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ACLU Sues Over Evolution Disclaimers in Textbooks
Fox News ^ | 8/22/02

Posted on 08/22/2002 1:35:22 PM PDT by marshmallow

Edited on 04/22/2004 12:34:30 AM PDT by Jim Robinson. [history]


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The ACLU's war against public expression of religious faith continues.
1 posted on 08/22/2002 1:35:22 PM PDT by marshmallow
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To: marshmallow
Evolution is a philosophy of science and not true science at all.
2 posted on 08/22/2002 1:41:19 PM PDT by LiteKeeper
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To: marshmallow
Evolution makes human government the highest moral authority to which man is accountable. The statists and communists love evolution.
3 posted on 08/22/2002 1:45:21 PM PDT by CWRWinger
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To: marshmallow
Thank you for posting this article. This will be one of the four cases that I profile in my monthly column entitled "ACLU Watch," which discusses the cases in the Supreme Court and elsewhere, as the ACLU continues its legal war against the beliefs and values of a vast majority of Americans.

Congressman Billybob

Click for latest column: "The Truth of a Gravel Road."

Click for latest book: "to Restore Trust in America"

4 posted on 08/22/2002 1:52:18 PM PDT by Congressman Billybob
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To: Congressman Billybob
It takes an ever increasing number of laws to replace the 10 Commandments...and grace through God. It's smart business for the lawyers to encourage lawlessness, chaos, evil and destruction. Good for business, bad for civilization.

"Love thy neighbor" alone would rid us of most of the lawyers and lawsuits...and Democrats. (^:

5 posted on 08/22/2002 2:13:12 PM PDT by Ragtime Cowgirl
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To: marshmallow
As a person of faith (I'm Catholic) I don't have a problem with the biological theories of evolution (which includes Darwinism). It's also not the duty of the public schools to prop up the religious beliefs of some students. Public schools are already propaganda mills for all sorts of "ism's" why add "Biblical Literalism" to them.

Also, the disclaimers are wrong . Evolution is a fact and also a body of theories.
6 posted on 08/22/2002 2:15:33 PM PDT by Varda
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To: marshmallow
"The stickers, placed in new science books this month after requests from parents opposed to evolution on religious grounds, say evolution is a theory, not fact, and should be critically considered."

I don't see where religion is referenced in any way by the sticker, unless there is more on the sticker than the story indicates.
This is a real stretch for the ACLU and I hope they get a day in a sane court.

7 posted on 08/22/2002 2:20:00 PM PDT by Abcdefg
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To: marshmallow
The ACLU makes me sick.
8 posted on 08/22/2002 2:30:11 PM PDT by Texas_Jarhead
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To: Texas_Jarhead
In order for them to prevail legally in this lawsuit, wouldn't the ACLU have to PROVE in open court that evolution is true?

If so, they are doomed to failure because A) it is not, therefore B) they can't prove it. Creationists win debate after debate against evos. If they each put experts on the witness stand, the evos will be torn to shreds, as they always are when they actually have to answer for the miriad holes in their theory.

This lawsuit may be the best thing that ever happened to Creationists, because if the ACLU loses, it will open the floodgates nation-wide for the truth to be allowed back into our schools. (Imagine that!)

9 posted on 08/22/2002 2:38:55 PM PDT by berned
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To: berned; medved
To: Dimensio
As I see it, evolution is an ideological doctrine. If it were only a "scientific theory", it would have died a natural death 50 - 70 years ago; the evidence against it is too overwhelming and has been all along. The people defending it are doing so because they do not like the alternatives to an atheistic basis for science and do not like the logical implications of abandoning their atheistic paradigm and, in conducting themselves that way, they have achieved a degree of immunity to what most people call logic.

488 posted on 7/29/02 5:18 AM Pacific by medved

10 posted on 08/22/2002 2:44:10 PM PDT by f.Christian
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To: marshmallow
Creationism can't survive as a scientific theory because there is no theory and no science.

Bring God back to school in religion class and the problem is solved.

11 posted on 08/22/2002 2:45:28 PM PDT by <1/1,000,000th%
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To: Abcdefg
I don't see where religion is referenced in any way by the sticker, unless there is more on the sticker than the story indicates.

Why single out evolution, and not add, say, the theory of gravitation? Why not put the disclaimer on all scientific theories? I'm sorry, but there's no doubt but that this was done by religious fundamentalists to promote their take on religion.

12 posted on 08/22/2002 2:49:19 PM PDT by andy_card
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To: <1/1,000,000th%
Science/creation is laws/design...evolution is fraud--theft--SCHLOCK!


Originally the word liberal meant social conservatives(no govt religion--none) who advocated growth and progress---mostly technological(knowledge being absolute/unchanging)based on law--reality... UNDER GOD---the nature of GOD/man/govt. does not change. These were the Classical liberals...founding fathers-PRINCIPLES---stable/SANE scientific reality/society---industrial progress...moral/social character-values(private/personal) GROWTH(limited NON-intrusive PC Govt/religion---schools)!



