Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is a towering man with a history. His unit led a still classified story across the Suez Canel and is said to have been instrumental in stopped the E-yip-ye-en Army. He lost his brother at Entebe, Uganda rescuing PLO hostages.
Ever notice how leftists lack politicians who actually fight or served in combat units, if in the military at all. Most are simply corrupt politicians.
Clinton tried to do the same things to Sharon - a huge imposing figure of a man whose hand I shook during the run-up to 2005 Bush Presidential visit in J-rue.
Israeli’s are the same folks who deal with successive waves of Democrats trying to Color Revolution their leadership. The leftists of the world flock together and all are scum.
Bibi to much a Nation loving extremist for the Left.
If the US thinks they can bully Israeli and destroy their Nation, they’ve got a handful of sub’s prowling the 7 seven seas with pre-set data to hit any capital city in the world. Their military SOP calls for just such a scenario.
It’s not America, the USA....... it is residual Obamamaites trying to preserve a lost legacy