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International Criminal Court is Coming to Town to Steal Your Liberty
e-Mail | April 19, 2002 | James Burke

Posted on 04/22/2002 11:47:27 PM PDT by CaptIsaacDavis

July 1, 2002, will be a day of infamy. We have news that the International Criminal Court (ICC) will come into existence on this day after the required 60th country submitted articles of ratification in early April. This creature represents nothing less than a declaration of war on our sovereignty, and liberty. International Law 101: one cannot have a "crime" without sovereign jurisdiction! This body is no mere bureaucracy. It establishes, forever, if NOT fought vigorously by free nations and men, the precedent of independent sovereign powers for UN ELITES who fancy themselves "world order builders". The ICC turns international law on its head in order to start the long road towards exploiting the "rule of law" into constructing, out of thin air, sovereignty for a world government. For a few more weeks the ICC will be a "paper tiger." However, come July 1, this cabal will be empowered to start issuing "warrants" for the arrest of American citizens to be carried out by participating countries – which means that even if the U.S. stays out, Ireland, Spain, or some other signatory, will come after you should you be targeted by the ICC and dare to travel to those countries. I hear the patriots saying:"Remember 1812!"

International Law is about codifying customary norms of behavior between sovereign actors – nation-states. The new International Criminal Court is NOT a "war crimes court" and it is NOT a debating club like the UN. It is much more than that! The UN itself states (from their web site) that the innovation here is NOT that a permanent war crimes court has been established, but rather that "The Court has a mandate to try individuals rather than States and to hold them accountable for the most serious crimes of concern to the international community." That’s right – the United Nations now is asserting jurisdiction over the behavior of individuals, and, by definition, asserting sovereignty that "passes through" nation-states. In other words, the elected governments of states are irrelevant to the conduct of this new police power. Moreover, the power to decide what "crimes" are under this court’s jurisdiction rests, in large part, outside the United Nations! – to include a very small group of elites working to codify/define international law –including, for example, professors of international law (communist, socialist, you name it) that "publicize" through professional writings, emerging "customary norms" of international law. If the ICC and world order builders creatively enhance international law "norms" to include determinations that your individual actions represent a systemic threat to the social democratic tyranny they are trying to create – the ICC has the authority to unilaterally come after you. Some key facts about the ICC that need airing:

1. Article 1, paragraph 2 of the United Nations Charter states that the body is "based on the respect for the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples." The ICC tramples all over rights of self-determination (sovereignty) upon which not only the UN was founded, but the entire scheme of international law is based! By the way, Alger Hiss, and communist "allies" back in 1942 didn’t want this phrase included – other advisers in the then conservative and patriotic State Department prevailed on the grounds that our American revolution, republic, and pre-imperial foreign policy were premised on the God-given right of self-determination.

2. From the UN web site:"The International Criminal Court is a separate entity from the United Nations." Read that again…The ICC will have its own budget and requirement for minimum contributions by participating states. It will NOT be under the control of the Security Council or General Assembly!!!!! This creature is under the control of bureaucrats – prosecutors --, and NOT the General Assembly, or sovereign participants in the UN. It will have the power to "arrest" any delegate of a Security Council or General Assembly member state.

3. The ICC came into force with ratifications by 60 countries – nearly all of them ruled, at this opportunistic moment in time, by internationalist-minded social democratic or socialist parties. NOT A SINGLE ONE HAS PLACED THIS LAW UP FOR POPULAR REFERENDUM. In all but a few cases, the governments have yet to even "work through" constitutional and parliamentary enabling legislation. The new Globalklatura want to ensure that this creature is up and running first before trying to ram it through their popular governments.

4. In the year 2000, there were 189 member states. This body, which purports to codify "customary norms" of international law, was ratified by less than 1/3rd of the member states! Not only is this body unaccountable to the participants in the UN, it was not even backed by a majority of the foreign policy bureaucracies that drive UN scheming before attempting to assert its jurisdiction!

5. ICC prosecutors have the authority to unilaterally initiate prosecutions. They could go after the Secretary General of the UN if they wanted to! Bottom line – it is a criminal court without any pretense of being based on representative or sovereign power. It asserts sovereignty when it has not earned it, and represents the worst instincts of the radical elites committed to building a world government.

6. The UN itself states that what crimes the ICC has the authorization to go after have NOT been set in stone – they WILL evolve to include, for example, drug trafficking or the acts of individuals on the High Seas or in aircraft outside the airspace of member countries (for example, actions by individuals on cruise ships outside territorial waters will fall under the ICC’s jurisdiction). That’s right, "international" drug traffickers operating in the United States will fall under ICC jurisdiction. What does that mean for our "war on drugs" when the ICC is staffed by bureaucrats from some of the most permissive countries on the planet?

7. The ICC already has authorization to go after "crimes against humanity," which have been defined by radical elites to include "forced pregnancy," but NOT forced abortions (lest they go after millions of socialists and communists guilty of such savagery), as well as vague concepts of "persecution" based on "racial" or "cultural" grounds. When one considers that the radical left has convinced itself that the U.S. government is guilty of "institutionalized racism" and there are many governments that see Walt Disney as a threat to their "cultural" security, you have a real problem here that goes far beyond the obvious issue of what happens to U.S. soldiers overseas! What about U.S. government officials in HUD targeted because of purported "institutionalized" discrimination against a particular group that amounts to "ethnic cleansing" (Absurd? Have you suffered listening to the socialist revolutionaries in NYC lately?). The ICC has jurisdiction!

