$387 per day for doing nothing. Nice work if you can get it.
If things were reversed, a Dem TX governor and a GOP President who opened the border, the TX Gov would be sending increasingly more and more right up to November. Keep it in the news, make it the issue it is, make it so people cannot NOT notice it.
There is going to be blowback...eventually.
And it might be bad.....
Lots of room in Gracie Mansion to house at least a couple hundred at no additional cost to NYC.
Hey New York folks ... elections have consequences.
$387.00 per invader X 64,800 invaders = $25,077,600.00
Native NY voters are getting SO shafted. But I bet most of them are patting themselves on the back, feeling so good about themselves, helping those “less fortunate”...
Send more.
Let’s see... $387 x 3 = $1,161. Even when splurging on family vacations the three of us never spent anywhere near $1,161 per day. That’s ridiculous.
That could pay for airfare back to the commie hellhole they voted in that destroyed their country.
About the only time I ever spent $387 or more in a day is when I bought a vehicle, real-estate or precious metals. (or make my monthly supply run with Bidenflation prices these days).
I don’t think I ever spent that much in a day even on vacation, back in the old days when I took the occasional vacation.
Illegal Aliens are costing New Yorkers $9.1 BILLION per year.
So far. It's increasing.
Most of those people probably lived somewhat comfortably on five dollars a day back where they came from.
We could save lots of money just giving them a fifty dollars a day to stay home and live like the middle class of their homeland..
NYC deserves this... and more.
White liberal elites with their virtue signaling and BS caused all this to happen. New York ‘elites’ should be banned from moving to rad states.
There is no legal obligation for Federal, State or local governments to provide financial assistance to those claiming asylum. Democrats are using our tax dollars to curry favor with them to increase their vote totals.
The Marxist Dems probably figure that is a bargain price per each new Dem voter.
How can I sign up for $387 a day?
$387 per day X 30 days = $11,060 per month, which is about $130,000 per year.
Heck, just hand us the money and I’ll make sure it gets put to better use than they are. But of course, it’s not going to lining some politician’s pockets in the form of kickbacks.
I hope they are not expecting the federal taxpayer to bail them out.