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On Free Grace
Wesley Center of Applied Theology | 1740 | John Wesley

Posted on 02/25/2002 11:01:41 PM PST by fortheDeclaration

JOHN WESLEY SERMON ONE HUNDRED TWENTY-EIGHT FREE GRACE PREACEHD AT BRISTOL, IN THE YEAR 1740 "He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things?" Rom. 8:32

___________________ TO THE READER Nothing but the strongest conviction, not only that what is here advanced is "the truth as it is in Jesus," but also that I am indispensably obliged to declare this truth to all the world, could have induced me openly to oppose the sentiments of those whom I esteem for their work's sake: At whose feet may I be found in the day of the Lord Jesus! Should any believe it his duty to reply hereto, I have only one request to make, -- Let whatsoever you do, be done inherently, in love, and in the spirit of meekness. Let your very disputing show that you have "put on, as the elect of God, bowel of mercies, gentleness, longsuffering; "that even according to this time it may be said, "See how these Christians love one another!"

ADVERTISEMENT Whereas a pamphlet entitled, "Free Grace Indeed," has been published against this Sermon; this is to inform the publisher, that I cannot answer his tract till he appears to be more in earnest. For I dare not speak of "the deep things of God" in the spirit of a prize-fighter or a stage-player.

___________________ 1. How freely does God love the world! While we were yet sinners, "Christ died for the ungodly." While we were "dead in our sin," God "spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all." And how freely with him does he "give us all things!" Verily, FREE GRACE is all in all!

2. The grace or love of God, whence cometh our salvation, is FREE IN ALL, and FREE FOR ALL. 3. First. It is free in all to whom it is given. It does not depend on any power or merit in man; no, not in any degree, neither in whole, nor in part. It does not in anywise depend either on the good works or righteousness of the receiver; not on anything he has done, or anything he is. It does not depend on his endeavors. It does not depend on his good tempers, or good desires, or good purposes and intentions; for all these flow from the free grace of God; they are the streams only, not the fountain. They are the fruits of free grace, and not the root. They are not the cause, but the effects of it. Whatsoever good is in man, or is done by man, God is the author and doer of it. Thus is his grace free in all; that is, no way depending on any power or merit in man, but on God alone, who freely gave us his own Son, and "with him freely giveth us all things.

4. But it is free for ALL, as well as IN ALL. To this some have answered, "No: It is free only for those whom God hath ordained to life; and they are but a little flock. The greater part of God hath ordained to death; and it is not free for them. Them God hateth; and, therefore, before they were born, decreed they should die eternally. And this he absolutely decreed; because so was his good pleasure; because it was his sovereign will. Accordingly, they are born for this, -- to be destroyed body and soul in hell. And they grow up under the irrevocable curse of God, without any possibility of redemption; for what grace God gives. he gives only for this, to increase, not prevent, their damnation."

5. This that decree of predestination. But methinks I hear one say, "This is not the predestination which I hold: I hold only the election of grace. What I believe is not more than this, -- that God,, before the foundation of the world, did elect a certain number of men to be justified, sanctified, and glorified. Now, all these will be saved, and none else; for the rest of mankind God leaves to themselves: So they follow the imaginations of their own hearts, which are only evil continually, and, waxing worse and worse, are at length justly punished with everlasting destruction."

6. Is this all the predestination which you hold? Consider; perhaps this is not all. Do not you believe God ordained them to this very thing" If so, you believe the whole degree; you hold predestination in the full sense which has been above described. But it may be you think you do not. Do not you then believe, God hardens the hearts of them that perish: Do not you believe, he (literally) hardened Pharaoh's heart; and that for this end he raised him up, or created him? Why, this amounts to just the same thing. If you believe Pharaoh, or any one man upon earth, was created for this end, -- to be damned, -- you hold all that has been said of predestination. And there is no need you should add, that God seconds his degree, which is supposed unchangeable and irresistible, by hardening the hearts of those vessels of wrath whom that decree had before fitted for destruction.

7. well, but it may be you do not believe even this; you do not hold any decree of reprobation; you do not think God decrees any man to be damned, not hardens, irresistibly fits him, for damnation; you only say, "God eternally decreed, that all being dead in sin, he would say to some of the dry bones, Live, and to others he would not; that, consequently, these should be made alive, and those abide in death, -- these should glorify God by their salvation, and those by their destruction."

8. Is not this what you mean by the election of grace? If it be, I would ask one or two question: Are any who are not thus elected saved? or were any, from the foundation of the world? Is it possible any man should be saved unless he be thus elected? If you say, "No," you are but where you was; you are not got one hair's breadth farther; you still believe, that, in consequence of an unchangeable, irresistible decree of God, the greater part of mankind abide in death, without any possibility of redemption; inasmuch as none can save them but God, and he will not save them. You believe he hath absolutely decreed not to save them; and what is this but decreeing to damn them? It is, in effect, neither more not less; it comes to the same thing; for if you are dead, and altogether unable to make yourself alive, then, if God has absolutely decreed he will make only others alive, and not you, he hath absolutely decreed your everlasting death; you are absolutely consigned to damnation. So then, though you use softer words than some, you mean the self-same thing; and God's decree concerning the election of grace, according to your account of it, amounts to neither more not less than what others call God's decree of reprobation.

