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Let Freedom Ring: Winning the War of Liberty Over Liberalism
Oregon Magazine ^
| October 1, 2002
| Peggy Whitcomb
Posted on 10/03/2002 12:09:06 AM PDT by WaterDragon
Mark my words: Conservatives will never win the war of ideas in the twenty-first century unless we continue to compete in, and ultimately dominate, the digital arena. And, just as with radio, the groundswell has already begun online."
Talk radio is already dominated by conservatives such as Rush Limbaugh, Larry Elder, Michael Savage, and Sean Hannity himself. Online magazines --, National Review Online, -- and news forums, including Free Republic and, are proliferating. Hannity notes that "these and many other sites are already adding honesty and new ideas to the political conversation....(snip)
For the full article, click here, please.
TOPICS: Business/Economy; Constitution/Conservatism; Crime/Corruption; Culture/Society; Extended News; Foreign Affairs; Government; Miscellaneous; News/Current Events; Philosophy; Politics/Elections; US: Alaska; US: California; US: Idaho; US: Oregon; US: Washington
KEYWORDS: clinton; conservatism; freedom; lefties; power; seanhannity; talkradio
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To: blackie; EBUCK; ex-Texan; Excuse_Me; Physicist; kattracks; rintense; Siegfried; gundog; ...
bump for Sean Hannity!
To: gg188
To: WaterDragon
Bump for a great book. It was WAY too short, though.
To: patriciaruth; rintense; reDublican; marylina; lefty4w; chnsmok; Kath; Wait4Truth; ...
bttt....for liberty...and for dumping the Democrats.
To: WaterDragon
Liberals educate (and indoctrinate) the nation's young from kindergarten through college. Liberals dominate entertainment from MTV to the big screen and their program matter reflects both directly and subliminally biased messages and content.
It's nice we are making gains in the media, but there are two other legs to the Axis........
posted on
10/03/2002 12:35:49 AM PDT
To: WaterDragon
Thanks for the flag. This author has it right; the Internet is changing how politics works. As I mentioned many times before, the concept of the Liberty Tree is renewed with vigor unseen for generations. The free flow of ideas and information is very encouraging to the future of liberty in our country, even in the world.
The current shenanigans taking place in New Jersey is a prime example, if it were up to RatherJenningBrokaw the vast majority of us would know nothing. The situation has changed in the last 10 years, knowledge cannot be suppressed any longer, and more and more people are finding ways become informed and involved.
While our country/culture is in bad shape, I can't help but be optimistic that with a vigorously healthy Liberty Tree that we have a good chance to persevere and even thrive.
posted on
10/03/2002 12:48:41 AM PDT
To: RandallFlagg
Sean didn't write it. He clones Rush's thoughts, and Sean's grammar is horrible. I listen to him because he beats the crap out of the libs. It's too bad Sean never graduated from high school.
To: BulletBrasDotNet
Well, that's something else that Sean and I have in common.
I'm glad I have my radio shows lined up all day so I can breathe the fresh air of Conservatism for nine hours straight --drives the Wife nuts, though. Having to listen to a static-laden talk-radio show every time she comes in the kitchen.
To: WaterDragon
In fact, September 10, 2001, was the first day of national syndication for Sean's radio program, "Hannity and Colmes." Only in Alan Colmes' dreams! Reporters! Even when they say nice things about Conservatives, they can't get their facts straight!
To: SubMareener
That was wrong? But September 10, 2001 was the program's first day of syndication?
To: WaterDragon
I remember that from his first chapter. I doubt he's making it up.
---Monday, September 10, 2001. That's the day my radio show became nationally syndicated. ---
To: WaterDragon
Alan Colmes is not on the radio with Sean! "Hannity and Colmes" is the name of the TV show on Fox News Channel.
To: WaterDragon; All
We on the right/Libertarian side are engaged in an "information war" with the Left- one where they have enjoyed the great advantage of having about 90% of the news and entertainment industry on their side for easily the last 30 years.
The 'net, working in hand with talk radio, is slowly changing this scenario as more and more ordinary people are starting to see "the rest of the story."
If the media doesn't like a story, they simply won't talk about it- or will mention it once, them forever dismiss attempts to bring it back up as "old news, we already covered that, nobody's interested in it anymore..."
One key to winning the info wars is simply getting people to be better informed and more skeptical of pre-digested news and opinion, and to give them tools for finding their own news, rather than passively absorbing it from the TV set.
What happened last Spring
( during the "Presidential Picture" and "What did Bush Know? And when did he know it?" attempts at scandal-mongering... )
was a fascinating study in the power and potential of the "new media"- an alliance of the web and talk radio...
I read most of the stories here on Free Republic and logged off to take my wife to work. As we were driving in, the callers to talk radio started coming up, and relaying information, stories, and refutations to "The President Knew!" that had to have come off the web.
By lunchtime, the flow had picked up drastically, and callers were showing more & more indignation- at the clinton's corrupt reign, at the media, and at the spin being peddled.
By late afternoon, the flow became a torrent of righteous anger and indignation.
It was a wonderful thing to behold, and you have to wonder that had it existed 10 years ago, a lot of really bad stuff would have died a-borning...
posted on
10/03/2002 2:43:19 AM PDT
To: WaterDragon
To: SubMareener
Thanks for that correction.
To: RandallFlagg
I went and voted. It sure was a no-brainer!
To: umgud
It's nice we are making gains in the media, but there are two other legs to the Axis........ It's all for nothing if we can't restrain centuries of judicial excess, of which yesterday's corrupt New Jersey sideshow was but one small example.
posted on
10/03/2002 7:20:11 AM PDT
To: BulletBrasDotNet
Sean's grammar is horrible.Yes it is but his heart is in the right place.
posted on
10/03/2002 7:43:41 AM PDT
To: WaterDragon
Thanks for the ping, WaterDragon. Great article. Sean's book sounds great, and his beliefs are on target. In the Chicago area he is on WLS TalkRadio every week night, and I've got to remind myself to start listening to him. Thanks for providing more background on this liberty-loving man.
BUMP for Hannity!
posted on
10/03/2002 10:19:04 AM PDT
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