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Dems Fume as Al Qaeda Cell Political Ties Revealed ^
| 9/16/02
| Carl Limbacher
Posted on 09/16/2002 6:10:57 AM PDT by truthandlife
Democratic Party insiders are said to be furious over published reports identifying the five al Qaeda cell members arrested over the weekend in Lackawanna, New York as registered Democrats.
Sunday's Buffalo News initially revealed the inconvenient detail, noting first that "members of Lackawanna's Yemeni community describe the five arrested men as 'all-American.'"
"They include a telemarketer, a used car salesman and a former high school soccer star who was named friendliest in his class. Four are married, and three have children. All are registered voters Democrats," announced USA Today on Monday, picking up the News report.
News of the al Qaeda cell's political affiliation can only exacerbate the party's already growing image as being soft on terrorism. Monday morning, for instance, noting that the Lackawanna five will be unable to go to the polls in the future, WABC Radio's Curtis Sliwa joked, "There's five less votes for Hillary Clinton."
Some Republicans see the "Al Qaeda were Democrats" reports as poetic justice.
Over the years, Democratic Party spinmeisters and their liberal media friends have repeatedly attempted to make hay over the political ties of domestic terrorists like Timothy McVeigh, whom President Clinton once tried to tie to conservative radio talker Rush Limbaugh.
TOPICS: Breaking News
KEYWORDS: alqaeda; alqaedacrats; democrats
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To: ET(end tyranny)
Agreed. I have a friend who lot his mechanic job with Continental in the weeks following the attacks. The airlines are still hurting.
There are different factors at work on our economy and 9/11 certainly has slowed things down.
posted on
09/16/2002 12:48:34 PM PDT
To: AmericanInTokyo
New GOP Campaign ad:
"5 out of 5 terrorists choose to vote Democrat.
Kind of makes you wonder who you will vote for, doesn't it." :)
To: anymouse
of course, Ill have to add my own DNC slogan
To: truthandlife
I want to see a TV ad showing each one of these model citizens staring into the lens and telling us "I am an American..."
posted on
09/16/2002 12:59:01 PM PDT
To: anymouse
Too bad the arrest wasn't made just before the elections! lol I suppose people 'could' try to keep it in the people's minds until then.
To: truthandlife
News of the al Qaeda cell's political affiliation can only exacerbate the party's already growing image as being soft on terrorism.The truth hurts.
posted on
09/16/2002 1:00:19 PM PDT
To: AndrewC
.... the party of terror... and terrorism... and terrorists... and dead voters...
fellow travelors who ALL hate America... vote democrat
To: weegee
"I see a new PR campaign (along the lines of the "I'm an American" spot) where each of these men stands before the camera, states his name (with his mugshot) and says, 'I'm a Democrat'."GREAT IDEA BUMP!
To: ppaul
They include a telemarketer... Another form of
To: weegee
"The only acceptable posts appear to be patting the original poster on the back. That and animated signature gifs."Oh...thank you, that might help...while I guess I'm up to enough verbal gymnastics to appear to be patting the original poster on the back, those compulsory, animated signature gifs, which seem to be a necessity to prove a poster's "coolness"....MAKE ME WANNA GAG.
To: truthandlife; 11B3; AmericanInTokyo; rdb3; Illbay
To: cake_crumb
You might enjoy the link on post #231.
To: anymouse
5 out of 5 terrorists choose to vote Democrat. Add your suggested motto to the link on post 231.
To: smith288
Great banner! Can you add it to the link in post #231?
To: cake_crumb
Because of DUhs heavy use of those animated signatures, it makes me suspicious of the leanings of the occasional FR disrupter or even of posters on non-political web forums.
posted on
09/16/2002 1:26:23 PM PDT
I WONDER WHAT "KITCHEN TABLE" ISSUES THESE PERPS WERE MOST INTERESTED IN! Lackawanna Democrats Kitchen Table issues "AK-47s, pipebombs, nail bombs, boxcutters, anthrax"
To: truthandlife
The Demislamic Party?
To: cake_crumb
"those compulsory, animated signature gifs, which seem to be a necessity to prove a poster's "coolness"....MAKE ME WANNA GAG." Oh, you mean like this? LOL!
To: JeepInMazar
No, its locked. :( oh well
To: MeeknMing
"There's SIX less votes for HRC." Guess the five ratted on number six. I wonder what illustrious career number six had - maybe six was on welfare.
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