9. Call it therefore by whatever name you please, election, preterition, predestination, or reprobation, it comes in the end to the same thing. The sense of all is plainly this, -- by virtue of an eternal, unchangeable, irresistible decree of God, on part of mankind are infallibly saved, and the rest infallibly damned; it being impossible that any of the former should be damned. or that any of the latter should be saved.

10. But if this be so, then is all preaching vain. It is needless to them that are elected; for they, whether with preaching or without, will infallibly be saved. Therefore, the end of preaching -- to save should -- is void with regard to them; and it is useless to them that are not elected, for they cannot possibly be saved: They, whether with preaching or without, will infallibly be damned. The end of preaching is therefore void with regard to them likewise; so that in either case our preaching is vain, as you hearing is also vain.

11. This then, is a plain proof that the doctrine of predestination is not a doctrine of God, because it makes void the ordinance of God; and God is not divided against himself. A Second is, that it directly tends to destroy that holiness which is the end of all the ordinances of God. I do not say, none who hold it are holy; (for God is of tender mercy to those who are unavoidably entangled in errors of any kind;) but that the doctrine itself, -- that every man is either elected or not elected from eternity, and that the one must inevitably be saved, and the other inevitably damned, -- has a manifest tendency to destroy holiness in general; for it wholly takes away those first motives to follow after it, so frequently proposed in Scripture, the hope of future reward and fear of punishment, the hope of heaven and fear of hell. That these shall go away into everlasting punishment, and those into life eternal, is not motive to him to struggle for life who believes his lot is cast already; it is not reasonable for him so to do, if he thinks he is unalterably adjudged either to life or death. You will say, "But he knows not whether it is life or death." What then? -- this helps not the matter; for if a sick man knows that he must unavoidably die, or unavoidably recover, though he knows not which, it is unreasonable for him to take any physic at all. He might justly say, (and so I have heard some speak, both in bodily sickness and in spiritual,) "If I am ordained to life, I shall live; if to death, I shall live; so I need not trouble myself about it." So directly does this doctrine tend to shut the very gate of holiness in general, -- to hinder unholy men from ever approaching thereto, or striving to enter in thereat.

12. as directly does this doctrine tend to destroy several particular branches of holiness. Such are meekness and love, -- love, I mean, of our enemies, -- of the evil and unthankful. I say not, that none who hold it have meekness and love; (for as is the power of God, so is his mercy;) but that it naturally tends to inspire, or increase, a sharpness or eagerness of temper, which is quite contrary to the meekness of Christ; as then especially appears, when they are opposed on this head. And it as naturally inspires contempt or coldness towards those whom we suppose outcast form God. "O but," you say. "I suppose no particular man a reprobate." You mean you would not if you could help it: But you cannot help sometimes applying your general doctrine to particular persons: The enemy of souls will apply it for you. You know how often he has done so. But you rejected the thought with abhorrence. True; as soon as you could; but how did it sour and sharpen your spirit in the mean time! you well know it was not the spirit of love which you then felt towards that poor sinner, whom you supposed or suspected, whether you would or no, to have been hated of God from eternity.

13. Thirdly. This doctrine tends to destroy the comfort of religion, the happiness of Christianity. This is evident as to all those who believe themselves to be reprobated, or who only suspect or fear it. All the great and precious promises are lost to them; they afford them no ray of comfort: For they are not the elect of God; therefore they have neither lot nor portion in them. This is an effectual bar to their finding any comfort or happiness, even in that religion whose ways are designed to be "ways of pleasantness, and all her paths peace."

14. And as to you who believe yourselves the elect of God, what is your happiness? I hoe, not a notion, a speculative belief, a bare opinion of any kind; but a feeling possession of God in your heart, wrought in you by the Holy Ghost, or, the witness of God's Spirit with your spirit that you are a child of God. This, otherwise termed "the full assurance of faith,: is the true ground of a Christian's happiness. And it does indeed imply a full assurance that all your past sins are forgiven, and that you are now a child of God. But it does not necessarily imply a full assurance of our future perseverance. I do not say this is never joined to it, but that it is not necessarily implied therein; for many have the one who have not the other.

15. Now, this witness of the Spirit experience shows to be much obstructed by this doctrine; and not only in those who, Believing themselves reprobated, by this belief thrust it far from them, but even in them that have tasted of that good gift, who yet have soon lost it again, and fallen back into doubts, and fears, and darkness, -- horrible darkness, that might be felt! And I appeal to any of you who hold this doctrine, to say, between God and your own hearts, whether you have not often a return of doubts and fears concerning your election or perseverance! If you ask, "Who has not?" I answer, Very few of those that hold this doctrine; but many, very many, of those that hold it not, in all parts of the earth; -- many of these have enjoyed the uninterrupted witness of his Spirit, the continual light of his countenance, from the moment wherein they first believed, for many months or years, to this day.

16. That assurance of faith which these enjoy excludes all doubt and fear, It excludes all kinds of doubt and fear concerning their future perseverance; though it is not properly, as was said before, an assurance of what is future, but only of what now is. And this needs not for its support a speculative belief, that whoever is once ordained to life must live; for it is wrought from hour to hour, by the mighty power of God, "by the Holy Ghost which is given unto them." And therefore that doctrine is not of God, because it tends to obstruct, if not destroy, this great work of the Holy Ghost, whence flows the chief comfort of religion, the happiness of Christianity.

17. Again: How uncomfortable a thought is this, that thousands and millions of men, without any preceding offense or fault of theirs, were unchangeably doomed to everlasting burnings! How peculiarly uncomfortable must it be to those who have put on Christ! to those who, being filled with bowels of mercy, tenderness, and compassion, could even "wish themselves accursed for their brethren's sake!"

