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I read this on Cardinal Bevilacqua and thought you all should see the gay-sharks circling him and painting him as some misbegotten loon. The truth is that Cardinal Bevilacqua is the only Cardinal in America who understands this issue of homosexuality and its incompatibility with the priesthood. The Cardinal is also the only one who seems to understand what is at stake. Aside from Father Ray Ryland, the others quoted in this story especially McBrien can barely be considered Catholic because their teaching is contrary to the Magisterium, the Catechism, and the direction of the Pope.
1 posted on 05/03/2002 6:38:30 PM PDT by history_matters
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To: history_matters
In 1961, Pope John XXIII issued a decree concerning people entering convents, monasteries and other religious orders. The directive, which remains valid, instructs that "those affected by the perverse inclination to homosexuality or pederasty [man-boy love] should be excluded from religious vows and ordination."

Scholars said the decree, developed by the Sacred Congregation for Religious, does not apply to diocesan seminarians.

Scholars like McBrien? Who say that diocesan seminaries don't need to follow a papal decree? You mean McBrien who has always sided against the Pope in all things moral including abortion? It is precisely people like McBrien who should be blamed for this current scandal.

88 posted on 05/03/2002 8:35:54 PM PDT by Slyfox
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To: history_matters
Look up Richard Sipes Book, "Sex, Priests and Power" where he states of 50 Gay Priests interviewed by a Priest only 4 were celibate and 22% had 500 sexual partners or more.

Get a grip on Reality.

See page 132.

My comments above were written for the detractors of Cardinal Bevilaqua but might be taken as directed to you.

I hope this straightens it out, since you know a great deal more about this info than I ever will.

Sorry, I was typing in the Kitchen and my mind was watching the Local Tv about Cardinal Law renaging on a recent agreement for the victims, which is no excuse.

89 posted on 05/03/2002 8:36:42 PM PDT by chatham
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To: history_matters
but his statements about banning even celibate gay priests ...

I will never accept this term, this ideology. What the hell is a celibate gay priest? I know, I who does not act out. But, how the heck can a priest call himself a servant of God and be a fag? What a crock!!


93 posted on 05/03/2002 8:54:04 PM PDT by sit-rep
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To: history_matters
Cardinal Anthony M. Bevilacqua's sweeping rejection of gay men becoming priests diverges from mainstream thinking by U.S. Catholic theologians and policymakers, a range of church scholars said in interviews this week.
Summary of bolded part: Bevilacqua is not a heretic.


94 posted on 05/03/2002 8:55:25 PM PDT by patent
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To: history_matters
Glad to see you history,quick everyone move to the best and I mean the best diocese in the whole entire world,I am here and proud of my humility .
96 posted on 05/03/2002 8:58:24 PM PDT by fatima
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To: history_matters
106 posted on 05/03/2002 9:42:22 PM PDT by Dajjal
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To: history_matters
BTW, the word "celibate" simply means "unmarried." The vow of celibacy is a vow not to wed; the vow of chastity is the vow not to fool around.
108 posted on 05/03/2002 9:58:49 PM PDT by Dajjal
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To: history_matters
Cardinal Bevilacqua bump to the top!
113 posted on 05/03/2002 10:39:19 PM PDT by Salvation
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To: history_matters
We need more Cardinal Bevilacquas and, apparently, less of the current crop of "U.S. Catholic theologians and policymakers."

Many of them act as if they're above all that "Pope and Magisterium stuff."

Please pray for theological fidelity within the Church's hierarchy and scholars.

116 posted on 05/03/2002 11:02:12 PM PDT by B Knotts
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To: history_matters
A gay person "can't give up his orientation," Father Komonchak said.

Bovine Scatology!

I know two men very well who were in the "gay lifestyle." One is now married with 6 children (yes--six). If you listened to his story about being a homosexual, I betcha $50.00 you would cry. It was tragic. He sought help to get out of it-- and the psych "doctors" told him the problem was he was THAT HE WANTED OUT OF IT!

You should see this man today. He is one of the most perfect husbands and fathers you would ever want to meet. But he will tell you the truth about what it is to chained to that Hell.

Today, we have exhanged that truth for a lie.

137 posted on 05/04/2002 5:47:34 AM PDT by SkyPilot
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To: history_matters
Cardinal Anthony M. Bevilacqua's sweeping rejection of gay men becoming priests diverges from mainstream thinking by U.S. Catholic theologians and policymakers, a range of church scholars said in interviews this week.

Well, well, well, what do we have here..."diverges from the mainstream thinking by U.S. Catholics"????? I don't think so. The Catholic church is still strongly against homosexuality unlike the radical pro-gay media. The media is so far gone, they just can't believe such a simple truth.

140 posted on 05/04/2002 6:02:08 AM PDT by Always Right
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To: history_matters
If the catholic church does not come clean on this they'd better expect far fewer people going to church. Who will go there and have their kids molested by a priest? The fewer church goers, the less money for the chruch. That will send a message to the vatican they will not ignore.

