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To: HumanaeVitae
I mean, how do all you atheists stand living in a society that is 85% Christian? All that charitable giving, all that moral self-policing, the peace, the tranquility? How do you stand it?

Sorry to butt in, but you commit the age-old fallacy of mixing up amorality and atheism. Many atheists are highly moral. I know I am (though you're free to argue that my morality is bunk). And as for charitable giving, I gave $475,000 to favorite charities last year, although I don't consider that to be an especially moral action. Moral atheists do what we feel is right, not what we've been ordered to do by an angry Lord.

237 posted on 08/12/2002 4:21:07 PM PDT by andy_card
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To: andy_card
angry Lord

And now we learn.......

238 posted on 08/12/2002 4:23:06 PM PDT by CyberCowboy777
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To: andy_card
Witch hunters/vetters today are the liberals...

"living/morphing constitutionalists---

EVO science/RELIGION!!

Look at Ashcroft/Bork/Thomas---TEST--gauntlet for office!

"Pulling it all together, what we have right here in our own country are all of the ingredients necessary for a totalitarian police state. We have a federal government that nobody in his right mind would trust, which lies to us incessantly, uses illegal force against its citizens with impunity, and collaborates with totalitarian dictators under cover of a massive propaganda campaign conducted by our supposedly free press."

"Our major information media are dominated by closet totalitarians who pay lip service to democracy while... covertly promoting---the interests of communist despots."

"The political opposition is made up largely of cowards who are so intimidated by our totalitarian propaganda media they are unable to offer effective resistance to even the most egregious violations of civil liberties by the corrupt Clinton regime. They have become, in the fullest sense of the term, Weimar Republicans. And finally, we have that which makes it all possible, a listless, docile, dumbed-down public who gape mindlessly at all of the above phenomena without the slightest glimmer of comprehension, and prattle the latest propaganda cliches dumped into their empty heads by the mainstream media."

"The Elian affair has truly given us a glimpse into the abyss of tyranny. The message that comes through loud and clear is that the system isn't working. The question that remains to be answered is whether we still possess the intelligence and fortitude necessary to fix it."

Edward Zehr(deceased...nov2001) can(not) be reached at

Published in the May. 22, 2000 issue of The Washington Weekly(defunct)

Copyright 2000 The Washington Weekly.

Now Free Access to All Stories at

EVO FR taliban!

240 posted on 08/12/2002 4:29:11 PM PDT by f.Christian
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