"If you don't like Ann, STAY the H3LL off of Ann threads, you freaking MORON!" <---- I never said I did not like her. I questioned why others, such as yourself, worship her slaveringly. Is the name calling really necessary? Is it also necessary to blank out hell? You calling me names is worse than saying or writing hell. And if you're going to use the f-word, go for the gold. This is a discussion board. I can make points if I want to. If you want to start the Ann Coulter fan club, be my guest, but Free Republic probably isn't the best place for it.
"Get a CLUE already!" <--- Huh?
"Who is it that keeps letting nadler back on FR?" <-- Huh?
How can you be so angry with a name like "Peace be with You"? It sounds like you don't have any peace yourself from the tone of your post. How can you give any to others?
If you want to offer any serious counter-arguments (without the silly name calling) to my positions, I'll be right here.
I thought FR WAS the Ann Coulter fan club.
Some folks find "hell" to be offensive, while it isn't actually profane. I havn't found anyone till now that found h3ll to be until now, so I will use heck from now on, or until some other moron finds it offensive.;-)
You obviously missed the humor in my post, the same way all lieberals miss humor. Your tlaking point attack of Ann had me wondering, your inability to get humor strenthens my suspicion.
Don't expect to get off scott free when you show up on conservative discussion board on a thread about Coulter, or any other conservative freedom fighter - that endlessly fights the good fight - to slander them with some trivial or meaningless observation of yours or some other moron.
I would like Ann or any other conservative if they were 500 pound gorillas, if they used their platforms to say what every conservative in America wishes someone, anyone would say. It just so happens that most conservatives don't fit the 500 gorilla profile and are, like Ann, easy on the eyes.
If you don't like Ann, for whatever reason, that's fine, stay away, grow a thicker skin, or get some real criticism - not the lieberal talking point attacks you regurgitated earlier - cause we won't put up with your insipid sniping slander of her, or any other freedom fighter here.
BTW:In case you missed it, this is a Conservative disscussion board. I'm still not angry yet, but I do smell a rat. :-)