18. Fourthly. This uncomfortable doctrine directly tends to destroy our zeal for good works. And this it does, First, as it naturally tends (according to what was observed before) to destroy our love to the greater part of mankind, namely, the evil and unthankful. For whatever lessens our love, must go far lessen our desire to do them good. This it does, Secondly, as it cuts off one of the strongest motives to all acts of bodily mercy, such as feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, and the like, -- viz., the hope of saving their souls from death. For what avails it to relieve their temporal wants, who are just dropping into eternal fire? "Well; but run and snatch them as brands out of the fire.: Nay, this you suppose impossible. They were appointed thereunto, you say, from eternity, before they had done either good or evil. you believe it is the will of God they should die. And "who hath resisted his will?" But you say you do not know whether these are elected or not. What then? If you know they are the one or the other, -- that they are either elected or not elected, -- all your labour is void and vain. In either case, your advice, reproof, or exhortation is as needless and useless as our preaching. It is needless to them that are elected; for they will infallibly be saved without it. It is useless to them that are not elected; for with or without it they will infallibly be damned; therefore you cannot consistently with your principles take any pains about their salvation. Consequently, those principles directly tend to destroy you zeal for good works; for all good works; but particularly for the greatest of all, the saving of souls from death.

19. But, Fifthly, this doctrine not only tends to destroy Christian holiness, happiness, and good works, but hath also a direct and manifest tendency to overthrow the whole Christian Revelation. The point which the wisest of the modern unbelievers most industriously labour to prove, is, that the Christian Revelation is not necessary. They well know, could they once show this, the conclusion would be too plain to be denied, "If it be not necessary, it is not true," Now, this fundamental point you give up. For supposing that eternal, unchangeable decree, one part of mankind must be saved, though the Christian Revelation were not in being, and the other part of mankind must be damned, notwithstanding that Revelation. And what would an infidel desire more? You allow him all he asks. In making the gospel thus unnecessary to all sorts of men, you give up the whole Christian cause. "O tell it not in Gath! lest the daughters of the uncircumcised rejoice; "lest the sons of unbelief triumph!

20. And as this doctrine manifestly and directly tends to overthrow the whole Christian Revelation, so it does the same thing, by plain consequence, in making that Revelation contradict itself. For it is grounded on such an interpretation of some texts (more or fewer it matters not) as flatly contradicts all the other texts, and indeed the whole scope and tenor of Scripture. For instance: The assertors of this doctrine interpret that text of Scripture, "Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated," as implying that God in a literal sense hated Esau, and all the reprobated, from eternity. Now, what can possibly be a more flat contradiction than this, not only to the whole scope and tenor of Scripture, but also to all those particular texts which expressly declare, "God is love?" Again: They infer from that text, "I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy," (Romans 4:15) that God is love only to some men, viz.,the elect, and that he hath mercy for those only; flatly contrary to which is the whole tenor of Scripture, as is that express declaration in particular, "The Lord is loving unto every man; and his mercy is over all his works." (Psalm 114:9.) Again: They infer from that and the like texts, "It is not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of God that showeth mercy,: that he showeth mercy only to those to whom he had respect from all eternity. Nay, but who replieth against God now? You now contradict the whole oracles of God, which declare throughout, "God is no respecter of persons:' (Acts 10:34) "There is no respect of persons with him." (Rom. 2:11.) Again: from that text, "The children being not yet born, neither having done any good or evil, that the purpose of God according to election might stand, not of works, but of him that calleth; it was said unto her," unto Rebecca, "The elder shall serve the younger;"you infer, that our being predestinated, or elect, no way depends on the foreknowledge of God. Flatly contrary to this are all the scriptures; and those in particular, "Elect according to the foreknowledge of God; " (1 Peter 1:2;) "Whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate." (Rom. 8:29.)

21. And "the same Lord over all is rich" in mercy "to all that call upon him:" (Romans 10:12:) But you say, "No; he is such only to those for whom Christ died. And those are not all, but only a few, whom God hath chosen out of the world; for he died not for all, but only for those who were 'chosen in him before the foundation of the world.'" (Eph. 1:4.) Flatly contrary to your interpretation of these scriptures, also, is the whole tenor of the New Testament; as are in particular those texts: -- "Destroy not him with thy meat, for whom Christ died," (Rom. 14:15,) -- a clear proof that Christ died, not only for those that are saved, but also for them that perish: He is "the Saviour of the world;" (John 4:42;) He is "the Lamb of God that taketh away the sins of the world;" (John 1:29;) "He is the propitiation, not for our sins only, but also for the sins of the whole world;" (1 John 2:2;) "He," the living God, "is the Savior of all men;" (1 Timothy 4:10;) "He gave himself a ransom for all;" (1 Tim. 2:6;) "He tasted death for every man." (Heb. 2:9.)

