Really...well if the majority of society, or at least the people with the guns, believe that you're a problem, then you probably will get killed. However, if the majority of society holds the Christian belief of respect for life, then I suppose you'd be in a better position, wouldn't you.
I mean, how do all you atheists stand living in a society that is 85% Christian? All that charitable giving, all that moral self-policing, the peace, the tranquility? How do you stand it?
Pretty much what I said about a society based in liberty. Initiating force is the root of the problem. Restrain the initiators of force. Others can live in peace. It took Christians like yourself a long time to learn that. Many still have a problem with it.
Sorry to butt in, but you commit the age-old fallacy of mixing up amorality and atheism. Many atheists are highly moral. I know I am (though you're free to argue that my morality is bunk). And as for charitable giving, I gave $475,000 to favorite charities last year, although I don't consider that to be an especially moral action. Moral atheists do what we feel is right, not what we've been ordered to do by an angry Lord.
My dear, sweet child, I'm not an atheist. I am a Roman Catholic.