Posted on 06/27/2002 1:40:25 PM PDT by swarthyguy
24th June 2002 Interviewer: Assalamualeikum wa Rahmatu Allah!
Abu Ghaith: Wa Aleikumussalam wa Rahmatu Allah!
Interviewer: Lets begin with the claims of the US administration and the US officials that this war between you and the US is over. Firstly, we would like to hear your judgment on this campaign and this war that the US-led against the Mujahideen in Afghanistan. Did this campaign succeed in its preset goals?
Abu Ghaith: In the name of Allah, most Gracious Most Merciful, All praise is to Allah, that He enabled us to fulfill this absent obligation, and I mean the obligation of Jihad in the path of Allah, and I thank Allah that He helped us to revive it especially as we live in a time when the spirit of resistance and confrontation with falsehood had died away and the enemies of Allah managed to kill the spirit of manhood in the sons of this Ummah. They have strived to subjugate the Islamic Ummah and to bring her to her knees by extinguishing the real Islamic faith, this faith that doesnt depend solely on a certain aspect but that is a complete creed whose final goal is to set up Allahs law in every aspect of life and to establish Allahs sovereignty throughout this world.
As for the war against the US, this war is not finished. And it will not be finished because the battle between us and the Americans is not a battle based on interests or personal differences but rather a battle between truth and falsehood - it is a conflict between the good and evil. America represents the head of this falsehood and the body of this evil, so the conflict against falsehood is ongoing and will remain as long as Jihad in the path of Allah remains and all of us know that (according to what the Prophet Muhammad (saws) has informed the Ummah) the Jihad will continue until the Day of Judgment. So if America is the head of this alliance and the worldwide Kufr (disbelief) today, we dont know who will take over this role in future. We fight so that Allahs word becomes dominant, we strive and fight and perform Jihad in accordance with Allahs saying, and the sovereignty is for Allah Alone. (8:39). Without doubt, the world today is not governed by Allahs law and our Jihad is for nothing but the realization of this great goal for which we are willing to spend our lives, Allah willingly. As to our judgment on the current US campaign against us and whether it has achieved it goals, before I answer this part I would like to make clear a very important point that every Muslim and especially the Mujahideen in the cause of Allah must understand. The Muslims and Non-Muslims have to know that war is subject to change, one day for us and one day against us...and this is Allahs Sunnah (natural law of Allah) in this life, just as Allah says, If a wound (and killing) has touched you, be sure a similar wound (and killing) has touched the others. And so are the days (good and bad), We give to men by turns (3:140) So the days are subject to change. We believe that Allah according to this wise divine Sunnah had a certain intention, and we must understand that victory is not the constant ally of one of the two parties. However we believe that ultimately the Muslims will definitely gain victory. Allah has decreed: "Verily! It is I and My Messengers who shall be the victorious." Verily, Allah is All-Powerful, All-Mighty. (58:21) Therefore whoever thinks that this way is easy, effortless, smooth and decorated with roses, he is wrong and he should revise the life of the Prophets and messengers, and the life of our Prophet Muhammad, Peace and Blessings be upon Him and the life of the companions, may Allah be pleased with them, and who succeeded them. So it is our duty to be well aware of this fact. And while we lost one of the rounds as some think we have, with the mercy of Allah, we have been victorious in many other rounds.
Allah made us victorious in the last few years of the past century and the beginning of this century - a historical and great victory that broke the back of the Americans, the largest (human) power in this world. For instance, Allah has given us victory over them in Nairobi and Darussalam, and in Aden where we attacked the US destroyer Cole and He helped us to triumph when the entire world saw for themselves what the Mujahideen in Allahs cause had done in New York and Washington. So we believe that we are still at the beginning of this war. Its only one of the rounds and we are still at the beginning of the way. So if we are killed or taken prisoners or the enemies of Allah managed to achieve a victory in one of the rounds, we shouldnt forget that this path is long and it is a path that the Muslims have to walk upon till the Day of Judgment.
As for the realization of the goals of the US campaign, I dont think the campaign was able to achieve its real goals. All these claims are false propaganda. So if it really achieved something, it is that the Americans managed to murder thousands of innocent people and to destroy hundreds of villages that had nothing to do with this battle.
But if America thinks that the fall of the Taliban is a success, then they still dont know the Afghan people this strong people that is able to reorganize its lines and to regain what has been taken away from him even after a long time. America will see in the coming few months that it has fallen into the Afghan quagmire from which it can rescue itself only if it leaves (Afghanistan) defeated The Americans two most important goals were the arrest of Osama bin Laden and Mulla Omar as well as the destruction of the Al-Qaida organization. And with the mercy of Allah, this didnt happen.
Interviewer: Do you mean that this US campaign and brutal war was a big failure as it was not able to destroy the Al-Qaida organization, either through arresting or killing great leaders of the organization and because of the fact that Sheikh Osama and Ameer ul Mumineen Mulla Muhammad Omar are still alive?