22. If you ask, "Why then are not all men saved?" the whole law and the testimony answer, First, Not because of any decree of God; not because it is his pleasure they should die; for, As I live, saith the Lord God," I have no pleasure in the death of him that dieth." (Ezek. 18:3, 32.) Whatever be the cause of their perishing, it cannot be his will, if the oracles of God are true; for they declare, "He is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance;" (2 Pet. 3:9;) "He willeth that all men should be saved." And they, Secondly, declare what is the cause why all men are not saved, namely, that they will not be saved: So our Lord expressly, "Ye will not come unto me that ye may have life." (John 5:40.) "The power of the Lord is present to heal" them, but they will not be healed. "They reject the counsel," the merciful counsel, "of God against themselves," as did their stiff-necked forefathers. And therefore are they without excuse; because God would save them, but they will not be saved: This is the condemnation, "How often would I have gathered you together, and ye would not!" (Matt. 23:37.)

23. Thus manifestly does this doctrine tend to overthrow the whole Christian Revelation, by making it contradict itself; by giving such an interpretation of some texts, as flatly contradicts all the other texts, and indeed the whole scope and tenor of Scripture; -- an abundant proof that it is not of God. But neither is this all: For, Seventhly, it is a doctrine full of blasphemy; of such blasphemy as I should dread to mention, but that the honour of our gracious God, and the cause of his truth, will not suffer me to be silent. In the cause of God, then, and from a sincere concern for the glory of his great name, I will mention a few of the horrible blasphemies contained in this horrible doctrine. But first, I must warn every one of you that hears, as ye will answer it at the great day, not to charge me (as some have done) with blaspheming, because I mention the blasphemy of others. And the more you are grieve with them that do thus blaspheme, see that ye "confirm your love towards them: the more, and that your heart's desire, and continual prayer to God, be, "Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do!"

24. This premised, let it be observed, that this doctrine represents our blessed Lord, "Jesus Christ the righteous," "the only begotten Son of the Father, full of grace and truth," as an hypocrite, a deceiver of the people, a man void of common sincerity. For it cannot be denied, that he everywhere speaks as if he was willing that all men should be saved. Therefore, to say he was not willing that all men should be saved, is to represent him as a mere hypocrite and dissembler. It cannot be denied that the gracious words which came out of his mouth are full of invitations to all sinners. To say, then, he did not intend to save all sinners, is to represent him as a gross deceiver of the people. You cannot deny that he says, "Come unto me, all ye that are weary and heavy laden." If, then, you say he calls those that cannot come; those whom he knows to be unable to come; those whom he can make able to come, but will not; how is it possible to describe greater insincerity? You represent him as mocking his helpless creatures, by offering what he never intends to give. You describe him as saying on thing, and meaning another; as pretending the love which his had not. Him, in "whose mouth was no guile," you make full of deceit, void of common sincerity; -- then especially, when, drawing nigh the city, He wept over it, and said, "O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou killest the prophets, and stonest them that are sent unto thee; how often would I have gathered thy children together, -- and ye would not;" hqelhsa -- kai ouk hqelhsate. Now, if you say, they would, but he would not, you represent him (which who could hear?) as weeping crocodiles' tears; weeping over the prey which himself had doomed to destruction!

25. Such blasphemy this, as one would think might make the ears of a Christian to tingle! But there is yet more behind; for just as it honours the Son, so doth this doctrine honour the Father. It destroys all his attributes at once: It overturns both his justice, mercy, and truth; yea, it represents the most holy God as worse than the devil, as both more false, more cruel, and more unjust. More false; because the devil, liar as he is, hath never said, "He willeth all men to be saved:" More unjust; because the devil cannot, if he would, be guilty of such injustice as you ascribe to God, when you say that God condemned millions of souls to everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels, for continuing in sin, which, for want of that grace he will not give them, they cannot avoid: And more cruel; because that unhappy spirit "seeketh rest and findeth none;" so that his own restless misery is a kind of temptation to him to tempt others. But God resteth in his high and holy place; so that to suppose him, of his own mere motion, of his pure will and pleasure, happy as he is, to doom his creatures, whether they will or no, to endless misery, is to impute such cruelty to him as we cannot impute even to the great enemy of God and man. It is to represent the high God (he that hath ears to hear let him hear!) as more cruel, false, and unjust than the devil!

26. This is the blasphemy clearly contained in the horrible decree+ of predestination! And here I fix my foot. On this I join issue with every assertor of it. You represent God as worse than the devil; more false, more cruel, more unjust. But you say you will prove it by scripture. Hold! What will you prove by Scripture? that God is worse than the devil? I cannot be. Whatever that Scripture proves, it never an prove this; whatever its true meaning be. This cannot be its true meaning. Do you ask, "What is its true meaning then?" If I say, " I know not," you have gained nothing; for there are many scriptures the true sense whereof neither you nor I shall know till death is swallowed up in victory. But this I know, better it were to say it had no sense, than to say it had such a sense as this. It cannot mean, whatever it mean besides, that the God of truth is a liar. Let it mean what it will it cannot mean that the Judge of all the world is unjust. No scripture can mean that God is not love, or that his mercy is not over all his works; that is, whatever it prove beside, no scripture can prove predestination.