13 posted on 08/22/2002 2:50:35 PM PDT by f.Christian
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To: berned
If so, they are doomed to failure because A) it is not, therefore B) they can't prove it. Creationists win debate after debate against evos. If they each put experts on the witness stand, the evos will be torn to shreds, as they always are when they actually have to answer for the miriad holes in their theory.

Actually the IDer's win more of the arguments as creationists get stuck on the young earth explanations. I think the young earth creationism is more difficult to debate since it rests on faith more than provable fact. The same can be said to a degree of evolution but not so much as young earth creationism. I am not asking fo flames here since all can agree that it is based on faith we believe the Lord created this Earth in 6 days, created Adam and Eve, saved the entire animal population through Noah and of course sent His Son to save our souls. All these seem to be bizarre fairy tales without the faith behind them. Which makes it more difficult to teach as fact in a science class.

ID, even if it is just a stalking horse theory of creationism, has a much better chance of some discussion(I doubt it would ever get equal time) in public schools.

This lawsuit may be the best thing that ever happened to Creationists, because if the ACLU loses, it will open the floodgates nation-wide for the truth to be allowed back into our schools. (Imagine that!)

I have no problem whatsoever with the label as stated and don't see the logic(okay it's a stretch for them anyway) the ACLU is using.

14 posted on 08/22/2002 2:54:09 PM PDT by amused
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To: f.Christian
Out of curiosity, have you found a publisher for The Schlockological Nature of Being yet? I'd be interested in reading it. Especially the part about how Schlock/Evolution/Atheism--Satanism relates to the objects of consciousness.
15 posted on 08/22/2002 2:58:11 PM PDT by andy_card
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To: Ragtime Cowgirl
Thanks for your comment. I agree with you about the Ten Commandments ridding the world of most laywers, if applied. In my latest book, second link below, my coauthor and I actually offer six "not-so-novel" rules to clean up American culture.

The six rules are Commandments 4 through 10. We skipped the first four because they are "purely religous," whereas all the others apply equally well in a secular setting.

Congressman Billybob

Click for latest column: "The Truth of a Gravel Road."

Click for latest book: "to Restore Trust in America"

16 posted on 08/22/2002 2:59:08 PM PDT by Congressman Billybob
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To: f.Christian
But only because you're looking at evolution as being something more than any sensible, God-fearing biologist, would describe it as. I understand that a lot of atheists and other hanger's-on would claim an evolutionary basis for some socialist scheme, but that's not what evolutionary theory is.

If evolution is just a theory that orders observations in nature, its no different than Newton's laws or Maxwell's Electromagnetic theory.

My point is that Creationism is not science and trying to shove it in schools as science is wrong. Let's make a stand and say that God belongs in school and allow Bible studies or religion classes or whatever we want to call it.

(It makes no sense to pick on biologists anyway because they're too geeky to know what to do or to defend themselves.)

17 posted on 08/22/2002 2:59:51 PM PDT by <1/1,000,000th%
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To: marshmallow
""It singles out evolution from all the scientific theories out there," Selman said. "Why single out evolution? It has to be coming from a religious basis, and that violates the separation of church and state."

Talk about an illogical leap to a faulty conclusion. It just might be scientifically correct to say evolution is a theory, not a fact.

18 posted on 08/22/2002 3:03:16 PM PDT by NetValue
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To: PatrickHenry; VadeRetro; RadioAstronomer; Scully; Piltdown_Woman; Junior; Gumlegs; balrog666; ...
Isn't arithmetic just a theory... lets let them teach Numerology, too....

Isn't Astronomy just a theory... lets let them teach Astrology, too....

Isn't Plate Techtonics just a theory... lets let them teach Flat Earth Theory, too....

Isn't Atomic Theory of Matter just a theory... lets let them teach Phlogiston Theory, too....

19 posted on 08/22/2002 3:04:49 PM PDT by longshadow
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To: marshmallow
The stickers, placed in new science books this month after requests from parents opposed to evolution on religious grounds, say evolution is a theory, not fact, and should be critically considered.

That's not enough of a disclaimer. The disclaimer should read:

Evolutionism is a corrupt ideological doctrine. Belief in corrupt ideological doctrines has been shown to lower IQ in school-age children.

Some useful references:

Major Scientific Problems with Evolution

EvolUSham dot Com

EvolUSham dot Com

Many Experts Quoted on FUBAR State of Evolution

The All-Time, Ultimate Evolution Quote

"If a person doesn't think that there is a God to be accountable to, then what's the point of trying to modify your behavior to keep it within acceptable ranges? That's how I thought anyway. I always believed the theory of evolution as truth, that we all came from slime. When we died, you know , that was it, there is nothing..."

Jeffrey Dahmer, noted Evolutionist

Social Darwinism, Naziism, Communism, Darwinism Roots etc.

Creation and Intelligent Design Links

Evolutionist Censorship Etc.


Big Bang, Electric Sun, Plasma Physics and Cosmology Etc.

Finding Cities in all the Wrong Places

Given standard theories wrt the history of our solar system and our own planet, nobody should be finding cities and villages on Mars, 2100 feet beneath the waves off Cuba, or buried under two miles of Antarctic ice.

Intelligent Versions of Biogenesis etc. Realities

Whole books online

20 posted on 08/22/2002 3:05:17 PM PDT by medved
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