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Al Gore's war on terrorism? [Hugh Hewitt gives you the lowdown on this loser] ^ | Thursday, July 4, Independence Day, 2002 | Hugh Hewitt

Posted on 07/03/2002 11:10:21 PM PDT by JohnHuang2

This Independence Day is not your ordinary 7-4. Quite a lot has changed. Thousands of Americans have been killed by a malevolent enemy, and that enemy will be around for years to come trying to do the very same thing again and again.

There's "noise in the system" that the enemy will try to gin up another hit soon.

And there are thousands of American soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines on the hunt for the enemy.

This is the biggest change from a year ago. The enemy was already there, plotting and scheming on July 4, 2001. But a year ago, they were confident of American weakness and certain of American impotence. They had been misled by an unbroken span of years of ineffectual American responses to previous outrages. They believed that all that would follow from any attack would be a missile or two.

Which brings me to Al Gore. He's a shameless hypocrite. And it is about time the American press began to call him on it.

Saturday night, Gore attacked the president for having let Osama bin Laden get away, and for refusing to allow sufficient international peacekeepers to take up posts in Afghanistan. Secretary of State Colin Powell responded to a tape of those remarks by labeling them "patent nonsense" and by noting that the previous administration "hadn't even made a serious try" to kill off the enemy. Powell's assessment was too mild.

Gore's attack has no parallel in American political history. Imagine Wendall Wilkie attacking FDR in September of 1942 for the failure of the United States Marines to have secured Guadalcanal. (The six-month battle for the island began on Aug. 7, eight months after Japan's assault on Pearl Harbor.) Wilkie would have been justly condemned by all quarters and marginalized as a reckless self-promoter, if not worse.

Imagine Neville Chamberlin attacking Churchill for the evacuation of Dunkirk, the fall of France, or for the failure to halt the Luftwaffe's bombs. A full year after assuming power from the incompetent Chamberlin, Churchill watched as the Nazis seized the key island of Crete. Chamberlin had died of cancer in November of 1940, but had he lived, it is inconceivable that he would have attacked Churchill then or at any time during the course of the war. Chamberlin, you see, had class – if not wisdom – and understood well his personal responsibility for the plight of Great Britain.

Gore, by contrast, is oblivious to his own record. His attack on the conduct of the war earned some tut-tuts from the punditry, but not one elected Democrat rose to blast him. When Gore accused President Bush of "using the war" for political purposes, he was, in fact, projecting his own ham-handed grandstanding onto the administration. "Chutzpah" has a new face.

It is easy enough to understand why Gore is trying this tactic. The Clinton administration is increasingly revealed as wholly incompetent in the war on terror. It turned down the chance to grab bin Laden when Sudan offered the master terrorist up. Gore was focused on global warming and not global warnings – on the cost of pills and not the price of appeasement.

Until Powell's smack-down of Gore on Sunday, the Bush administration had been content to look forward and to allow the Clinton-Gore team the opportunity to avoid an accounting for their reckless mismanagement of national security.

I hope Powell's example is the new order of the day. Too much nonsense is being spouted by the left to allow it to go unanswered.

It is one thing to see Democratic senator after Democratic senator condemn the out-of-control Ninth Circuit for its Pledge ruling while allowing the nominees to vacancies on that Court to sit for more than a year due to Leahy's blockade, and it is one thing to read Tom Daschle's hilarious assault on the president's economic policies when he blocked a Senate majority from permanently repealing the death tax. I can handle Paul Wellstone's moralism against the backdrop of his twice-made and twice-broken pledge to run for only two terms in the U.S. Senate, and I can even find some sympathy for an at-sea – and quite obviously scared – Maureen Dowd and her like-minded colleagues on the far left of syndication land.

But Al Gore lecturing Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld on how to run a war is too much. I hope the search begins in earnest now for Gore's role in the "war on terror" circa January 1993 to January 2001. Gore was there, remember, "the most powerful Vice President in history," the equal partner to the buffoon-in-chief – Mr. Kyoto, Mr. U.N.

