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The Censored Republic
Free Republic
| Jim Robinson
Posted on 10/25/2001 8:59:47 PM PDT by Jim Robinson
Ok, this is a free for all thread. Come in and take your best shots. I promise I won't delete it or get upset. Get it out of your systems and then we will see if we can solve the problems. There always several sides to any story and several possible solutions to any problem. I'd like to hear them all and I'd like to solve as many problems as we can and get this forum kicking socialist butt again instead of kicking each other. So, please anyone with a complaint or a problem or a possible solution, (moderators, posters, FAB, everyone) please chime in. Thanks, Jim
TOPICS: Announcements; Breaking News; News/Current Events
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To: Jim Robinson
I think the self search function needs tweakin'. I don't like opening the links into a new window.
posted on
10/25/2001 9:01:39 PM PDT
To: Jim Robinson
Thanks for all that you do, Jim. With the new format, if I do a "Self Serach", a lot of times the links back to the articles don't work. Has anyone else noted this? Thanks, again, Jim.
To: Jim Robinson
Is this breaking news?
To: Jim Robinson
JimRob, JimRob, JimRob . . . I was just getting ready to sign off and you posted this. NOW I have to stay around and watch this develop. Should be verrrrry interesting.
To: Jim Robinson
Wow. A first... someone (literally) asking to be flamed... whoa... Deep.
posted on
10/25/2001 9:02:30 PM PDT
To: Jim Robinson
Thank you for letting us quote Scripture on FR. Besides, how can I be angry at a man for whom Christ also died?
To: Jim Robinson
I love Free Republic. It has kept me sane for years. I love the fact that you pull threads that are obvious lies/conspiracy theories. It's some of the posters that need to look within, not you.
To: 2 Kool 2 Be 4-Gotten
Also whenever I type "Search" it comes out "Serach"... can anything be done about that? :)
To: Moridin
That is your own settings bro. Nothing to do with FR.
posted on
10/25/2001 9:03:07 PM PDT
To: Jim Robinson
No problems here, except I didn't get to see that thread about big breasted British women before it was deleted.
To: Jim Robinson
You try hard to do what is right. What can be better than that? Wiser FReepers than I will provide suggestions for improvement, but I want to go on record as being very appreciative of your efforts and hope that you never stop trying to do the right thing.
To: Jim Robinson
Why did Inspector Harry Callahan, Storm Orphan, Arator, ThreadKiller, and StoneColdGOP get banned?
To: Jim Robinson
Kiss, kiss. No complaints. :>)
posted on
10/25/2001 9:04:22 PM PDT
To: Jim Robinson
Remove the filter that makes TLBSHOW appear articulate!
To: Jim Robinson
Thanks for everything Jim.
posted on
10/25/2001 9:04:51 PM PDT
To: Jim Robinson
Hey, it is your house Jim, if someone doesn't like it tell them not to let the door hit their butt on the way out.....
To: Jim Robinson
If I want to spit on the floor, I'll go home to spit.
I give you permission to run this joint the way you want to!
I appreciate you; think you know more about what/why you do than anybody else. If people don't like the way you run your show, let them start one of their own and do it their way!
Thanks for giving me the opportunity to get that off my chest! I'm sending you $50.
posted on
10/25/2001 9:05:33 PM PDT
To: Jim Robinson
I want one of the "power poster box" prototypes that I saw JohnHuang2 using on a webcam. They look cool. Where can I get one? :-)
posted on
10/25/2001 9:05:46 PM PDT
To: Robert Lomax
I'd like a peek at that one myself. Must've missed it.
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