27. This is the blasphemy for which (however I love the persons who assert it) I abhor the doctrine of predestination, a doctrine, upon the supposition of which, if one could possibly suppose it for a moment, (call it election, reprobation, or what you please, for all comes to the same thing,) one might say to our adversary, the devil, "Thou fool, why dost thou roar about any longer? Thy lying in wait for souls is as needless and useless as our preaching. Hearest thou not, that God hath taken thy work out of thy hands; and that he doeth it much more effectually? Thou, with all thy principalities and powers, canst only so assault that we may resist thee; but He can irresistibly destroy both body and soul in hell! Thou canst only entice; but his unchangeable decrees, to leave thousands of souls in death, compels them to continue in sin, till they drop into everlasting burnings. Thou temptest; He forceth us to be damned; for we cannot resist his will. Thou fool, why goest thou about any longer, seeking whom thou mayest devour? Hearest thou not that God is the devouring lion, the destroyer of souls, the murderer of men" Moloch caused only children to pass though the fire: and that fire was soon quenched; or, the corruptible body being consumed, its torment was at an end; but God, thou are told, by his eternal decree, fixed before they had done good or evil, causes, not only children of a span long, but the parents also, to pass through the fire of hell, the 'fire which never shall be quenched; and the body which is cast thereinto, being now incorruptible and immortal, will be ever consuming and never consumed, but 'the smoke of their torment,' because it is God's good pleasure, 'ascendeth up for ever and ever.'"

28. O how would the enemy of God and man rejoice to hear these things were so! How would he cry aloud and spare not! How would he lift up his voice and say, "To your tents, O Israel! Flee from the face of this God, or ye shall utterly perish! But whither will ye flee? Into heaven? He is there, Down to hell? He is there also. Ye cannot flee from an omnipresent, almighty tyrant. And whether ye flee or stay, I call heaven, his throne, and earth, his footstool, to witness against you, ye shall perish, ye shall die eternally. Sing, O hell, and rejoice, ye that are under the earth! For God, even the mighty God, hath spoken, and devoted to death thousands of souls, form the rising of the sun unto the going down thereof! Here, O death, is they sting! They shall not, cannot escape; for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it. Here, O grave is thy victory Nations yet unborn, or ever they have done good or evil are doomed never to see the light of life, but thou shalt gnaw upon them for ever and ever! Let all those morning stars sing together, who fell with Lucifer, son of the morning! Let all the sons of hell shout for joy! For the decree is past, and who shall disannul it?"

29. Yea, the decree is past; and so it was before the foundation of the world. But what decree? Even this: "I will set before the sons of men 'life and death, blessing cursing.' And the soul that chooseth life shall live, as the soul that chooseth death shall die." This decree whereby "whom God did foreknow, he did predestinate," was indeed from everlasting; this, whereby all who suffer Christ to make them alive are "elect according to the foreknowledge of God," now standeth fast, even as the moon, and as the faithful witnesses in heaven; and when heaven and earth shall pass away, yet this shall not pass away; for it is as unchangeable and eternal as is the being of God that gave it. This decree yields the strongest encouragement to abound in all good works and in all holiness; and it is a well-spring of joy, of happiness also, to our great and endless comfort. This is worthy of God; it is every way consistent with all the perfections of his nature. It gives us the noblest view both of his justice, mercy, and truth. To this agrees the whole scope of the Christian Revelation, as well as all the parts thereof. To this Moses and all the Prophets bear witness, and our blessed Lord and all his Apostles Thus Moses, in the name of his Lord: "I call heaven and earth to record against you this day, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life, that thou and thy seed may live." Thus Ezekiel: choose life, that thou and thy seed may live;"Thus Ezekiel: (To cite one Prophet for all:) "The soul that sinneth, it shall die: The son shall not bear" eternally, "the iniquity of the father. The righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon him." (18:20.) Thus our blessed Lord: "If any man thirst, let him come unto me and drink." (John 7:37.) Thus his great Apostle, St. Paul: (Acts 17:30:) "God commandeth all men everywhere to repent; -- "all men everywhere;" every man in every place, without any exception either of place or person. Thus St. James: "If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, who giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not, and it shall be given him." (James 1:5.) Thus St. Peter: (2 Pet. 3:9:) "The Lord is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance." And thus St. John: " If any man sin, we have an Advocate with the Father; and he is the propitiation for our sins; and not for ours only, but for the sins of the whole world." (1 John 2:1, 2.)

30. O hear ye this, ye that forget God! Ye cannot charge your death upon him! "`Have I any pleasure at all that the wicked should die?' saith the Lord God." (Ezek. 18:23ff.) "Repent, and turn from all your transgressions; so iniquity shall not be your ruin. Cast away from you all your transgressions where by ye have transgressed, -- for why will ye die, O house of Israel? For I have no pleasure in the death of him that dieth, saith the Lord God. Wherefore turn yourselves, and live ye." "As I live, saith the Lord God, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked. -- Turn ye, turn ye from your evil ways; for why will ye die, O house of Israel?" (Ezekiel 33:11.)

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Edited by Ken Harris with corrections by Ryan Danker and George Lyons of Northwest Nazarene University (Nampa, Idaho) for the Wesley Center for Applied Theology. © Copyright 1999 by the Wesley Center for Applied Theology. Text may be freely used for personal or scholarly purposes or mirrored on other web sites, provided this notice is left intact. Any use of this material for commercial purposes of any kind is strictly forbidden without the express permission of the Wesley Center at Northwest Nazarene University, Nampa, ID 83686. Contact for permission or to report errors. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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To: Ward Smythe
True, but some of the confusion seems to originate from many trying to make our Sovereign God conform to His creation called "time". IOW, with God, the past, present, and future as we know it has no relevance on His actions - yet time affects our physical perception of those actions and how we refer to them in spoken or written words.
The most intriguing fact to me is that we Christians can differ so on theology - yet in the final analysis, we can love one another and love the same God with an equally deep passion...
101 posted on 02/26/2002 6:18:45 PM PST by azhenfud
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To: SKempis; RnMomof7
(God's) punishing people for (God's own) decisions.

