Posted on 07/30/2002 11:03:03 PM PDT by Mudboy Slim
(To be sung to Hank Williams, Jr.'s version of his daddy's song, "KAW-LIGA!!")
McAuliffe is a two-bit minion grovellin' fer RAT's Whores!!
He sold his Soul to Ol' Slick Willie...sold Chi-Coms OUR Guns of War!!
MAC-AULIFFE!! OOOOOOOOOHHH!! Grinnin' there as if Right doesn't know...
FReepers demand gotta go!!
T-Mac always wore his pin-striped suits and pissed good folks off a lot...
That Traitor stole from Union folks and smoked way too much pot!!
MAC-AULIFFE!!! OOOOOOOHHH!!! Too corrupt to ever do what's Right...
Because yer heart is stained from constant lyin'!!
IN-DICT McAuliffe...Equal Justice demands this!!
CON-VICT McAuliffe...'Tis in Prison he shall live!!
Is it any wonder that Slick's face is red...
McAuliffe, yer Party's good as dead!!
McAuliffe is a lowly minion...Sheeple just don't care.
His fate is fixed to the Clinton Traitors but the Voters ain't aware!!
MAC-AULIFFE!!! OOOOOOOOOOHHH!! In yer trial evidence'll grow...
Right'll make sure, then, the Sheeple know.
Then one day that Winnick shyster bought the Indian maid
And took her, oh, so far away, but young McAuliffe stayed
MAC-AULIFFE!! OOOOOOOOOHHH!! Punk stole from Winnick's Global Crossing...
And wishes he was still McLowlife's Scheme.
IN-DICT MAC-AULIFFE!! Equal Justice demands this!!
CON-VICT MAC-AULIFFE!! In a prison cell he shall live!!
Is it any wonder that Left's face is red...
MAC-AULIFFE...RAT Party's good as dead!!!
Mudboy Slim
"Black I"
"Black II"
"Black III"
"Black IV"
"Black V"
"Black VI"
"Black VII"
"Black VIII"
T-Mac's Sordid Past...and Present.
McLowlife's "Global Crossing Scandal"
Anybody else out there got Terry McAuliffe's Home Address on their Rolodex?!
Let's Roll...MUD
"If you go back and look at the Clinton years, Hillary devised all the strategy that landed them in trouble with Paula Jones. She embroiled them in all of the lawsuits. I mean, she's stupid - politically stupid! Somebody has to say it. I mean, this speech is an example of her blowing away her Democrat rivals? You know, if she had blown away her husband, the legacy might be different today. But she didn't."
LOL and FReegards...MUD
Two Libs strolled in from the rainy Autumn night...
The sky above...and the mud below...
They walked into Ol' Mudboy's Bar...they were DemonRATS by site...
Big Guy's above...but there's MUD below...
They flashed their Guv'ment Credit Card...
"You'll pay, Slim!!" Slick Willie charged!
Ol' Mudboy slams their liquor down...
Dem Lib'rals start to drinkin'...
Their souls were Void and Black...they FED on Voter's FEARS!!
The Sky above...and Ol' MUD below...
Two Lib'rals oh-so-Powerful...rumor wuz them boyz were queer...
Their LIES disturbed Good Ol' Mudboy so!!
Then JimRob FReeped in, "That beats all...
Slick's "WANTED" poster's on Slim's wall...
Bill Clinton and McAuliffe...
TRAITORS from the White House!!"
Now them Lib'rals they were Chi-Com Whores...National Security they attacked!!
They're LYIN' SCUM!! Tell 'em MUD said so!!
They prance amongst their Medyuh Bores..."Gravitas" them Leftists lack...
Good Lord's Ol' MUD below!!
At Mount Carmel near WacoTown...thuggish Slick BLITZKRIEGED that Compound...
Two dozen children's deathly howls...
One FACT...the Left's avoided!!
Now Ol' Mudboy was a FReeper...whose known Slick's a DISGRACE!!
Slick's LYIN' SCUM...tell'im MUD said so!!
He owned that Bar and a memory...Medyuh Whore'd could not erase!!
Lord's high Ol' MUD below!!
Yeah, Mudboy he could FReep in verse...
The Culture War Right SHALL reverse...
MUD's a Patriot, folks, the Left he'd CURSE...
One man you did not anger!!!
Lord's high MUD below...
Remove Slick's stain...RE-IMPEACH the 'HO!!
Two Lib'rals who did not know...
How much Slim loves this Nation!!
Slick Willie, he's the bold one...MUD inquired about his "quirks"...
"You'll fry," said Bill, "'cuz I run this show!!"