8. The United Nations is currently developing a "convention" on international terrorism, through which the ICC would assert jurisdiction in cases such as 9/11. What does this mean for us? Simply – an ICC prosecutor can claim that Bin Laden belongs before the ICC – because, the UN claims, the attack on New York was less an attack on the United States than on the principles of the ICC or world order. The ICC would, once the convention is ratified by a similar minority of governments, gain the jurisdiction to try Bin Laden, and take him out of the hands of American justice! And if you think that is not a problem – just consider the Euro-left rants that we are "persecuting" poor Al-Qaeda savages at Quantanamo Bay.

President Bush is reported to be considering "un-signing" the agreement that Clinton initialed in order to start the ball rolling on this monstrosity. He should do much more. Pull the U.S. out of the United Nations foreover. All of the malfeasance, incompetence, and outright thievery by UN bureaucrats in the past pales in significance to this latest assault. Previously, the UN was at worst a failed institution, but never a direct threat to the liberties of Americans. The ICC gambit has changed that forever.

TOPICS: Constitution/Conservatism; Editorial; Foreign Affairs; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: unitednations; unlist

1 posted on 04/22/2002 11:47:27 PM PDT by CaptIsaacDavis
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To: CaptIsaacDavis
2 posted on 04/23/2002 12:04:57 AM PDT by brat
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To: brat
How is it constitutionally possible for the US government to cede jurisdiction of its citizens to an outside entity? Clearly, there will be violations of Constitutionally guaranteed rights, in order for this court to prosecute. How can the US government sign this convention, that allows the US Constitution to be circumvented? It seems like a clearly "treasonable" act, but what else would we expect from his royal slickness? I think the Ashcroft Justice department should open a treason inquiry, into these actions by Clinton, immediately, and have emailed the President ( regarding this, and hope you would do so as well.
3 posted on 04/23/2002 12:18:29 AM PDT by krogers58
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To: krogers58
Here's the e-mail I sent.

Dear President Bush,

I am a citizen of the greatest nation on earth. I pay my taxes, and work hard for what I get out of life. I'm a self employed comic book artist and sculptor. I obey the laws, and do what I can to make sure my community is better. I know that as President of the United States, you are a good, and just man. As an American I believe we share a lot of the same values. One of these values is truth.

In 1992, I was what I would call a liberal. I voted for Bill Clinton thinking that our country needed a change. I was in college at the time, and I hope you forgive me for my ignorance. What I know now about his presidency makes me wish I'd never voted for him.

I have read a lot about his dealings with the Chinese, and how he allowed sensitive technologies go to China, in exchange for Campaign Funds. I read about his lying under oath, and his bombings of Sudan and Afghanistan to cover his acts with Monica Lewinsky. I've also recently read about his signing away our sovereignty to the International Criminal Court, which now looms as a United Nations sponsored attrocity at the citizenry of our country.

I would ask that if there is one thing done in my lifetime that it would be that Bill Clinton be held accountable for his actions as President. I am held accountable for my actions, and subject to the word and rules of law. Had I done any of these things as a private citizen, I would be in prison or worse right now. I would hope that there aren't two sets of laws on the books, one for politicians, and one set of laws for the common man.

I have a lot of faith in you sir, and I know that as my President, you will look out for the rest of us, as that's your job, and the reason you were elected into office. You are the one man in this country who can dissolve our membership in the International Criminal Court, as you know it is in direct violation of our Constitution. I would hope that our Nation's Sovereignty would never be subjugated, nor our citizen's rights be taken away, as this nation, our nation, is the only beacon of freedom left in the world.

Our Nation is the only free nation in the world, and there will never be another like it. Pleas Mr. President, ensure that our nation remains free, so that our future generations may know America as my forefathers knew it. I would ask that we dissolve our involvement in the International Criminal Court, so that no other legal body can subject our citizens to their rules of law.

Thank You for your time.

Tommy Allison Citizen of the United States

4 posted on 04/23/2002 5:55:09 AM PDT by MadRobotArtist
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To: UN_List;2Jedismom; 2sheep; Aliska;Aquinasfan; argee; Askel5; arielb; Artist;backhoe; B4Ranch...
5 posted on 04/23/2002 9:32:50 AM PDT by madfly
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To: CaptIsaacDavis
6 posted on 04/23/2002 10:02:38 AM PDT by Bump in the night
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To: madfly
President Bush is reported to be considering "un-signing" the agreement that Clinton initialed in order to start the ball rolling on this monstrosity. He should do much more. Pull the U.S. out of the United Nations foreover. All of the malfeasance, incompetence, and outright thievery by UN bureaucrats in the past pales in significance to this latest assault. Previously, the UN was at worst a failed institution, but never a direct threat to the liberties of Americans. The ICC gambit has changed that forever.

Big bump!!!

7 posted on 04/23/2002 10:17:45 AM PDT by Victoria Delsoul
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To: CaptIsaacDavis
F the ICC bump.
8 posted on 04/23/2002 10:33:10 AM PDT by DoughtyOne
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To: krogers58
How is it constitutionally possible for the US government to cede jurisdiction of its citizens to an outside entity?

Bingo! And how is it that a "conservative" administration can't find the backbone to cancel our signature to the agreement?

9 posted on 04/23/2002 10:34:21 AM PDT by DoughtyOne
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To: krogers58
I agree. I am troubled that there is so much silence coming out of the Justice Dept and the Bush Admin. on this subject. I have emailed the Whitehouse concerning it, as I had the Senate and House.
10 posted on 04/25/2002 12:51:51 AM PDT by brat
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To: CaptIsaacDavis
11 posted on 04/25/2002 6:49:47 AM PDT by wwjdn
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