Oh, no worrys then. Calvinism doesn't teach this. Next!

102 posted on 02/26/2002 6:19:56 PM PST by CCWoody
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To: RnMomof7
I said: "we fully accept His rights and omnipotence,"

You reply: "I am sure He is reassured by that is very nice of all of you to grant Him that power :>))"

Can we discuss this without sarcastic insults?

Have any of you considered just how un-Christ-like is your disingenuous use of debate techniques?

What is your goal? The bearing witness, advancing the truth, or winning some game of debate even at the expense of sincerity?

(Keep in mind you are talking to folks who are a bit too sophisticated for Clintonesque replies to straightforward questions.)

103 posted on 02/26/2002 6:26:59 PM PST by SKempis
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To: xzins
Let me see now, Moses murdered an Egyptian. I guess that means we throw out the Ten Commandments.

As to Jesus teaching, let's look at John 12:37-40.

"Although He had done so many signs before them, they did not believe in Him, that the word of the prophet might be fulfilled... 'Lord who has believed our report?

"Therefore they could not believe,

because Isaiah said again,

'He has blinded their eyes and hardened their hearts, lest they should see with their eyes, lest they should understand with their hearts and turn, so that I should heal them.'..."

Read the passage and explain why these people could not believe.

Who blinded their eyes? When was the decision made to blind them?

104 posted on 02/26/2002 6:29:26 PM PST by rwt60
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To: CCWoody
I understand your eagerness to change the subject, but perhaps someone who actually cares would like to discuss the matter.
105 posted on 02/26/2002 6:30:23 PM PST by SKempis
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To: SKempis
In a gentle and loving way then, I will tell you that God does not require or demand that you recognize His omnipotence. The world is full of people that fail to give Him what is His.
106 posted on 02/26/2002 6:31:45 PM PST by RnMomof7
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To: SKempis; RnMomof7
I understand your eagerness to change the subject, but perhaps someone who actually cares would like to discuss the matter.

You see, sister, just how disengenuous SKempis is. I tell him that we do not believe what he has attributed to Calvinism and this is the reply. God does not punish people for His decisions, He punishes people for their own decisions.

107 posted on 02/26/2002 6:46:12 PM PST by CCWoody
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To: RnMomof7
"In a gentle and loving way then, I will tell you that God does not require or demand that you recognize His omnipotence. The world is full of people that fail to give Him what is His."

What is Gentle and loving about twisting, in fact denying, my words? No, it is yet another passive-aggressive attempt to place me with those who "fail to give Him what is His".

I said I acknowledge His omnipotence and love Him more for His choosing not to exercise His power over us so that we could come to Him out of Love.

Does your position require bearing false witness - accusing someone of saying something they have not?

Or can you accept my position as something deserving of respect, if not agreement?

108 posted on 02/26/2002 6:48:23 PM PST by SKempis
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To: SKempis;CCWoody
On "(God's) punishing people for (God's own) decisions."

Romans 10 As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one:
11 There is none that understandeth, there is none that seeketh after God.
12 They are all gone out of the way, they are together become unprofitable; there is none that doeth good, no, not one.

13 Their throat is an open sepulchre; with their tongues they have used deceit; the poison of asps is under their lips:
14 Whose mouth is full of cursing and bitterness:
15 Their feet are swift to shed blood:
16 Destruction and misery are in their ways:
17 And the way of peace have they not known:
18 There is no fear of God before their eyes.

Do you think reading this that it is God's decision or mans that send him to hell?

109 posted on 02/26/2002 6:52:17 PM PST by RnMomof7
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To: Jerry_M
Virtually every Christian on FR would regard xzins's views of the godhead as aberrant (i.e, the idea that the Father has a humanoid body), but we Calvinists would not have him put to death for it!

In Calvin's day, however, most of the governments of Europe regarded heresy as treason against the state. And treason was a capital crime.

110 posted on 02/26/2002 6:59:18 PM PST by the_doc
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To: SKempis
I said I acknowledge His omnipotence and love Him more for His choosing not to exercise His power over us so that we could come to Him out of Love.

What if you are loving Him for something that is not accurate? Could you love him because He chose you first?

111 posted on 02/26/2002 6:59:26 PM PST by RnMomof7
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To: CCWoody
"Who are the us in that verse. Who is the Lord talking about? BTW, according to your reading, does the will of man supercede that of God?"

Good question. The children of God (like us) who are yet making mistakes, right? I ask you - who is Peter referring to in the same passage by the usage of "any" and "all" when he says: "...,not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance." Please clarify this for me if you would...

112 posted on 02/26/2002 6:59:29 PM PST by azhenfud
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To: CCWoody
Woody said: "You see, sister, just how disengenuous SKempis is. I tell him that we do not believe what he has attributed to Calvinism and this is the reply."...

That is my reply because I see no support of your claim that I have misrepresented Calvinism.

"...God does not punish people for His decisions, He punishes people for their own decisions."

I agree. And if Calvinism actually claims that it is not God's decision, I have misunderstood and I apologise. But will you please tell me how these people decided to elect themselves?

If we must walk through this...
From my understanding, you believe God decides whom to elect. (? RnMom care to answer?)
If so, it is not their decision, but God's, and I have not attributed something wrongly as you claim.

That is pretty simple. Do you still want to say I'm the one who is disingenuous?