T-Mac said, "Mudboy, we RAPE Sheeple...'cuz they're helpless twirps...
We're LYIN' SCUM...but OUR Base don't know!!
Slim, $18 Million I did snake...
From Global Crossings' clueless skanks!!
Boy, read the polls, Ol' Dubyuh's tanked...
Big Guv'ment's on a roll!!!"
Well, these DemonRATS they wuz IGNORANT...they didn't know who Mudboy wuz...
Good Lord's Ol' MUD below.
That FReeper's face grew darker...folks, MUD measured every word...
The sky above...and the mud below...
"You Commie-Pinko sons of bitches...
Feel my wrath, you TREAS'NOUS Wretches...
Yer Free Days are a dwindlin'!!!"
Slick Willie ABUSED the I.R.S. ...Bill's tryin' to take OUR Guns...
Slick's spies were called....they attacked Dubyuh!!
Too late 'cuz MUD had a groooovy sound...and a flamin' writin' pen...
Lord's high above...we got MUD below!!
Slick called his Leftist Minions near...
MUD's just grinnin' EAR-TO-EAR!!! )=^D
Said, "Court's in Session...hear ye, hear...
You're all done Presidin'!!!"
Well, T-Mac's Trial commenced and folks did sing...Bill's denials were a JOKE!!
You LIE with forfeit yer soul!!
MUD said, "We'll cut Big Guv'ment, boys...we'll cut taxes fer ALL good folks!!
Slick's LYIN' SCUM...and the Left MUST know!!
The Constitution it says somewhere...Crimes are Crimes...Justice Don't Care...
Covet not thy Neighbor's Share...
That's why we fought the Revolution!!"
Now that ol' Times-Dispatch headline...hangs framed on Mudboy's Wall...
"Clinton DETHRONED...Lib'rals DESTROYED at Polls!!"
Next to MUD's "Reagan Portrait"...Dutch points Rightward from a horse...
Blue skies above...sure do miss him so.
Folks, Dem twisted Lib'rals must be whacked...
Our Country's SOUL, Left has attacked...
Slick's TYRANNY Right SHALL retract...
Bill shouldda stuck to Guv'nin'!!
Blue skies above...clear stream below...
The Lib'rals' damnear o'er!!
The Clinton Curse has been DETHRONED!!
We celebrate Truth's New Mornin'!!!
MUD (9/25/00)'s time to Make Yer Stand!! Please join your fellow Patriots in Washington, DeeCee on the ??? of October 2002!! It promises to be a day none of us will ever forget!!
1 Posted on 09/25/2000 09:43:19 PDT by Mudboy Slim (Sic Semper Tyrannis)
"I spent more than twenty years studying fascism, and all that time I kept asking myself how the democratic countries of the West could have been so blind, and how they could have been so totally unprepared for Hitler's war. After all, he had written Mein Kampf, which pretty much laid it all out. Once in power, he set about arming the country, making menacing sounds to his neighbors, crushing the Jews and separating them out of the population, and preparing to march. It was all so clear. He made no effort to trick us. We simply refused to believe what was right in front of our noses. In the fullness of time, the other Europeans were cannon fodder for Hitler's armies, and the United States did virtually nothing until we were bombed into war by the Japanese.
Then I look at China today, and I ask myself the same questions. China's leaders have made no bones about their hatred for us. They have loudly and publicly announced their intention to develop armies capable of destroying us. They have threatened to bomb Los Angeles if we do anything to annoy them, especially in the defense of democratic Taiwan. They have been busily crushing religious groups in China who dare recognize any authority other than the regime itself, and are separating them out of the population. There is no effort to trick us, none of the legendary inscrutability of the East. It is all so clear.
In the past few days, both the CIA and the FBI have warned about the increasing Chinese espionage in the United States, aimed primarily at obtaining our advanced military technology. One wonders why they bother, since we've been quite willing to sell them most anything they need. Clinton and Gore have deliberately and systematically armed China, and when a tiny handful of congressmen tried to get the details, Clinton and Gore quashed investigations and withheld evidence from investigators.
Meanwhile, the Chinese prepare for war, and warn us of its consequences. The headlines for the past several weeks have reported an endless barrage of threats from Beijing: There will be war with Taiwan if it dares to act as an independent country, and war with us if we dare to defend them, as we have sometimes promised to do. It may be all bluff and bluster, but, I keep thinking, that's what lots of people said about Hitler.
