Posted on 03/05/2024 4:26:56 AM PST by Erik Latranyi
The agency has issued an alert regarding an Iranian official wanted in connection to a plot to assassinate current and former U.S. officials "in revenge"
The FBI is on a manhunt for an Iranian intelligence officer allegedly overseeing a plot to assassinate current and former federal government officials as revenge for the Trump administration's 2020 airstrike killing of an Iranian military official.
Last Friday, the agency's Miami field office issued an alert that Majid Dastjani Farahani "is wanted for questioning in connection with the recruitment of individuals for various operations in the United States." Those operations, the alert adds, include the assassinations of "current and former United States Government officials as revenge for the killing of IRGC-QF Commander Qasem Soleimani."
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
It occurs to me from time to time that DJT might be at least a bit suspicious of his Secret Service detail because today they answer to none other than The Big Guy himself.
Congressional Dems will officially brand Trump an insurrectionist and
Trump assassin on the loose!
It seems the DemonRatz are rather disappointed in yesterday's Supreme Court ruling.
It sounds like cover for the FBI’s next “planned event.”
“Yeah, it was the Iranian Assassin who did it—not us.”
I am sure the The Donald’s own private security is literally holding hands with the secret service agents and are on high alert.
Still, many prayers up for the safety of 45/47 and his family and the faithful supporters around him!
Nancy & Co. only hired one guy?
There probably is no guy. The FBI is making this up to make it seem like they are doing something important.
I agree. This sounds like your typical CIA/FBI assassination coup to me. I have a bad feeling about this one. Trump had better keep his head down.
I have a bad feeling about this year in general. I’m on my knees praying daily that we make it to November without a major incident.
get a FISA tap on hussein, val jar, john fn kerry, jihadi john brennan & huma’s phones to get to the bottom of this
Pelosi’s J6 Commission members and Obama staffers (aka Biden administration officials) are probably secretly funding this operation with taxpayer dollars.
Yeah, the FBI is searching for the guy so they can properly arm him and give him Trump’s itinerary.
He is recruiting Leftist Wackjobs to do various nefarious acts of evil.
He is not doing these things himself.
There are more than enough socialist useful idiots ready willing and able to do the actual deeds for little more than daily expenses.
They will probably find him recruiting minions at a major university campus.
Most of us do. If the worst happens, then I'm afraid the VERY worst will happen.
"I’m on my knees praying daily that we make it to November without a major incident."
Roger that.
"Pray hard" (1 Thessalonians 5:17)
I heard the target was Pompeo, but it could just as easily be an alphabet agency false flag.
This is window dressing to make it look like they “care” about law and order.
I don’t think it requires a Democrat plan to have an Iranian seeking payback against President Trump.
This is a set up and we can see right through it. Everyone around President Trump better be ready.
The FBI guys are going to do some real work? I’ll believe it when I see it. It is easier to follow Peter Strzck, their intended leader, than to think.
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