There’s a camera in DC where the speed limit goes from 55 to 25 in under 100 feet.
$250 fine. The camera pulls in $13,000,000 in “safety” a year.
I am as law an order as it gets, but I fully support the wanton nocturnal destruction of such devices with extreme prejudice.
Rent car just like the mayor’s.
Print paper tag with mayor’s tag number.
See how many times and how fast you can go through that intersection.
Next do the police chief
they are doing it for the money....
The system issued 1000 speeding tickets to Donald J. Trump and bumped each one up to felony speeding.
This report is easy to believe. Colorado drivers are a special type of BAD!
The drivers are aggressive, speeding and tailgating the worst of their reckless habits. On icy roads, it means fatal accidents.
Years ago, when I was living in CO, there were many accidents that resulted in pileups of five to ten cars and one that involved seventeen cars.
A trooper, being interviewed by a local TV station, said that the reason is “improper interval!” WHY did he not say, in plain English, “they all follow too close?”
A ridicule joke of the time was. “how do you tell the real Colorado driver?”
Answer, “he’s the 5th one through the red light!”
I don’t miss driving in Denver. It was like war.
That is going viral I imagine and people will soon begin avoiding Morrison and its speed trap.
I guess they can just abolish all taxes, and invite everyone in the state to pay a visit!
In Freeport, Maine, they openly used to wave tickets for visitors. Don’t know if they still do that, it’s been 20 years ago.
Look at the satellite view in Google Maps.
The speed limit should be 35-45.
25 MPH is a speed trap.
25 MPH is crawling, ridiculous.
The only purpose of a 25 MPH speed limit is to manufacture speeders.
Remind me to stay out of Morrison.
If the Colofornians had a set of nads they’ll do what Arizona did. Tell the speed trap bastards to haul ass. People got where they just refused to play the game.
Morrison has always been about making money. I got a ticket there a few years back going out to Red Rocks and their deal was pay and we basically don’t put it in the system so your insurance does not find out and you get no points on your license. All a money making scheme.
Won’t miss the adrenaline shocks when seeing a police car when driving when I am finally living permanently abroad.
Oh. A higher data plan.
The burden. 🙄🙄🙄
They’ve got something like this in the UK. Even the slimy limeys had the balls to destroy them as fast as they could be installed.
I wish we had one on the highway in front of the house.