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The Pledge of Allegiance According to Ted Nugent
email | Ted Nugent

Posted on 06/28/2002 5:43:24 PM PDT by Sir Gawain

Ted Nugent

Getting back to school, getting back to school, I remember a teacher that I had. Now I only wee, I went, I went through the seventh grade, I went through the seventh grade. I left home when I was 10 years old because I was hungry. (laughter) And .. this is true. I worked in the Summer and went to school in the Winter. But, I had this one teacher, he was the principal of the Harrison school, in Vincennes Indiana. To me, this was the greatest teacher, a real sage of..of my time, anyhow. He had such wisdom. And we were all reciting the Pledge of Allegiance one day, and he walked over. This little old teacher ... Mr. Lasswell was his name. ... Mr. Lasswell was his ah ... (at this point a pause and laughter. Red is making faces and playing with his hat!) He says: ... "I've been listening to you boys and girls recite the Pledge of Allegiance .. all semester ... and it seems as though it is becoming monotonous to you. If I may, may I recite it and try to explain to you the meaning of each word.


-- me, an individual, a committee of one.


--dedicate all of my worldly goods to give without self-pity.


--my love and my devotion.

*To the Flag*

--our standard, Old Glory, a symbol of freedom. Wherever she waves, there is respect, because your loyalty has given her a dignity that shouts freedom is everybody's job.


--that means that we have all come together.


--individual communities that have united into 48 great states. 48 individual communities with pride and dignity and purpose, all divided with imaginary boundaries, yet united to a common purpose, and that's love for country.

*And to the Republic*

--Republic, a state in which sovereign power is invested in representatives chosen by the people to govern. And government is the people and it's from the people to the leaders, not from the leaders to the people.

*For Which It Stands*

*One Nation*

-- One nation, meaning, so blessed by God.


-- incapable of being divided.

*With Liberty*

-- which is freedom, the right of power to live one's own life without threats or fear or some sort of retaliation.

*And Justice*

-- the principle or qualities of dealing fairly with others.

*For All*

--For all... which means boys and girls, it's as much your country, as it is mine."

And now boys and girls let me hear you recite, the Pledge of Allegiance. "I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

Since I was a small boy, two states have been added to our country and two words have been added to the Pledge of Allegiance - "under God". Wouldn't it be a pity if someone said, "That is a prayer" and that would be eliminated from schools, too?

TOPICS: Culture/Society
KEYWORDS: nugent
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Nugent rules.
1 posted on 06/28/2002 5:43:24 PM PDT by Sir Gawain
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To: Texaggie79; dead; TomServo; nunya bidness; glock rocks; Rebelbase; Cyber Liberty; weikel; ...
2 posted on 06/28/2002 5:43:50 PM PDT by Sir Gawain
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To: Sir Gawain
Actually, Red Skelton came up with this.


3 posted on 06/28/2002 5:46:22 PM PDT by Lurker
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To: Sir Gawain
Motor City Madman needs to run for Congress, we should be so lucky.
4 posted on 06/28/2002 5:46:24 PM PDT by Gillmeister
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To: Sir Gawain
Doofus! This is from Red Skelton, not Ted Nugent!
5 posted on 06/28/2002 5:46:37 PM PDT by Bommer
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To: Sir Gawain
LOL! Even though I love Ted Nugent - He did not come up with this.
6 posted on 06/28/2002 5:48:02 PM PDT by ResistorSister
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To: Sir Gawain
Your secret's safe with me.
7 posted on 06/28/2002 5:48:27 PM PDT by nunya bidness
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To: Sir Gawain 0002.html

One of many Red Skelton sites with his famous "Pledge of Allegiance".

Actually, though, you're right - Ted Nugent is one cool dude! And I'm sure he agrees 100 percent with the late, great Red Skelton.

8 posted on 06/28/2002 5:53:56 PM PDT by sneakers
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To: ResistorSister
I can pretty much guarantee it didn't come from George Carlin, either.
9 posted on 06/28/2002 5:56:09 PM PDT by RedWhiteBlue
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To: Lurker
Actually, Red Skelton came up with this.

Yep, Red Skelton. In fact, Rush just played it on his show on Wednesday. It is from the 1950s. I had never heard it before Wednesday's show.

