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1 posted on 09/03/2002 5:34:41 AM PDT by RHOACO
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Ugh, must keep blood pressure down.
2 posted on 09/03/2002 5:40:01 AM PDT by freedomson
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The "tolerance" of Islamic countries:

Saudia Arabia - Conversion by a Muslim to another religion is punishable by death. Bibles are illegal.

Yemen - Bans proselytizing by non-Muslims and forbids conversions. The Government does not allow the building of new non-Muslim places of worship

Kuwait - Registration and licensing of religious groups. Members of religions not sanctioned in the Koran may not build places of worship. Prohibits organized religious education for religions other than Islam

Egypt -Islam is the official state religion and primary source of legislation. Accordingly, religious practices that conflict with Islamic law are prohibited. Muslims may face legal problems if they convert to another faith. Requires non-Muslims to obtain what is now a presidential decree to build a place of worship

Alergia - The law prohibits public assembly for purposes of practicing a faith other than Islam. Non-Islamic proselytizing is illegal, and the Government restricts the importation of non-Islamic literature for widespread distribution.

(All information is from US State Department Human Rights Reports)

3 posted on 09/03/2002 5:41:36 AM PDT by 2banana
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I thought the role of the State Department was to handle foreign policy
The role of the State Department is to serve as a toady for foreign governments and their interests.


”Guns Before Butter.”

4 posted on 09/03/2002 5:42:28 AM PDT by End Times Sentinel
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I mean, isn’t the State Department on our side – not theirs?

It was the Halfbright-led State Department that promoted the demonization of, sanctions against, and the bombing of Christian Serbs to benefit jihadists bent on the takeover of more and more parts of Europe!!!!

Even with a new Secretary of State, there are all too many "Arabist" islamic dupes and shills still left in the State Department!!!! And even the new Administration spreads that malarkey about "the religion of peace"!!!!

12 posted on 09/03/2002 6:20:26 AM PDT by Honorary Serb
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Thanks for the post.

I hope this gets widespread media attention. I think the US State Department is one of our greatest enemies. It has become utterly subversive and filled with America-haters working in every way they possibly can to destroy us.

15 posted on 09/03/2002 6:24:00 AM PDT by Lion's Cub
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To: RHOACO; monkeyshine; ipaq2000; Lent; veronica; Sabramerican; beowolf; Nachum; BenF; angelo; ...
THIS SUCKS!!!!! What is it with our stinking State Department? Full of damn leftists who undermine America.
23 posted on 09/03/2002 6:41:43 AM PDT by dennisw
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Go here. Click on Advanced Search. On the page that leads you to enter the word "Islamic" in the "keyword(s)" field then your state in the state field. For example, entering "Islamic" and California will yield 175 "hits".

These are the Islamic "nonprofits". There are 1166 on Guidestar (countrwide). Which means that your tax dollars subsidize their operations. They pay no taxes, their mailings costs are reduced, etc. The same thing applies to other "religions" in the US. But I'm not aware of the Baptists (16255 hits countrywide) or the Methodists (2751 hits countrywide) or or the Catholics (8995) or any other "religion" expousing the death of this country as we know it and the overthrow of our gov't. Which also means the death of the other religions in this country. That's one of the "rubs" about Islam in America. It demands that there be no religious freedom. Only Islam.

Islam is anti-American. It's very nature and construct is totally converse to what this country was founded on. Some say Islam is evil. Well, maybe. But it's more than a religion. It's fascist to it's own "followers" and thugish to those that don't follow it.

Islam wants us all to bend our knees to Islam. It is not built for anything else. And since it sees not difference between "religion", "laws" and "politics" it's intent is the overthrow of the current US gov't. And that's us.

9/11 was a big mistake on their part. Many of us now see Islam for what it is. Count me out.

24 posted on 09/03/2002 6:45:09 AM PDT by isthisnickcool
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"Repeating: Weird"


TXnMA (No Longer!!!)

28 posted on 09/03/2002 6:53:17 AM PDT by TXnMA
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Right now, 10 members of the Royal Saudi Department of Islamic Education are on a three-week tour of the United States visiting mosques and making public appearances to promote Islam and seek converts.

Paid for by the U.S. State Department.

Question for President Bush, Do happen to have a spare Tomahawk I can borrow?

And just where is the ACLU and People for the American Way?
Sounds to me like what we have here is a violation of the seperation of church and state. That is unless the state dept. is going to sponsor a trip by the Vatican or the Metropolitian Bishop of Moscow.
32 posted on 09/03/2002 7:05:30 AM PDT by Valin
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I think what may be being over looked here is the role Islam may play in the last days. Bush has spoken often of how radicals "highjacked" the peaceful Islam religion. The truth is Islam "highjacked" the Torah and Satanically twisted it, rewrote it, and placed their twisted concoction the Quran forward as the ultimate word of God.

Their god, is Satan, the father of lies, and they do as their father does, lie with regularity and impunity and defend their lie to the death, or until the first opportunity to run away in battle. Palestinians have no concept of truth, no Arab nation does. Truth has no place in their cultures. Truth is losing it's place and value in our culture, so Islam may really begin to flourish world wide.

Here is something to ponder, it is interesting that the punishment for Christians eventually, is beheading for their testimony of Jesus. I find it interesting that this type of capital punishment is common in Muslim nations.

Here is something else to ponder:
2 Th 27: "For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way. 8 And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: 9 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, 10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: 12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness."

We live in interesting times, and it is very interesting that Islam is being pushed forward by a government that is not suppose to "establish" a religion. Yet this government, some public schools, and colleges, appears to be throwing out the money to do just that under the guise, the deception, of "understanding" Islam, and it is interesting that this is springing also from Powell's State Dept.

You think Liberals are weird now? Imagine living in a world where most of the population of earth is deluded and mentally unstable. Christians that study the word of God don't doubt for a moment that the people of the Earth are headed for a strong delusion eventually. Is it Islam? I guess we will find that out sooner or later also. It certainly fits many of the qualifications.

34 posted on 09/03/2002 7:12:27 AM PDT by MissAmericanPie
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you might just be from good 'ol rottenchester ny?

am i right? i'd also like to see bob L. pick up on this one:

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38 posted on 09/03/2002 7:28:20 AM PDT by bandlength
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The US Department of State, along with other US agencies and departments, needs to be completely torn down and rebuilt on a much smaller scale. All government needs to be bulldozed and the lifers who lurk within the corridors need to find suitable work. Most a suited to carrying out the garbage or flipping burgers at McDonald's. They'd have a tough time finding meaningful employment in basic industry here as our basic industries are now grinding out product in foreign lands.
41 posted on 09/03/2002 7:59:11 AM PDT by elcaudillo
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Bump for later
46 posted on 09/03/2002 12:00:43 PM PDT by multitaskmom
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This post makes it abundantly CLEAR we need to return to our Libertarian roots.

48 posted on 09/03/2002 5:49:52 PM PDT by HarryArmpitch
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I mean, isn’t the State Department on our side – not theirs?

You need to understand how the state department selects these geniuses.

62 posted on 09/07/2002 6:08:39 AM PDT by Vigilanteman
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