113 posted on 02/26/2002 7:07:03 PM PST by SKempis
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To: azhenfud
Please clarify this for me if you would...

No problem. The context of the passage determines who the us are:

2 Peter 3:1,9 Beloved, I now write to you this second epistle... The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.
In order to understand the passage, you must understand what the promise is. The us is not every single person without exception, but those to whom He has made a promise. He is not willing that any of them perish.
114 posted on 02/26/2002 7:16:01 PM PST by CCWoody
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To: SKempis
I personally consider the attributes given Him by Calvinists to be an insult to Him.

As do I. And they likewise consider attributes given Him by Wesleyans to be an insult.

I have sharp disagreements with the Calvinists here, but I believe they are my brothers and sisters in Christ.

115 posted on 02/26/2002 7:24:34 PM PST by Ward Smythe
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To: SKempis; RnMomof7; rwt60
If we must walk through this...

In charity, I will briefly state our position for you: All men have freely chosen to sin and fall short of the glory of God. They are foolish and disobedient and deceivers, who serve only their own selfish lusts. They hate God and want nothing to do with Him. Nevertheless, God for the sake of His name and His glory has Redeemed a number known only to Him from every nation and tribe and tongue and people group. The rest He has left in their sin wallowing hatred for Him.

116 posted on 02/26/2002 7:25:32 PM PST by CCWoody
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To: RnMomof7
Could you tell me how it is fine that man can decide to "accept" Christ or to "deny "Christ..but only a powerles god is acceptable to you?

Mom as a Wesleyan, or at least a former one, you know better than to assert that we believe in a "powerless" God.

117 posted on 02/26/2002 7:26:07 PM PST by Ward Smythe
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To: Ward Smythe
You good sir, are as good as any of the posters so far to post a reply concerning my viewpoint regarding this matter.

To begin with, let us understand that five point Calvanism is not false Gospel. It does, however, contain unbiblical tenents in its doctrine. Those who adhere to the doctrine of la Sola Scriptura - as did the Berean's (see Acts 17:10-12) - can argue at length with fine evangelical Calvanist friends without any change to anybody's views.

Nevertheless, I feel compelled to weigh in on the issue of whether man is totally depraved or can through the wooing of the Holy Spirit make valid moral and spiritual choices; whether God wants only a a select few called the elect to be saved or whether He wants all men to be saved (see 1 Tm 2:4; 2 Pt 3:9); whether Christ died for the sins of the elect only or for the sins of the whole world (see Jn 1:29, 1 Jn 2:2) It would be necessary for some misconceptions to be cleared up in that regard.

Foremost, is that those that reject Calavinsim aren't necessarily Arminian. There are many non-Calvanists that believe in eternal security, but object to Calvanism on some grounds. Next, one must not question God's sovereignty, God is the potter, we are the clay, and the clay can not complain about God's use of it (see Ro 9:17-28). What is at stake is the answer to whether God in his sovereignty has given man the power to make genuine moral and spiritual choices or whether man is totally depraved and cannot choose God or good. It is biblical that we cannot come to God or Christ unless He draws us by His Spirit. But when He does draw us, do we truly respond, or is our response in receiving Christ imposed on us by irresistable grace? Do we really love God from our hearts (love requires choice) or are we deluded to think we love him?

The issue is not whether mankind deserves hell. We all deserve hell and God would be fully justified in sending everyone there eternally (see Ro 2:1-13, 3:19-31). What is at stake is whether God actually wants anybody to go to hell. To the contrary, God "is not willing that any should perish..." and that He prepared "everlasting fire" not for humans but "for the devil and his angels" (see Mt 25:41). In contrast the God of Calvanism wants many to perish. If He did not, He would extend irresistable grace to all and all would go to heaven. Which God is the I am that I am according to scriptures?

Adam and Eve surely were not depraved, much less than totally depraved according to Calvanistic doctrine - it would be absurd to consider that God in his omnipotent majesty would create such beings; it is not depravity that caused Adam and Eve to rebel in sin. If so, then why would God not extend to them Calvanism's irresistable grace so that there wouldn't be the ensuing sin, sickness, suffering, etc. Also, it is curious to me why those Christians who believe in Christ as a result of irresistable grace don't live perfect lives. Is it that some giants of the faith - such as Paul - are that way because it was God's will, but its His will that others are failures and therefor God doesn't dispensed sufficient enough grace? If so, then what is the purpose of the Great White Throne of Judgement? What are the rewards God gives to believers if He is the one who causes some to live more fruitful lives while withholding that grace from others who are then destined to live less fruitfall lives (see Mt 16:27, 1 Co 3:10-15)? Is there no responsibility on man's part? Are we mere automatons? Did God fate Adam and Eve's decendents to be robots?