If Nugent had written this, it would be much more laden with profanity.

10 posted on 06/28/2002 6:02:35 PM PDT by Drew68
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To: Kalashnikov_68
Yes, I have heard Red Skelton make this pledge. Very powerful and moving.
11 posted on 06/28/2002 6:15:33 PM PDT by lwoodham
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To: Kalashnikov_68
You people are too easy....
12 posted on 06/28/2002 6:15:58 PM PDT by Texaggie79
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To: Sir Gawain
Trollin' again? Looks like you have alot of bites.

Again. ;-)

13 posted on 06/28/2002 6:16:51 PM PDT by TomServo
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To: Texaggie79
Everytime Sir Gawain posts, P.T. Barnum rules...;-)

14 posted on 06/28/2002 6:18:19 PM PDT by TomServo
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To: Texaggie79 "A Conservative Noos Fo'um"
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Click t'scroll t'commentary.



Posted on 6/28/02 5:43 PM Pacific by Suh Gawain

Ted Nujunt

Gittin' back t'skoo, gittin' back t'skoo, ah remember a skoo marm thet ah had, cuss it all t' tarnation. Now ah only wee, ah went, ah went through th' seventh grade, ah went through th' seventh grade. ah lef' home when ah was 10 years old on account o' ah was hungry. (laughter) An' .. this hyar is true. ah wawked in th' Summer an' went t'skoo in th' Winter. But, ah had this hyar one skoo marm, he was th' principal of th' Harrison skoo, in Vincennes Indiana. To me, this hyar was th' greatess skoo marm, a real sage of..of mah time, ennyhow. He had sech wisdom, dawgone it. An' we were all recitin' th' Pledge of Allegiance one day, an' he walked on over. This hyar li'l old skoo marm ... Mr. Lassfine was his name. ... Mr. Lassfine was his ah ... (at this hyar point a pause an' laughter. Red is makin' faces an' playin' wif his hat! Fry mah hide!) He says: ... "I've been lissenin' t'yo' fellas an' gals recite th' Pledge of Allegiance .. all semester ... an' it seems as though it is bea-comin' monotonous t'yo'. Eff'n ah may, may ah recite it an' try t'explain t'yo' th' meanin' of etch wo'd, cuss it all t' tarnation.


-- me, an indivijool, a committee of one.


--dedicut all of mah wo'ldly fines t'give wifout se'f-pity.


--mah love an' mah devoshun.

*To th' Flag*

--our stan'ard, Old Glo'y, a symbol of freedom, dawgone it. Wharvah she waves, thar is respeck, on account o' yer loyalty has given her a dignity thet shouts freedom is ev'rybody's job. Well bust mah britches an' call me streaker.


--thet means thet we haf all come togither.


--indivijool communities thet haf united into 48 great states. 48 indivijool communities wif pride an' dignity an' purpose, all divided wif imaginary boun'aries, yet united t'a common purpose, an' thass love fo' country.

*An' t'th' Republic*

--Republic, a state in which sovaheign power is invested in representatives chosen by th' varmints t'govahn, as enny fool kin plainly see. An' govment is th' varmints an' it's fum th' varmints t'th' leaders, not fum th' leaders t'th' varmints.

*Fo' Which It Stan's*

*One Nashun*

-- One nashun, meanin', so blessed by God, cuss it all t' tarnation.


-- incapable of bein' divided, cuss it all t' tarnation.

*Wif Liberty*

-- which is freedom, th' right of power t'live one's own life wifout threats o' fear o' some so't of retaliashun.

*An' Jestice*

-- th' principle o' qualities of dealin' fairly wif others.

*Fo' All*

--Fo' all, ah reckon... which means fellas an' gals, it's as much yer country, as it is mine."

An' now fellas an' gals let me hear yo' recite, th' Pledge of Allegiance. "ah pledge allegiance t'th' flag of th' United States of South Car'lina, an' t'th' republic fo' which it stan's, one nashun, indivisible, wif liberty an' jestice fo' all, ah reckon."

On account o' ah was a small fella, two states haf been added t'our country an' two wo'ds haf been added t'th' Pledge of Allegiance - "unner God". W'dn't it be a pity eff'n someone said, "Thet is a prayer" an' thet'd be eliminated fum skoos, too?

