Sick bastard
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To: My Favorite Headache duplicate post.
We are already discussing ways of eviscerating this sick loser. None sound painful enough yet.
To: My Favorite Headache
Sounds like a future serial killer. They always start with animals.
3 posted on
07/16/2002 3:26:52 PM PDT by
To: My Favorite Headache
Castrate him. He shouldn't be allowed to breed.
BTW, I'm seeing Rush this Saturday in Chicago. Have you seen them yet? If you have, how was the show?
4 posted on
07/16/2002 3:27:00 PM PDT by
To: My Favorite Headache
How awful, beyond awful. Why do cats have to suffer so much at our hands? I have a little black cat and I never let her out of my sight...
To: My Favorite Headache
He's already getting some jail house justice, I would wager, as da boys don't like child or animal abusers.
6 posted on
07/16/2002 3:27:23 PM PDT by
To: My Favorite Headache
The more I see this stuff, the less hope I have for our race.
7 posted on
07/16/2002 3:27:51 PM PDT by
To: My Favorite Headache; The_Quiet_American
I hope this cat uses one of his remaining eight lives to eviscerate this sick piece of crap and then cook HIM on coals. Of course, I recently saw the movie "The Crow" for the first time, so I'm in a punishment-fitting-the-crime frame of mind.
To: My Favorite Headache
Sick bastards Feed them to the tigers one by one.
To: My Favorite Headache
10-12 people?
I'd hate to live in that apartment complex.
To: My Favorite Headache
What is the matter with the people in this country that they find mutilating helpless children and animals fun? Why?
To: My Favorite Headache
No kidding, this is just sick and disgusting. Think of witnessing such a despicable act!! How could that crowd just stand around and laugh?
To: My Favorite Headache
Sad thing is is that there are some FR members who would think this a fine joke.
17 posted on
07/16/2002 3:33:46 PM PDT by
To: My Favorite Headache
This is sick, I cannot stand to see someone do that. And these weren't even kids, who can at times be exceptionally cruel.
To: My Favorite Headache
Sick bastardTotally agree!
You know, I'm not a violent tempered guy, but....
I'd loooove to have fifteen minutes alone with that freak!
Along with a bbq grill.
To: My Favorite Headache
This guy deserves nothing better then being shoved into a pit of coals and poked with a stick. Let him see how it feels.
46 posted on
07/16/2002 4:12:30 PM PDT by
To: My Favorite Headache
Do you know what I think every time I read one of these types of threads? I think of what a wise man once told me:
"If you live like there's no God, you better be right."
To: My Favorite Headache
"A man was arrested Tuesday for allegedly burning a kitten on a barbecue grill as several other people stood around and watched in amusement."This is the sickest...what's wrong with that group?? I hope Charles C. Benoit's cellmate think's he's sexy and nicknames him "Babe". It's not enough, but it's something, at least.
To: My Favorite Headache
"Jim Roberts, spokesman for the Clay County prosecutor's office, said he does not expect anyone else to be charged, because no witnesses could identify the others." Latest reports say that police are looking for another individual whom may be charged.
Also latest reports say that the woman who turned the perps in is recieving threatening phone calls telling her, "'Change your story or you're dead". She says people are throwing stuff at her doors and windows and harassing her.
Maybe the police should "accidently" leak the names of those 10-12 other people to the press.
62 posted on
07/16/2002 4:26:08 PM PDT by
To: My Favorite Headache
76 posted on
07/16/2002 4:38:55 PM PDT by
To: My Favorite Headache
I wonder what nationality they were. Some people believe the more pain the animal suffers, the "tastier" the meat will be..
From Dog meat hot among Korea and China's trendy young
Dogs are usually strung up by their necks and beaten repeatedly to increase the flow of adrenaline in their flesh. Consumers believe the more pain the animals suffer, the more tender the meat becomes.
The dogs would struggle, howl, urinate and bleed till they become unconscious. Finally, they are chopped into pieces. All these are done in front of other dogs awaiting the same fate.
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