1 posted on
01/03/2002 10:25:56 PM PST by
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To: Pokey78
Shouldn't these people do time? Taxpayer fraud, or something?
2 posted on
01/03/2002 10:37:55 PM PST by
To: Pokey78
Interesting- I wonder how much more of these types of shenanigans have been perpetrated by the commie leftist wacko environmentalists? I have a feeling that a lot of our evironmental policies are based on fraudulent data such as what is mentioned in the article- but I suppose we here at FR already knew that.
To: Pokey78
Standard procedure: only the whistle-blower will be punished.
4 posted on
01/03/2002 10:45:49 PM PST by
To: Carry_Okie
Uh-oh, the plot thickens!
Please bump this to the usual suspects. I don't know the list.
The report said one state scientist has acknowledged sending an additional three samples of bobcat hair taken from a pelt and labeled as lynx, but the laboratory reported that five samples were submitted.
Whoa there, maybe the WA state scientists really were trying (sloppily) to check for false positives! The WA state people were the ones who gave their samples non-existent location numbers.
5 posted on
01/03/2002 11:05:51 PM PST by
To: *enviralists
Hey-there's-a-bump-list-for-this BUMP.
7 posted on
01/03/2002 11:12:21 PM PST by
To: Pokey78
Does this surprise anyone? The lengths to which these people and their special interest groups will go to, are seemingly unlimited. You'd could almost see these groups gathering together to protect a species of fish that isn't even endangered, to the detriment of thousands of farming families.
To: Pokey78
"They don't care about the lynx but about how much land they can tie up," the staffer said.
And they are doing it on your dime. Your tax dollars. How come these bums are not fired at a time when many other Americans are out of a job? Let these jokers try their luck in the real world. Talk about living a charmed life!
13 posted on
01/04/2002 12:14:09 AM PST by
To: Pokey78
These are government employees, they can't do anything wrong they can't be held accountable. Pathetic. Anyone know any good manatee recepies??? Maybe know how to attract spotted owls for dinner?
To: Pokey78
That tears it. Next time they want to close off a forest because an endangered critter is present; they need to provide four pelts of said critter verified to have been shot in said forest.
Four should be enought to establish that there ARE said critters present. No more "hairs".
To: Pokey78; editor-surveyor
e-s, for your ping list.
To: Pokey78
"Had the whistleblower not tipped this off, we may never have known about it," said one source close to the investigation. OK, I'll ask the obvious question...Considering this scheme and the global warming fiasco, How much more of what we think is "environmental science" is total bullsquat?
I'll also venture the first quess at slightly more than half.
20 posted on
01/04/2002 3:47:29 AM PST by
To: Pokey78
But lets not punish them, they were doing it for the children endangered species.
To: Pokey78
All "science" connected with environmentalism is at least partially tainted. The left is always willing to lie to promote their cause. It is just their nature. They rationalize this behavior because they feel they are doing it for the right reason.
To: Pokey78
But....but...but...(sniffle...sniffle)...they only did it because they...(sniffle) care! After all,....(sniffle)...it's for the children!...(sniffle)
To: Pokey78
Is this anymore disturbing than a left wing liberal making up numbers to justify government action.
Poverty, mediscare, the homeless, racism, overcrowded classrooms, health insurance, etc.
Which happens a lot more and cost more taxpayers money than this little scheme.
29 posted on
01/04/2002 4:21:13 AM PST by
To: Pokey78
The scientists say they submitted the false samples to test laboratory accuracy Isn't that what most people say when they do something stoopid and embarrasing? "Just testing"
Jerks ought to be jailed for life. If this aiin't fraud, someone's gonna have to point out to me what is.
To: Pokey78
After the story was reported Dec. 17 by The Washington Times, key congressional leaders called for two investigations by the inspector general, an audit by the General Accounting Office of the entire survey, and House and Senate hearings to be conducted after Congress returns later this month. Senators and representatives have called for the federal employees involved to be fired, and Washington state legislators are also pushing for an investigation. "Had the whistleblower not tipped this off, we may never have known about it," said one source close to the investigation. Yes, but how many here will actually write/call their rep/senators to ask that they pursue this to the fullest?
To: Pokey78
Absolutely incredible. Makes you wonder how long they've been falsifying data in order to justify land grabs.
To: Pokey78
"lynx habitat that would
establish land-use restrictions"
P78, THAT is what ALL of the "environmentalism" is about. CONTROL of property rights by godgov and environmental "non-governmental" organizations in their "Public Private Partnerships! Peace and love, George.
To: Pokey78
The lefties have been BUSTED AGAIN. I love it. Now give us the land back, liberal theives!
I love it when the crimminals in this country are caught "red" handed!
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