On this Independence Day, as Americans are literally fighting and dying for our freedom, is it too much to ask for independence from blame-shifters and paper tigers? Is it too much to ask for a little shame?

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To: JohnHuang2
Happy Fourth of July JohnHuang2!!

God Bless America!

21 posted on 07/04/2002 3:34:24 AM PDT by Cincinatus' Wife
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To: JohnHuang2; RonDog; hchutch; Howlin; rintense; Freedom'sWorthIt; Ernest_at_the_Beach; Dog Gone

22 posted on 07/04/2002 6:12:11 AM PDT by Grampa Dave
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To: Grampa Dave
I am ecstatic that that maniac is not President!

Thank you, President Bush!

Thank you, God!

23 posted on 07/04/2002 6:15:25 AM PDT by Freedom'sWorthIt
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To: Freedom'sWorthIt; JohnHuang2; Paul Atreides
Yes thank God that Goron is only the captain of the SS Tipper and not our Ship of State!

Thank you, Paul Atreides!

24 posted on 07/04/2002 6:19:13 AM PDT by Grampa Dave
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To: Uncle Bill; JohnHuang2; backhoe
Oh, my, both of you here on this thread!

Happy 4th to both of you!

Uncle Bill - would it be too terribly difficult for you do do a mega link page of the corporate influence on the Clinton stories that you might have saved in that awesome link library of yours?

It appears the Rats believe that have President Bush cornered on corporate malfeasance and they believe "he is not going to get away with it" (quote from one of their apparatchnik's this morning).

I thought perhaps we could gather enough links to corporate corruption under Clinton that could be used by those who lurk here and by those industrious enough to get this information to whatever news media are still reporting honest facts - to counter this latest assault attempt by the Demoncreeps.

They will not stop. Shall we?

25 posted on 07/04/2002 6:21:34 AM PDT by Freedom'sWorthIt
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To: Freedom'sWorthIt
I realize these are kind of generic, but the "links within the links" lead to a lot of strange information:

The Holiday *Best* of Bill Clinton & his Friends!

FOB and FOFOB... the clinton friend files

Hodgepodge O' Hillary

26 posted on 07/04/2002 6:30:27 AM PDT by backhoe
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To: JohnHuang2
This from a former vice-president who's only duties were to hold the belt of the former fornicator while the prez was playing with interns.
27 posted on 07/04/2002 6:32:33 AM PDT by Nuke'm Glowing
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To: JohnHuang2
Gore will claim he was too busy to get in on terrorist action during Clinton years.

Busy giving away our oil reserves, busy selling old military bases to Chinese companies, busy having ice tea with aliens making campaign contributions, busy selling secrets to China, busy helping the UN create NWO, and way too busy hugging trees...the list goes on and on!

28 posted on 07/04/2002 6:36:47 AM PDT by D. Miles
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To: JohnHuang2
Thanks for the heads up!
29 posted on 07/04/2002 8:21:35 AM PDT by Alamo-Girl
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To: JohnHuang2
Thanks for the ping John (and all the others - it's so hard to keep up with them) ;-) Happy 4th!
30 posted on 07/04/2002 8:50:58 AM PDT by reformed_dem
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To: JohnHuang2
See also:
'Al Gore's war on terrorism?' By Hugh Hewitt
Worldnetdaily | 7/03 | Worldnetdaily staff writer
Posted on 7/3/02 5:27 AM Pacific by OPS4
"Worldnetdaily staff writer?"
Not quite as the same as the way that our favorite HH WND poster does it... :)

31 posted on 07/04/2002 8:53:54 AM PDT by RonDog
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To: JohnHuang2
I realize that Bush knows he can't acknowleget that buffoon or it will just lead credibility to him, and will open a can of worms, but I wish just once he would just slam the previous administration and shut them up.

