Governors, the FBI, and other officials are lying to our faces. Posters come on here and start belittling people for coming to their own conclusions. Who says Egpyt Air 900 was "thrust reversers" now that it is known tha Al Quaida terrorists invaded cockpits and purposely crashed planes? How soon will it become known that TWA 800 was shot down? And now that it is known both engines of this plane came down intact, who among the "lets calm down it was mechanical" crowd is man enough to admit they were wrong?
Pataki makes a statement that anybody who has any familiarity with the plane in question will know is false. We could assume A) he is part of a cover-up, or B) He shot off his mouth, repeated a rumor, misunderstood something, whatever.
You yourself seem to believe he doesn't know what he is talking about- which explanation does that suggest to you? This is what I'm responding to- not speculation over whether this was an attack of not- I don't know. What irritates me is this assumption that the only explanation for discrepancies & false statments in the media is that they are all lying.
One note- I don't have a tv, so I haven't *seen* these folks. Maybe if I did, their shifty behavior and sweaty brows would sway me toward thinking they were lying. But all I keep hearing are things like "no evidence yet= it definitely wasn't terrorism." And I think that's ludicrous.