To: deadhead
I didn't make that quote, but I sure agree with it - and you! Pass the tequila and lemon! hahahaha
335 posted on
06/18/2002 5:06:17 PM PDT by
To: AFVetGal
339 posted on
06/18/2002 5:14:41 PM PDT by
To: AFVetGal;lodwick;MistyCA;Snow Bunny;Clarasuzanne;Victoria Delsoul;SassyMom;Billie;Aquamarine;LadyX
"Pass the tequila and lemon! hahahaha" Hi Jen, I was looking for lodwick to serve us some drinks, well...I found him...LOL
To: AFVetGal
Tequila gives me a "shoot me and put me out of my misery" headache. I can drink a margarita though. I just can't drink it straight. ewwwwwwww... is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson