It's already going on, IMHO. Investing the shenanigans of the Wall Street Effete Elites is underway and there is really no way they can investigate Enron without investigating Global Crossing, and there's no way to investigate Global Crossing without investigating Terry McAuliffe for his "obscene profiteering" in the bribe that allowed his $100,000 investment in GC to go to $18 Million in less than two years. Work up that Return On Investment on yer calculator and yer gettin' purty durned near infinity!!
"Remember, these are the same people who gave us section 802 of the Gestapo Law, oops, excuse me, the p.a.t.r.i.o.t. act. Since I am presently wearing my tin foil hat as I type this, I am going to suggest that this law may be the future legal arm of the new world order. For those who have not read, I urge you to do so."
Point taken...still, the PATRIOT Act has always been labeled as a "Temporary Measure" so please let me suggest another scenario. Obviously, civil libertarians are justifiably concerned with the extent the Federales feel empowered to butt their noses into law-abiding American's private lives to get the bad guys who threaten our National Security. However, they began boiling this frog long before 9/11, and if We the Sheeple continue to agitate for a restoration of our Constitutional Rights, eventually we will need to declare "Victory" in the War on Terrorism and will have built the momentum for legislation that restores the disempowerment of the Federal Leviathan to levels far beyond what we had come to accept as of 9/10/01. BTW...I believe a similar strategy can be used to eliminate the federal Department of Education.
"Sadly, 60+% of Americans are willing to trade liberty for security in the arms of big government..."
Well, over 50% of Americans don't even vote, so our duty is to get to a majority of the other 40+% and make them realize what they are giving up in the panic caused by 9/11.
Great poem, mi is very good to see you again.