Then we need to re-address Section 802 and ask "Why not?!"...all these Patriot Act provisions ought to have "sunset" dates on them, just to keep some level of accountability were a HildaBeast-type POTUS be empowered, if for no other reason.
"What really bothers me about this "war" is congress's refusal to officially declare war because they would have to specifically define all the enemies which must include the saudis according to the Prez's doctrine of any countries who aids, abets or harbours the terrorists are the enemy."
That's a close call, my FRiend...if we were to declare war, who or what would we declare as our enemy. The War on Drugs was never declared, and I feel that is an illegal and illogical war. The War on Poverty was never declared...still, we've spent over $6 Trillion on that Ill-fought, Ill-advised, and Illogical war. After we dispose of bin Laden and al queda, the War on Terrorism is goiong to be tougher to define, and not especially-easy to legislate.
"The Constitution is being and has been circumvented by political "fiat" by the people who swore an oath to uphold it."
That's been true since the late-30's, at least. Still, the Constitution is still there, and despite all the krap the SCOTUS has added in the way of un-Constitutional precedents, those can be overrode if we can get another coupla Justices in place who are willing to read the Constitution as a protection against Federal Guv'ment Largesse. Given the opportunity, I still retain hope that Dubyuh will appoint such Justice(s) in the next 6.5 years.
"With all that's been going on relative to restrictive new laws in the name of security, do you really believe Americans will wake up before it's too late?"
I ain't been hollerin' enuff lately, but I'll do my part in gettin' the word out, as I am sure you will, as well. What other choice do we have other than to continue to "Fight the Good Fight!!"?
"The traitors and their gang of thugs are still walking free when they should be in prison and except those of us who are passionate about that, the American people are not concerned. One of the reasons why is bush's statement early on was and I quote " let's move on"."
I still got dibs on the theory that Dubyuh's playin' 'possum with regards to Justice fer the Clintonoids. It ain't gonna take much to get the ball rollin' again either...if they were just to Indict Terry McAuliffe or Indict Robert Rubin, the evidence produced would most likely shock the krap outta the Sheeple!! I sincerely don't believe the Sheeple realize how corrupt Der SchleekMeister and his Henchmen actually were...but a trial or twelve would make it much clearer, IMHO.
"If ever incidents demanded National outrage it was Ruby Ridge and Waco and the people say nothing. When the fbi thugs were exonerated , the people said nothing. When at Waco, the government was concerned about the black helmeted, black booted "heroes" of law enforcement rather than the 70+ people who were burned to death by the actions of our "protectors". These same black helmeted, black booted "heroes" kidnapped Elian under the guise of law and the people said nothing."
You make a valid point...we knew how awful these RATS were, and we knew how feeble these RINOs were, how come other Americans haven't shown a similar interest in protecting what is Good and Special about America?! Waco and Ruby Ridge were astounding in the utter ruthlessness and unaccountability the Federal Guv'ment displayed...where was the outrage?! Well, maybe they're ready to get outraged now that they see their 401-K's taking a hit while McAuliffe, Rubin, and Clinton rake in the dirty donations!!
"Billions of our dollars are being spent and the people say nothing."
Sorry, dude, it's TRillions now...LOL!!
"Oops, excuse me while I adjust my tin foil hat. %>)"
It's not tinfoil hat-wearin' just to point out the problems, but you've got to continue to believe we've got the capacity to change things fer the better, which we will!!