OF COURSE God is sovereign, always has been and always will be. However, His sovereignty did not prevent Satan's rebellion in heaven nor Adam and Eve's in the Garden. Choices are the foundation of all creatures possessing free-will, and choices were made that went against God's will. It would be ludicrous for any to purport that God's will is for his creation to be filled with corruption, abortion, murder, lust, wars, etc. Such abominations are allowed to be in accordace to His will, but their existance is not as a result of His perfect will. It would appear then, that Calvanism overstates God's sovereignty by pointing to God as the source of all evil. It is their contention that depraved man can do nothing but sin unless God keeps him from it, which He could (if He would) for all mankind with irresistable grace

Certainly the God of all creation, maker of heaven and earth, ruler of all kingdoms and domains - both seen and unseen, can do what he wants. However, should an innocent reader of the scriptures take them at face value, giving their words ordinary meaning, and not be led to believe that God genuinely wanted to save the whole world and that Christ came to die a propitiatory death for the sins of the whole world and to offer salvation of all? There are multiple verses that contain phrases such as: "which taketh away the sin of the world...For God so loved the world...that the world through him might be saved...I came not to judge the world, but to save the be the savior of the world...", etc. that would lead such a reader to think so (see Jn 1:29, 3:16-17, 4:42, 12:47; 1 Jn 4:14) Moreover, verses with phrases such as "whosover heareth these sayings of mine...whosover will come to me...that whosoever committeth sin...whosoever believeth on me...whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord...whosoever believeth on him...whosoever will, let him take the water of life...," etc. (see Mt 7:24; Lk 6:47; Jn 3:15-16, 8:34, 12:46; Act 2:21; Rom 10:11; Rv 22:17), should surely lead a reader to believe that whosoever means anybody without limitation, and not a special class of people called the elect. Furthermore, should our innocent reader take entirely on face value (without horrendous contortions of interpretation) statements such as: "Come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy laden...who will have all men to be saved...who gave himself a ransom for all...the Lord is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance...," etc. (see Mt 11:28; 1 Tm 2:4-6; 2 Pt 3:9) come to the conclusion that "all" means all and that "any" means any, and that the inescapable fact of the matter is that God lovingly and freely offers salvation to everyone.

Calvanists on the other hand, arrive at an esoteric understanding. They conclude that these same verses making references to "all", "any", "world", "whoseover", etc. almost always mean their face value, except when they mean the elect. When is that? Whenever the Calvanist requires it.

It would seem then, to our innocent reader that such interpretation is imposed on, rather than derived from scriptures. Our innocent reader should begin to object at the violence being done by the Calvanists to the ordinary meaning of words. In utter amazement at their position, the reader points to God's repeated pleading with men, "choose ye this day whom ye will serve," what is this choice, if but for the dispensation of irresistable grace causing them to choose the Lord. Over and over, time and time again, the Lord begs His people of Israel through the prophets to repent and turn away from their sin so He won't judge them. He weeps over Israel, defers His judgement, sends more prophets to warn and finally - with reluctance - He pours out His wrath; God is righteous and just, He must do so. But the Calvanist would have our reader believe that this whole time he's pleading with people who are depraved, unable to repent unless He forces his irresistable grace upon them. Yet He witholds it, all the while condemning them for doing the only thing they can do - as He made them - which He alone could prevent, but doesn't.

Jesus weeps over Jerusalem: "How often would I have gathered you together as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but ye would not." The Calvanist would have our reader believe that would I and ye would not means "I would not" and "ye could not"! A thinking person would shudder at such unnatural imposition on understanding to support dogma.

Let me draw an analogy. Suppose you were in a well that was 50' deep. And I yelled down to you I was going to save you, and threw down a 30' foot long rope. Then I commenced to beg, plead, cajole, implore you to grap a hold of it so I could earnestly pull out of what I tell you will be certain death. Would you not think that I was mocking you? Moreover, if I began to berate you for you failure to fullfill your end of the deal, would you not wish you could grab me by the throat? How could I maintain to any reasonable person that I really wanted to bring them out of the well but it is they are the one not willing? It should appear to our innocent reader of scripture that Calvanist doctrine is really a libel on the character of God.

The Calvanist doctrine presents a God who does not love everyone enough for all to go to heaven, a God who sent his only begotten Son to die only for special individuals. Yet no basis can be given for such a God (who is impartial), who would play such games of favoritism (nor is there anything inherently special in any person that would compell God to elect anybody).

There is at least one verse where the Calvanist's depraved reinterpretation of scripture could absolutely not hold: "And he is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world (see 1 Jn 2:2). It should appear that this verse alone, would shatter Calvanist doctrine; the use of words are mutually inclusive (both the elect and everybody else).

Anybody who is in hell for eternity is not there because God could have but did not save them by irresistable grace, but because they rejected to grab the 100' rope in their 50' well. God provides and freely offers salvation to all. Your brother in Christ, amen.

118 posted on 02/26/2002 7:32:17 PM PST by raygun
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To: SKempis
Can we discuss this without sarcastic insults?

New in town? Trust me, they've been slinging the same insults for months, perhaps years.

Theirs is a superior knowledge, a superior race. They'll be sure to let you know that.

119 posted on 02/26/2002 7:32:21 PM PST by Ward Smythe
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To: SKempis;CCWoody;the_doc;Jerry_M
Can you tell me at what point God lost His sovereignty? When did His creation begin to make the decisions?

He allowed Adam to sin..He selected Noah to survive the flood,the tower to fall, He selected Abraham to be the father of many nations..He selected Issac over Ishmael, Jacob over Essau, He selected Judah to receive Israel's spiritual blessing and Joseph the material (out of the normal order ). He hardened Pharaohs heart, and oversaw the slaughter of the infant males in Egypt..the drowning of the army of Egypt. He selected Israel to be a special people, and David to be the King..He decided to make Bethlehem the birthplace of the Savior and Mary the mother. He chose the cross for redemption..

Revelation 13:8 And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. Every knee will bow SK..that indicates a Sovereign God to me??

120 posted on 02/26/2002 7:35:25 PM PST by RnMomof7
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