If you want decent people to come to church, remove the degenerate priests and put them in prison. It can't get any simpler than that.

141 posted on 05/04/2002 6:11:23 AM PDT by glockmeister40
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To: history_matters
The matter of gays in the priesthood has emerged as a thorny aspect of the abuse scandal. Some Catholic conservatives, noting that many of the reported molestations have involved priests and older boys, have renewed their complaints about the relatively high number of gay priests.

This article mentions Catholic conservatives noting that molestations involve priests and boys. Why the use of the word "conservative?"

147 posted on 05/04/2002 6:46:55 AM PDT by Dr. Scarpetta
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To: history_matters
Thanks for the bump. So glad you are here! Will have to read thru later.
I'm on my way to a First Holy Communion. We have a Glorious day here in NY for it.
Bless you.
148 posted on 05/04/2002 6:48:51 AM PDT by katnip
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To: history_matters
"...every person has disordered inclinations..."

???? The irascible, appetitive, and concupiscible tendencies latent or manifest in the average and typical human condition are not on the same level as same-sex attraction. We don't have people receiving multimillion out-of-court settlements because they saw a priest eat too much or grimace with distemper. This "scholar" really needs to do some homework. Homosexuality is considered a "grave disorder." That's a whole different ballgame. So to speak.

Hey,Cardinal McCarrick! You've got a problem over at Catholic Univ. with this Grabowski character. He needs to start studying theology and philosophy all over again from ground up.

162 posted on 05/04/2002 8:40:51 AM PDT by HowlinglyMind-BendingAbsurdity
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To: history_matters
Cardinal Bevilaqua confirms what I was taught when I took my convert lessons in the late 50s. I naively believed all these years that the seminaries actually weeded out candidates who could not keep the vow of celibacy or those who were overt homosexuals. I know that over the years various priests have "fallen away", but I truly thought they were isolated cases. I still hope that that is the case.

This week we were treated in this community to an article in the local paper explaining where a 64 year old priest assigned to the neighboring parish had disappeared last year. He married the Director of Liturgy!

The other neighboring Parish just learned that a priest who had served there 18 years (now deceased) had molested numerous boys during his life as a priest. He, too, was moved around the State -- like the priests in Boston. Parish members have suggested removing his name from the Parish hall because it is an embarrassment. Prior to this revelation he was noted (in all his parishes) as a pastor who could "get things done" in a building campaign.

And then there was the Deacon I knew in another city (married with 8 children) who left his wife for a parishioner just 2 years after he was ordained. So much for married clerics.

We must pray for the leaders of our church.

179 posted on 05/04/2002 10:26:46 AM PDT by afraidfortherepublic
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To: history_matters
The Rev. Richard McBrien, a theology professor at the University of Notre Dame and a former president of the Catholic Theological Society of America, said Cardinal Bevilacqua's outlook seemed to be based on "a fundamentalistic interpretation of Scripture" that "no one with any serious scholarly credentials in the field of biblical studies" shared.

This a$$hole, pardon my french, needs to be defrocked and excommunicated. I personally don't give rat's spit for what McBrien has to say. He's been a heretic on the scale of Arius ever since I've known of him. He's a disgrace to the roman collar and a near occassion of sin to unsuspecting Catholics. I pray for his repentance and his removal and for forgiveness for the anger his name invokes in me.

183 posted on 05/04/2002 11:25:43 AM PDT by ThomasMore
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To: history_matters
I congratulate any Catholic friends, who may be under Cardinal Bevilacqua jurisdiction. In these times, when so many are issuing what seem to this outsider to be very confused statements, the Cardinal appears to have a clear grasp of what is right.

Frankly, is there anything in Catholic doctrine, which would suggest that a Priest who does not really understand the most basic forces that drive his flock, would be competent to serve as a Priest? Most of my Catholic friends are quite down to earth, family oriented people, to whom the traditional mating quest is a fundamental part of what they see for their own children. Even apart from the compelling moral issue, how could a Priest with deviant orientation be expected to represent the Church's role in guiding those children's spiritual development?

Am I, a non-Catholic, missing something; or is the Cardinal being assailed by people who have some sort of sick axe to grind?

William Flax Return Of The Gods Web Site

196 posted on 05/04/2002 1:07:52 PM PDT by Ohioan
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To: history_matters
Cardinal Anthony M. Bevilacqua's sweeping rejection of gay men becoming priests diverges from mainstream thinking by U.S. Catholic theologians and policymakers, a range of church scholars said in interviews this week.

GOOD for Cardinal Bevilacqua! Those theologians and policy makers are part of the reason for the problems we're having right now. For the last forty years they've blurred the lines around the teachings of the Church so much that you can hardly get the same answer from two or three different priests these days when you ask a question about a particular teaching. Of course, some priests don't even THINK about looking it up in the Catechism, or suggesting that any Catholic can do that for themselves!

198 posted on 05/04/2002 1:16:30 PM PDT by SuziQ
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To: history_matters
Kudos to the Cardinal!
205 posted on 05/04/2002 1:59:49 PM PDT by BunnySlippers
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