Suggestion seconded. Or thirded, or more by now.
I respect the spirit in which you made this post. Christianity is the hardest path of all and, clearly, Christians are not even close to agreement as to the true nature of that path. Another poster on this thread wondered where the outrage was. We've had months to prepare for this, almost inevitable, outcome. Outrage was there from day one for most of us. Perhaps some of us mourn differently than others.
We have also had years of observing the Sudan genocide. We've had decades of observing the East Timor annihilation. The ongoing oppresion of Christains in China while the US government plays realpolitik for the benefit of Big Business is a scandal. Is it merely a political scandal? Or is it something far, far more sinister? Something at the sick heart of American Christianity?
The passivity of Christians in the face of the brutalization of the Serbs is another scandal. As is the apparently endless war against the Iraqi people---AKA the war against the demon Sadaam--in spite of the fact that Iraq is one of the very few moslem-dominated countries where Christains are not third-class, sub-humans.
I suppose you skip over the part where Jesus threw the money changers out of the temple---too much negative sentiment.