The Taiwanese elections are now ten days away, and the Chinese show all the signs of preparing to attack. They have moved an enormous quantity of military materiel down south, just across the straits from Taiwan. They have hordes and swarms of soldiers, bundles of missiles, plenty of aircraft. The intelligence community reports these facts to our leaders, but our leaders are silent. Great journalists like Bill Gertz report these facts to the public, but there is no outcry. We are strong enough to deter China, but we show no sign of wanting to warn them off. On the contrary: we welcome their military leaders, escort them around our bases, sell them our best weapons, and even train their soldiers. Not even the most feckless French leaders would have dreamed of training the Wehrmacht, or of selling advanced technology for the Panzer corps.
Whether now or a few years from now, it is increasingly likely that we will have to fight China, and we have done everything possible to ensure that they will win. In the 1930s, Western businessmen did deals with the Nazis, but there was no leading Western government that armed the Third Reich as a matter of official policy. But we are arming China. Clinton and Gore are Lenin's dream come true: capitalists selling communists the rope with which to hang us.
Some legacy."
"Bill Clinton has sold out this Country's security in a devil's pact to remain in power. At this point, he couldn't stand up to the Chi-Coms even if he were so inclined, because they would leak such compellingly concrete evidence of his treasonous, anti-American activities that even the Clinton Sycophants in the Vast, Left-Wing Media Whore'd would have to sit up and take notice!! Algore is similarly compromised and cannot be trusted to act in the best interests of the United States in matters relating to China. For all you folks who think there is no difference between the DemonRATS and Republicans, please watch this issue carefully over the next eight months...we cannot afford another four-to-eight years of Clinton/Gore policies as they relate to China. And for you BushBackers out there, please make every effort to impress upon Dubyuh the absolute necessity of making ChinaGate an integral issue in the upcoming presidential campaign.
1 Posted on 03/11/2000 22:42:20 PST by Mudboy Slim (
A very Happy Anniversary to you both!!
"If Mr. Rubin would add something, I don't have any hesitation to call him," said Mr. Lieberman, chairman of the Governmental Affairs Committee.
We may need to start a FReeper Rubin/McAuliffe watch - Day ONE...
Whatta place to get married, congratulations. Great song and I hope you can dedicate the incarceration of Tboy to your missus.
"The committee also told Mr. Torricelli that "your actions and failure to act led to violations of Senate rules (and related statutes) and created at least the appearance of impropriety." The New Jersey Democrat seemed at least somewhat chastened."
Well, the trend with Guv'ment is goin' Right this time,
And Ol' Liddie Dole is cookin' down in Caroline!
People down in Virginny can't be still,
With Coach George Allen's kid dippin' down in Charlottesville.
People down in Texas come from near and far...
To hear Dubyuh speakin' 'cuz he's our Big Star.
So gather roun', gather roun', FReepers!!
Get down!! Well, just git down, FReepers!!
Get loud! can be loud here!
And be proud, 'cuz we're damned proud here!
So be proud you a rebel, 'cuz the Right's gonna do it again, oh, Amen!!
Ronald Reagan's chillin' on his ranch today,
He ain't gettin' credit, but he showed the way!
And with Rush Limbaugh, it's a damned good bet...
That Slick Willie Clinton ain't seen nuthin' yet!
And all the good people all 'cross Tennessee...
Are fightin' NEW State Taxes, while dissin' Gore the Tree!!
So gather roun', gather round, Christians!!
Get down!! Well, just git down, Gen-Xers!!
Get loud!!! Folks...we don't allow cowards here!
And be proud, 'cuz we're damned proud here!!
Be proud you a rebel, 'cuz the Right's gonna IMPEACH again, yes it is!!
57 Posted on 09/26/2000 20:08:20 PDT by Mudboy Slim
The HildaBeast in chains and an orange jumpsuit that would accentuate the size of her big lardA$$ and tree-trunk calves...I like the imagery but would love to see a photo of Susan McWhatever in her jumpsuit with Hillary's face super-imposed...LOL!!
Where's Registered when you need him?!
Thank you, my FRiend. The parents came over to watch the kids and me and the Missuz had ourselves a nice, leisurely dinner at the Charley's over at Stoney Point. Nine we dated for 5-6 years before that, I've certainly been blessed in this regard.
More accurately, we might have to add Robert Rubin to our ongoing Terry McAuliffe Watch...backhoe's got some great connections for use in a mass-FReepMail campaign to any group we want to focus on. Which House Committees have jurisdiction vis a vis Rubin's Corruption? McAuliffe's?
Bosephus would be proud of ya!
Mr. Ledeen has always been one whose analyses & opinions were dead on the money.
And congratulations to Mrs. Mud for nine years of faithful, albeit sometimes trying, endurance!
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