Nujunt rules.

1 posted on 6/28/02 5:43 PM Pacific by Suh Gawain
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To: Texaggie79; daid; TomServo; nunya bidness; glock rocks; Rebelbase; Cyber Liberty; weikel; ...


2 posted on 6/28/02 5:43 PM Pacific by Suh Gawain
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To: Suh Gawain

Acshully, Red Skelton came up wif this.


3 posted on 6/28/02 5:46 PM Pacific by Lurker
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To: Suh Gawain

Moto' City Madman needs t'run fo' Congress, we sh'd be so lucky.

4 posted on 6/28/02 5:46 PM Pacific by Gillmeister
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To: Suh Gawain

Doofus! This hyar is fum Red Skelton, not Ted Nujunt! Fry mah hide!

5 posted on 6/28/02 5:46 PM Pacific by Bommer
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To: Suh Gawain

LOL! Fry mah hide! Even though ah love Ted Nujunt - He did not come up wif this.

6 posted on 6/28/02 5:48 PM Pacific by Resisto'Sister
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To: Suh Gawain

Yer secret's safe wif me.

7 posted on 6/28/02 5:48 PM Pacific by nunya bidness
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To: Suh Gawain

http://www.redskelton, as enny fool kin plainly 0002.html

One of menny Red Skelton sites wif his famous "Pledge of Allegiance".

Acshully, though, yer right - Ted Nujunt is one right fine dude! An' ah's sho'nuff he agrees 100 percent wif th' late, great Red Skelton, as enny fool kin plainly see.

8 posted on 6/28/02 5:53 PM Pacific by sneakers
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To: Resisto'Sister

ah can purdy much guareentee it didn't come fum Jedidiah Carlin, eifer.

9 posted on 6/28/02 5:56 PM Pacific by RedWhiteBlue
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To: Lurker

Acshully, Red Skelton came up wif this.

Yep, Red Skelton, as enny fool kin plainly see. In fack, Rush jest played it on his show on Wednesday. It is fum th' 1950s. ah had nevah heard it befo'e Wednesday's show.

Eff'n Nujunt had writ this, it'd be much mo'e laden wif profanity.

10 posted on 6/28/02 6:02 PM Pacific by Kalashnikov_68
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To: Kalashnikov_68

Yessuh, ah have heard Red Skelton make this hyar pledge. Mighty pow'ful an' movin'.

11 posted on 6/28/02 6:15 PM Pacific by lwoodham
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To: Kalashnikov_68

Yo' varmints is too easy....

12 posted on 6/28/02 6:15 PM Pacific by Texaggie79
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To: Suh Gawain

Trollin' agin? Looks like yo' haf alot of bites.

Agin. ;-)

13 posted on 6/28/02 6:16 PM Pacific by TomServo

15 posted on 06/28/2002 6:25:08 PM PDT by nunya bidness
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To: Texaggie79
You people are too easy....

Damn, I've been had...

And I'm usually good at spotting the "trolling for idiots" threads. I gotta be more careful in the future...

16 posted on 06/28/2002 6:29:53 PM PDT by Drew68
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To: nunya bidness
tarnashun, we been dialectized.......
17 posted on 06/28/2002 6:32:30 PM PDT by Texaggie79
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To: Sir Gawain


18 posted on 06/28/2002 6:33:07 PM PDT by Northpaw
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To: Sir Gawain
I cannot believe this. I thought you were a bit more endowed in the smarts department than to never have heard this Red Skelton bit before.

Rush Limbaugh even played the old recording (from the 1950s) yesterday.

Shame, shame.

19 posted on 06/28/2002 7:06:34 PM PDT by Illbay
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To: Sir Gawain
"My carry-gun for 10 years now is a Glock model 20 in 10mm. It's
ultra-accurate, thoroughly practical, and provenly tactical. Having trained extensively
with law-enforcement, Navy SEALS and others, I take my defense regimen and
marksmanship discipline to heart. It's a good feeling to be independent and survive.
Obviously, I was not in VietNam or we would have won. "
-- Ted Nugent
20 posted on 06/28/2002 7:09:11 PM PDT by glock rocks
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