Abu Ghaith: Yes, exactly. The Americans failed to destroy the organization. The organization continues to exist and I bring glad tidings to the Muslims that the organization is operating with higher energy and more determination to retaliate for the blood of the killed innocents. The Al-Qaida organization is not childish or a fragile organization which can be destroyed easily as some people may think especially as we know who we are fighting and we know that one day the entire world will confront us and fight against us and this is what happened. Our organization has been built on this fact. All praise is to Allah, our matters go well according to a prescribed line and in detail and profound secrecy and through separate cells that dont offer the possibility to reach other cells. And our various administrative, military, financial, media and security systems were not affected.
Let me give you an example in order to reassure those Muslims who have fallen captivity of the false American propaganda. For instance, and by the way this piece of information has not been published earlier our security and military systems are currently watching and investigating for new American targets different from the ones that are already targeted to get them in our sights and attack them and in near future the Muslims will be pleased, Allah willingly. Apart from that our martyrdom units are ready and looking forward to carrying out operations against American and Jewish targets inside and outside (America). These martyrdom units are a great ammunition for us, with the mercy of Allah! And we carry out these martyrdom operations against this arrogant enemy that can only be targeted through these kind of attacks. America should prepare itself. It should be ready. They should fasten their seatbelts. Despite all of their precautions, we are coming to them where they never expected. And we wait for you, either that Allah will afflict you with a punishment from Himself or at our hands. So wait, we too are waiting with you.(9:52)
Interviewer: That leads us to another question concerning the recent statements of the American administration that you are preparing for other martyrdom operations against the American interests inside the US.
Abu Ghaith: First of all, I really want to assure the Muslims that Sheikh Osama bin Laden, with the mercy of Allah, is in a good health and all rumors about Sheikh Osama's sickness of injuries in Tora Bora is completely inaccurate news. Also, Dr. Ayman al-Zawahiri and the rumors of his injuries are completely inaccurate news. Ninety eight percent of the leadership of Al-Qaida are safe, with the mercy of Allah, and are running their affairs smoothly. And the whole world and sincere people in the Islamic world and those who sympathize with the Mujahideen in the cause of Allah will be pleased to watch an interview with Sheikh Osama bin Laden that, Allah willingly, will soon be aired on television.
As for your question concerning the statements of the US administration, I say the US administration is trying to make up its ugly face and to cover its failure to detect what the Mujahideen in the cause of Allah intended to do on the 11th September. The current American administration every once in a while releases terrorist attack warnings. I say yes, yes (to) what the America officials are saying that we are going to launch attacks against America. Yes, we are going to launch attacks against America. However (we will execute these attacks) in the time we choose and the place we choose and the method we choose. Not Dick Cheney, not the American Secretary of Defense, not the American President can determine the place, the time, the method and the means that we will use to launch those operations. Yet, I say that these statements are a cover for an ugly face. And it is a cover for the attack of the Democratic Party on the Republican Party after the America president announced that he knew about the September 11 attacks and big economic problems that the American government is suffering from.
Interviewer: What kind of military work are you carrying out in Afghanistan? Are you planning new attacks on the US and the international forces in and outside Afghanistan and are these actions real threats to American interests around the world?
Abu Ghaith: I have said at the beginning of the interview that our conflict with (the enemies of Islam among) the Americans, and the Jews and the Hypocrites is a battle between truth and falsehood, between good and evil. As long as the falsehood remains and evil is spread, we wont cease (our fight), Allah willingly. So the war between us and the enemies of Allah is ongoing. And as long as America insists on this oppressive and unfair policy against the Muslims in the interest of the Jews and Christians throughout the world, we wont stop attacking them anywhere in the entire world. America knows well that this is the truth as we are people of action and not of long talk.
I want to stress that indeed we still possess the ability to threaten America as well as to execute these threats. In the coming days and months we will prove to the entire world, Allah willingly, the trueness of what we say. In fact, we have performed many attacks against the Americans inside Afghanistan in cooperation with the Taliban as well as all righteous people who refuse this aggressive occupation and this imperialism on this blessed country. Indeed there have been many casualties among the Americans but their propaganda has prevented the great number of killed American soldiers becoming publicly known. However America will have to disclose the real numbers of losses of either the previous as well as coming attacks in Afghanistan in the next few days and weeks.
In the battle Shah-e-Kot the Mujahideen gained a great victory while the Americans sustained heavy losses and fled from this vast area and these wild mountains, yet the Americans were able to conceal these facts because unfortunately no journalist was able to go to the battlefield and to photograph the corpses of the American soldiers and their tombs that were transported to some airports where they are put in cold storage. However America will have to disclose these facts because the kinsmen of these killed soldiers will ask today or tomorrow or in one or two years what happened to their sons in Afghanistan.
Interviewer: We can conclude then from what you are saying that there is cooperation between you and the Taliban movement with respect to attacks against the international forces in general and the Americans in particular. Are there real military arrangements?
Abu Ghaith: There is cooperation between us and all righteous people and Mujahideen in Afghanistan who, as I have said earlier, refuse this American occupation and this puppet regime that America has installed. We cooperate with all righteous people in all sincere groups and organizations, especially with the Taliban movement for attacks against the Americans as well as the other international forces because we believe that they are aggressive occupier that has to be driven out of this Islamic land so that an Islamic government can be established in Afghanistan.
