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To: vannrox
Attractiveness may be the case in animals. But in humans, it's largely a decision made as follows:

A female will date the wealthiest man, her figure/face can attract
A male will date the most attractive female he can attract, with the income he has.

Income, not personality, looks, or charisma is the key determing factor. Can anyone name 1 super-model who is dating/married to an attractive busdriver, frycook, or other lower-wage earning male. If exceptions exist, the exception makes the rule.

4 posted on 03/13/2002 4:53:38 PM PST by Hodar
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To: Hodar
A male will date the most attractive female he can attract, with the income he has.

Nope. I could have married someone that I found more physically attractive. I married for other reasons. Like working well together on projects, humor, and temperment. All physical beauty fades. Of course, I had to be older than 35 to figure that out.


10 posted on 03/13/2002 5:11:25 PM PST by JRandomFreeper
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To: Hodar
They don't date those guys they just screw around on their rich boyfriends/husbands with them( think trophy wife screwing the gardener).
16 posted on 03/13/2002 5:22:50 PM PST by weikel
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To: Hodar
Attractiveness may be the case in animals. But in humans, it's largely a decision made as follows: A female will date the wealthiest man, her figure/face can attract A male will date the most attractive female he can attract, with the income he has. Income, not personality, looks, or charisma is the key determing factor. Can anyone name 1 super-model who is dating/married to an attractive busdriver, frycook, or other lower-wage earning male. If exceptions exist, the exception makes the rule.

You are SO right. Are you a Leykis listener?

45 posted on 03/13/2002 5:51:15 PM PST by IDontLikeToPayTaxes
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To: Hodar
It doesn't get much clearer than that. Well put.
56 posted on 03/13/2002 6:07:15 PM PST by screed
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To: Hodar
Honest to god, I dated a guy who was tone-deaf. It drove me crazy. Some people would call what I have "perfect pitch". I really think of it as a finely-tuned, well-developed long-term memory for musical pitches. Be that as it may, it drove me NUTS hanging around this guy. Sitting next to him in church while he was droning along on the hymns drove me absolutely bonkers. From that point on, I realized I had to find myself a man who could at least carry a melody line. Let's just say I hit the jackpot in that regard. I didn't give a care as to how well he dressed. In fact, I'd dated enough "clothes' horses" who cared more about what was featured in the latest copy of GQ than me, to have had enough of that (narcissistic jerks! :-).
270 posted on 03/13/2002 10:37:20 PM PST by NotJustAnotherPrettyFace
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To: Hodar
Income, not personality, looks, or charisma is the key determing factor. Can anyone name 1 super-model who is dating/married to an attractive busdriver, frycook, or other lower-wage earning male. If exceptions exist, the exception makes the rule.

No but can you explain why Lyle Lovet(sp?) snagged Julia Roberts...?

288 posted on 03/14/2002 2:02:41 PM PST by antaresequity
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