I live in the St Louis area and just heard fighter jets flying very low over my house. My husband was awed, but it just made me very sad, albeit very proud of our military. Thanks a lot algore.
32 posted on 07/04/2002 9:03:24 AM PDT by lawgirl
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To: All
Hewitt's definition of the Clinton/Gore administration which took most of a decade to entrench, "reckless mismanagemnt of national security" WHEN THAT WAS THE MOST IMPORTANT THING THEY HAD TO DO!!!!!!!! Gore's time has come and gone, thankfully, and I think most of the country knows it. Clinton and his men are running the Demorat Party and that should be all anyone needs to know to understand why it is so corrupt.
33 posted on 07/04/2002 9:36:38 AM PDT by cousair
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To: All
Even snake eyes Carville says Gore put his foot in it, and that is REALLY going some considering what a slime mouth he is.......
34 posted on 07/04/2002 9:47:50 AM PDT by cousair
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To: JohnHuang2
Good stuff John, algore is a turd !!

Freedom Is Worth Fighting For !!

Molon Labe !!

35 posted on 07/04/2002 10:01:58 AM PDT by blackie
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To: JohnHuang2
To be reminded of Gore's own failures which may have contributed to America's vulnerability, readers should, perhaps, visit: dotvets/Bubba_41.html and http://www.whatreallyhappened. com/RANCHO/CRASH/TWA/TWA_SUIT. html.

He should be called to account for his complicity in such matters each and every time he opens his mouth between now and 2004.
36 posted on 07/04/2002 1:37:42 PM PDT by loveliberty
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To: JohnHuang2
After eight years of clinton/gore it is clear there are NO standards by which to hold democrats accountable.
37 posted on 07/04/2002 3:01:06 PM PDT by OldFriend
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To: JohnHuang2
Good for you. What did Clintona and Gore do anyway? They did nothing and more and more about all that is coming out. Gore should be ashamed of himself to attack our great President at this time in our history. Shows how much he cares about our country, doesn't it? How dare he? He can't make a move without someone telling him what to do or what to wear or what color to wear. Imagine...him combing his hair the way our Great former President Ronald Reagan did and moving or trying to move his head like President Reagan. That's gonna change the minds of who?????

It would take a lot more than that silly nonsense for Gore to ever even pretend to come close to the greatness of Ronald Reagan. Mr. Gore...we all knew President Reagan and believe us when we say: "You are no President Reagan." But now...back to the matter at hand.

Al Gore should really back off on this before it backfires on him (although I don't care if it does.) Attacking President Bush, Vice President Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld is like equal to trying to put out a blazing, raging fire with a squirt gun. These great men are in charge of our country and doing a darned great job and they don't need anyone telling them how to do it much less Al Gore. Good Lord.

And another thing...he is ALWAYS on the attack. Attack viciously. Attack hatefully. Attack nasty. Remember the debates when he stood up and TRIED to intimidate then Gov. Bush? How childish was that? Intimidation? Well, it intimidated NO ONE and even his family looked embarassed for him in the audience. That my friends I am sure would have been his method on handling a lot of what has happened in our great country since 9-11.

Oh no my friends...we have the man in charge who should be there and no amount of whining or attacking from Al Gore is gonna change that. Pres Bush and his staff are all grown ups and good solid peole in charge.

Colin Powell was right to say what he did. Condi Rice is such a powerful speaker and knows her stuff you can believe that. So...Gore can whine all he wants. Gore can go on the attack all he wants (that's all he knows how to do) but...we're all better off with George W. Bush at the helm.
38 posted on 07/04/2002 3:20:01 PM PDT by cubreporter
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To: reformed_dem
Thanks -- hope your 4th was a great one, friend.
39 posted on 07/04/2002 10:35:51 PM PDT by JohnHuang2
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To: Freedom'sWorthIt
Thank you, thank you, friend -- hope your 4th was a great one =^)
40 posted on 07/04/2002 10:36:37 PM PDT by JohnHuang2
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