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The Clash of Civilizations. By Samuel P. Huntington ^
| 1994?
| Samuel P. Huntington
Posted on 04/11/2002 5:51:39 PM PDT by dennisw
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posted on
04/11/2002 5:51:39 PM PDT
To: monkeyshine, ipaq2000, Lent, veronica, Sabramerican, beowolf, Nachum, BenF, angelo, boston_libert
) ) ) ) ) ) If you want on or off me Israel/MidEast/Islamic Jihad ping list please let me know. Via Freepmail is best way.............
posted on
04/11/2002 5:52:41 PM PDT
To: dennisw
Excellent book -- I'm in the middle of it right now after Tancredo recommended it.
One of my favorite quotes is at the beginning from Michael Dibdin's "Dead Lagoon":
"There can be no true friends without true enemies. Unless we hate what we are not, we cannot love what we are. These are the old truths we are painfully rediscovering after a century and more of sentimental cant. Those who deny them deny their family, their heritage, their culture, their bithright, their very selves! They will not lightly be forgiven."
To: dennisw; backhoe
To: flamefront
Excellent book -- I'm in the middle of it right now after Tancredo recommended it.Tom Tancredo talked about Islam? I heard him on radio once and he had pleasant voice. Tancerdo is Italian name...maybe Sicilian
posted on
04/11/2002 6:04:18 PM PDT
To: dennisw
It is a great read. Wonder if Dubya has a clue.
Kinda makes it clear who the West should be and not be in bed with.
Granted they got the oil, but at what cost do we kowtow to their values?
posted on
04/11/2002 6:08:06 PM PDT
To: dennisw
I found the following quite revealing but at the same time, nothing new. We have been and will continue to be a limbic driven F**KED up species. The only answer to this blood and filth is G-d.
A world of clashing civilizations, however, is inevitably a world of double standards: people apply one standard to their kin-countries and a different standard to others.
posted on
04/11/2002 6:10:13 PM PDT
To: dennisw
I have read the book, I may come back and read this to see if there is anything new or different. My problem with Profesor Huntington is that he sees no superiority in Western society over the current incarnation of Muslim or Confucian society. He sees all societies as equal with western society having reached its peak and in decline while both China and Islam are in their ascendency. This is partially true but the superiority of western ideals can allow us to survive and win the Clash of Civilizations.
To: Free the USA
Superiority of ideas bow to sheer numbers, is what Huntington tells us. Bottom line
posted on
04/11/2002 6:43:19 PM PDT
Comment #10 Removed by Moderator
To: dennisw
1994 this was written? "The next world war, if there is one, will be a war between civilizations"It looks like I have some serious reading in different areas, to catch up on.
posted on
04/11/2002 7:34:32 PM PDT
To: dennisw
I am not impressed at all with this piece by Huntington, it is not an accurate portrayal of either the history of the cultural dynamics of the various cultures. True, the Muslims almost to the country move in "kinship" against any perceived NON-Muslim threats, but they also on occassion turn on each other. The West however, is has gone to the aid of Muslim countries quite often, even when in retrospect, it should have been aiding the other side of the conflict who were in some cases fighting against the same Islamic extremism that we have experienced in the US.
Comment #13 Removed by Moderator
To: dennisw
China, North Korea and several Middle Eastern states, however, are significantly expanding their military capabilities. They are doing this by the import of arms from Western and non-Western sources and by the development of indigenous arms industries. One result is the emergence of what Charles Krauthammer has called "Weapon States," and the Weapon States are not Western states.
You can have the weapons but if you don't have the underlying society to properly use these weapons it really doesn't do any good. As Victor Hanson Davis points out in his latest book, using Japan as an example. You could also use the 4 Arab-Israeli wars, in each of them the arabs had the best weapons they could buy and still lost to the Israelis.
posted on
04/11/2002 9:29:10 PM PDT
posted on
04/11/2002 9:33:57 PM PDT
Comment #16 Removed by Moderator
To: dennisw
1. Conflict along the fault line between Western and Islamic civilizations has been going on for 1,300 years.
2. Islam has bloody borders. Sad that more people dont realize these facts. I myself didnt understand the truth till many months after the 911 attacks.
To: kapn kuek
2. Islam has bloody borders.This line is so true. Islam just cannot live with neighbors. Pakistan was created as a Muslim homeland and is a good example.
posted on
04/12/2002 5:51:27 AM PDT
To: dennisw
Thank you, dennisw; I think I've read this before and now it's good to have it on hand.
posted on
04/12/2002 6:23:44 AM PDT
To: Enlightiator
I think there might be a political game going on when US or Russia appear to side with Arab states, but ultimately there's no real alliance. No US-Arab axis, or whatever, is conceivable.
Europe, America, and Russia (and Israel, come to think of it) are very far from the Arab world. Very far. Journalists and 3rd-rate novelists never understand that. To them the East is still full of mystery and despite what you may have read they are all kids looking at National Geographic and saying, "Wow, cool." I don't know. Maybe I'm wrong.
posted on
04/12/2002 6:33:04 AM PDT
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