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Breaking: John Ashcroft says U.S. disrupted plans to attack U.S. with "dirty" radiation bomb.
Posted on 06/10/2002 7:30:38 AM PDT by Dales
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To: Lizzy W
He was captured in Chicago and is an American citizen. Gitmo is for non-citizen's.
posted on
06/10/2002 8:12:13 AM PDT
To: RCW2001
The official said Mujahir is a former Chicago street gang member who served time in prison in the 1990s, converted to Islam and met with al-Qaeda leader in 2001 before returning to the United StatesOh, this is just great news.
To: Miss Marple
posted on
06/10/2002 8:12:31 AM PDT
To: Dales
Remember the scare a couple of years ago when a Cobalt 60 medical radiation machine ended up in Mexico as scrap and was mixed in with junk steel to make re-bar rods...
Also on another occasion some Mexican junk dealers cracked open a Cobalt souce and played around with that neato "blue glow" steel...
Make good mix in a dirty bomb...heep those borders open and those Mexican trucks flowing.../sarcasm
To: newgeezer
You're not a libertarian by any chance are you?
To: kinghorse
I disagree. This tells me that we're watching others who are moving throughout the country and have been for some time. If we are doing so, we probably know who is in command of some of the compartmentalized cels. Let them be about their business for a while.
Be Seeing You,
To: maxwell
Pfft... I'll short bus yer a$$, dude...Download that sense-of-humor plugin!
Try determining the coefficients for 2' nonhomogeneous eq...
? How do you not know the coeffs but know it's 2nd order? Nevermind. It's not relevant.
To: Dales
There is a Jose Padilla, IDOC K58679 on parole since Jan 4, 2002.
IF this is the one, photo and additional info is available:
Illinois DOC Search
To: Miss Marple
I also want to point out to all the people who have been profiling proponents that this is a perfect example of why profiling is not a solution. That's a very good point. And there's no reason why a blonde-haired blue-eyed person couldn't have gone over to the dark side, either.
While we're busy looking for arabs carrying tweezers onto airliners, the enemy could be someone else entirely.
To: section9
Abu Zubaydah must be singing like a canary.Pliers applied to the nether-regions work wonders...
posted on
06/10/2002 8:14:12 AM PDT
To: AmishDude
ODE's are indeed child's play. PDE's separate the men from the boys.
To: republicandiva
One report says the target was Washington D.C.
posted on
06/10/2002 8:14:19 AM PDT
To: maxwell;WIMom
posted on
06/10/2002 8:14:34 AM PDT
To: maxwell
Ok... at least you didn't make up a family, with names and ages.
posted on
06/10/2002 8:15:35 AM PDT
To: Arizflash
Hey Baby. We need to know if they've found the bomb. Zig.
To: Catspaw
He was busted at O'Hare? That's a little too close for comfort. Too close for me, about 20 miles! I have thought for some time that Chicago gets it next.
To: mhking
To: RCW2001
"We have acted with legal authority both under the laws of war and clear Supreme Court precedent, which establishes that the military may detain a United States citizen who has joined the enemy and has entered our country to carry out hostile acts," Ashcroft said. It's true that the Supreme Court's Quirin opinion allows trying an American citizen before a military commission. But Bush's Executive Order from last year makes no provision for this. Has there been a new executive order?
To: RCW2001
Islam is NOT a religion! It is another "-ism" that needs to be treated as such. PCness be damned!!! Ship every mother-loving muslim out of the states NOW! Remember the WTC was attacked TWICE (93 and 02). Its just a matter of time before they attack again IF we let muslims stay in this country!!!!
To: Dales
captured last month So they wait until now to announce the arrest. Timing is everything.
posted on
06/10/2002 8:16:54 AM PDT
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