just maybe, Saddam and Kim Jong Il are working together?
To: MindBender26
It would be worth going back to see what he said when Bush rebuffed N. Korea back in early 2001. The press was going nuts over his "cowboy" diplomacy.
Comment #10 Removed by Moderator
To: MindBender26
Hey 'Peterless'.....why don't you shut your yap and run for office if you don't like what you see?
I'm sure some commie/lib can finagle papers saying you were born here.
I guess it's much easier to sit on your @$$ and keep the sheeple mesmerized with your claptrap!
To: MindBender26
Hey I know what we can do!
Lets just ask them to sign a treaty saying that they will stop trying to make nuclear bombs. In return we'll help them make nuclear power plants instead.
Yup, that should do it.
To: MindBender26
Jennings has been on the Opecker, the murdering thugs of Iraq and the killer mullahs of Iran's payroll for decades.
He is just trying to distract our attention from the coming removal of one of his butt buddies, ole Saddam from wasting air.
Hopefully, Eisner and Jennings will continue to drive Disney stock into the ground with more Bravo Sierra like this.
Is he Mike Doonesbury in drag or is it the other way around? Both are POS that should be sent back to Canada.
To: MindBender26
Jennings unwittingly makes the case why the US must take out Saddam before he gets nuclear weapons. Once a country like the DPRK acquires a nuclear capability, our options become more limited and the ability of a counrty like the DPKR to blackmail and intimidate its neighbors increases.
North Korea also has the fourth largest army in the world and is poised to stream across the border into South Korea where 37,000 US troops reside. Jennings should recognize that we don't have a one size fits all response. We can effectively use our military power against Iraq. That is not the case with DPRK which has a formidable conventional and most probably nuclear capability. It has also not invaded two of its neighbors over the last decade or so.
posted on
10/17/2002 3:39:55 PM PDT
To: avg_freeper
Lets just ask them to sign a treaty saying that they will stop trying to make nuclear bombs. In return we'll help them make nuclear power plants instead.Keep this up, and you'll be a shoo-in for the next Nobel Peace Prize!
To: walkingdead
Did you hear RUSH today losing it today (rightfully so) when this type question was posed? Put it in " the best of" category.
posted on
10/17/2002 3:42:21 PM PDT
To: MindBender26
This will play out like Enron. An early breathless rush by the leftist media blaming Bush followed by a constant drip, drip, drip of historical evidence creating a toxic pool of Clinton's DNA.
To: MindBender26
The Bush administration has been thrown a very dangerous, potentially explosive curveball today. What is the president going to do about North Korea's admission that it has been going ahead with efforts to build nuclear weapons. Nice spin, Peter. Try this angle...
The 1994 agreement between No Korea and the clinton administration is an ABJECT FAILURE.
posted on
10/17/2002 3:42:25 PM PDT
To: MindBender26
Peter Jennings is a flipping moron bump
To: Grampa Dave
Comparison -
NK - surrounded by powers Russia, China, Japan, South Korea.
Iraq - neighbors of Iran, Syria, Saudi.
posted on
10/17/2002 3:44:56 PM PDT
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