Interviewer: You always talk about the Palestinian issue and the need to stop Americas support to the occupational entity Israel. What is your judgment on the current situation in Palestine especially after the massacres that the Zionist occupational forces committed in Jenin and other Palestinian cities?
Abu Ghaith: We believe that the Palestinian issue is not a problem of only the Palestinian people but rather a problem of all Muslims all over the world. Palestine is the victim of a great betrayal and conspiracy that is executed by the traitorous rulers of the Arabs and Muslims that enabled the Zionist entity to continue and to strengthen in Palestine. Without this great treachery by these rulers who betrayed this issue and these people, and who have intentionally tried to nullify the identity of the Muslim people in Palestine and the faith of the Muslims.
The Palestinian issue began as an Islamic issue, then it became an Arabic problem, then they changed it to a Palestinian issue and finally it was reduced to a conflict about the lands that were occupied after 1967. Without doubt this reduction had a dangerous purpose and the Muslims should be aware of the fact that Palestine is an Islamic issue for all Muslims.
And it is incumbent upon each Muslim to support this (Palestinian) people and this Intifadah and we say that all our operations are in support of this oppressed Islamic people in Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan and everywhere and we strike this disbelieving American beast which wants to dominate violently the world because it is leading the Zionist and Crusader campaign against the Muslims. As long as this aggressive policy continues against Islam and the Muslims all over the world, we arent going to stop our attacks against America.
We will carry on our operations until America ceases to support the Zionist entity so that we will directly face the enemies of Allah among the Jews (that are occupying Palestine). And we know from our belief that the battle against the Jews is ongoing and the Day of Judgment will not occur until we have fought the Jews and then the Jew will hide beneath a tree or a rock, and the tree or rock will say: O Muslim, o servant of Allah, here is a Jew behind me, come and kill him.
As for the conspiracies of peace or rather conspiracies of surrender and the conferences of betrayals and the treacherous proposals, the last of which being the proposal of Crown Prince Abdullah does not represent the Islamic Ummah at all and this can not be called a proposal but rather a betrayal and high treason. In fact, with this betrayal, he (Abdullah) is only following in the footsteps of his father and grandfathers. Again, I stress that Palestine is an Islamic issue and we are continuing in our battle. If the rulers had been serious in solving the problem, then they would have opened the borders and equipped the people with weapons and then they would have seen the results in a few days, whether the enemy will be defeated and Palestine deliberated or not. Anyway in the end Allahs promise will become real and the Muslims will be victorious Allah willingly.
Interviewer: To conclude, what message would you like to convey to the Arab and Islamic world?
Abu Ghaith: To put it briefly, the Muslims should know that not only the Al-Qaida organization and the Mujahideen in the path of Allah are to fight the enemies of Allah among the Americans and the Jews and others. Jihad has become an obligatory duty for all Muslims. The Muslim lands are occupied and the Muslims are taken prisoner in the jails of the Kuffar (Disbeliever). So it is incumbent on every Muslim who really believes in Allah and the Day of Judgment to rise up to defend his religion and to support the oppressed Muslims in this world. And I advise the Muslims not to listen to these disingenuous scholars that work for Kufr regimes and only issue fabricated Fatawas.
It is the duty of the Muslim youths after having witnessed our simple, yet effective way in fighting the enemies of Allah, to follow this way of their brothers in fighting those corrupt ruling cliques and those Kuffar who are spreading mischief in the world. So the Muslim youth should fight them with everything he possesses for example with a stone, a knife, a bullet or anything else.
Concerning the last operation that your brothers carried out in Djerba, Tunisia (bombing of synagogue as a retaliation for the historic mosques that the Zionist occupational forces had destroyed recently in Palestine), indeed it was performed by a young man of Al-Qaida who couldnt stand watching his brothers and sisters slaughtered and raped and dehumanized in Palestine while the Jews in his city of Djerba walk proudly wherever they want and perform their rituals as they please. Therefore it aroused in him the spirit of retaliation and Jihad, so he carried out this successful operation that we ask Allah to accept from him.
It is the duty of the Muslims not to stand by and watch because the Jihad will continue till the Day of Judgment. The Jihad is not dependent on the Al-Qaida organization nor on Osama bin Laden or anyone else but rather it is a cause of the whole Ummah, and a battle between truth and falsehood! The Muslims must be aware of this fact and they should not forget that they bear a great responsibility to Allah, Most Great, and to these oppressed Muslim people in the East and the West. And finally, they have to do what Allah has obliged them in defending this religion.
Interviewer: We thank you for this interview and Assalamualeikum wa Rahmatu Allah!
Abu Ghaith: Wa Assalamualeikum wa Rahmatu Allah.
Source: JUS
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Oooooh, you went and spoiled it!
It is, indeed, Hiroshima - but the similarity in the photos is striking, isn't it? Blew me away when I found it (the H. photo).
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