In other news, Texas National Guard is hiring.
Coincidentally, 10 million people without diplomas just crossed the border after Biden gained power.
Trouble is we have people in leadership that don’t have a clue why recruitment is so abysmal. We all know why: No red blooded American wants to serve under the commie regime. Go woke, go broke..
Mkst kids today don’t have the same kind of patriotism instilled in them as all of us did.
We all believed the Kennedy statement of “ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.”
“Citizens don’t want to participate in the woke military,...”
And I would venture that almost none of the military age men crossing our unprotected border have a high school education.
See, fixed our recruitment problem.
And none of those said border crossers have any regard or connection to the actual citizens of the USA, or our Constitution. They also come from countries ruled with little care about killing their own people.
The Marxists are solving their two-fold problems.
I got in the Air Force with no diploma or GED back in 71.
I also aced three of the four ASVAB tests. Might have had something to do with it.
I don’t allow anyone without a GED or high school to work at my plant. To dangerous.
Yet the Navy is going to let them on multibillion dollar ships? Good luck
They going to start bring Illegals in to the miltary... watch
The impact on our readiness will be huge.
Diplomas Aweigh my boys!
Take that, Putin!!!! We don’t need no soldiers who can read* because WE ARE AMERICA, and therefore INVINCIBLE!
*not that High School grads can read
24 subs and I become a Sub Captain!!!
(too many exclamation points!!!)
The Clark Bar wouldn’t come out!!!
The Navy gave my son hell when he was trying to enlist. Admittedly, he had a lot of trouble when he was under 18. He got involved in drugs and associated crap. He was 20 when trying to join. He had cleaned up and was doing well for 3 years as an adult, but they somehow dug into his youth record, and made it virtually impossible for him to join.
The Army took him, about a year later. The Army has been rewarded with an intelligent PT stud who has become an E-3 before he finished Basic. Navy’s loss!
I didn’t encourage him to serve, because I can’t under current conditions, but I am still incredibly proud of him.
what normal guy wants to get stuck on a boat with a bunch of fags and trans idiots, with no chance of being promoted?
Soon we will be back to worse than McNamara’s Forest Gump’s or much worse. I wonder how this makes people with some ability and ambition feel? On the other hand, schools aren’t teaching much anymore so why bother?
Making the men wear high heels so they ‘can walk a mile in women’s shoes’ was just criminal.
That plus all the trans who are joining so the military will pay $100,000+ for their gender surgeries - funny how the enlistment time is pretty much equal to the signing up, starting hormones and therapy and then surgery, recovery and then their time is over and they can leave.
During the Vietnam war they took anyone and anybody. Why not now? Oh yeah. We lost.
All they want is libtards so they have to continue to lower the standards
No hurry. The Navy can’t keep its ships in the water anyway.
Others have suggested these are hints that the admin is preparing for us to go to war.