I can introduce you to a dozen or more smokers who would enjoy the right to one untroubled breath, but it's denied to them. And please don't try to tell me smoking doesn't cause cancer, emphysema and other COPD's. Even the tobacco companies know that.
We smokers DO live to enjoy life! Coffee and cigarettes ENHANCE my quality of life, as do most smokers. Why else would we be scurrying to buy off the internet, the Reservations and rolling our own to avoid the out-of-site taxes? And why do you think it's any of your business?
My Grandmother smoked three packs of unfiltered Camels a day and lived to be 86! She died from old age! Why do you think that by just being a smoker a person is going to die a short and horrible death? Are you under the concept that if people didn't smoke, they would live forever? I am sorry, but Life Is TERMINAL.
Spend as much time as I have in oncology clinics and you may have a different perspective.
Hey! I have! TWICE! Twice I had cancer and went through chemo therapy. TWICE I had two major surgeries! I had two teams of Doctors BOTH times, and they ask me how much I smoked. Both teams told me that my cancer was NOT caused by smoking. How about THAT?
A lot of people are pre-disposed for the cancer gene. And a lot of people are not. Smoke or not, cancer will get you if it's in your body.
I have been smoking for over 35 years. I go to my Doctor once a year for a check-up and my lungs are clear as a bell. How do you explain that. I am sorry you have had friends or family that have suffered and/or died from cancer from smoking. But that is not the case with ALL of us.
We never disputed that smoking will cause cancer in some people, do tell where does all the other cancers come from, if you were to go on any cancer related site, you will find list and list of other cancer causing products...... food, water and the air we breathe even outside tops the list, smoking is a very small component of all our ills.
So I presume you'd be in favor of heavier taxes on alcohol, junk food, fast cars (especially for teens) and the like?