Death Machine
And yellen has has been there the whole time.
The Den of Vipers need to be eliminated.
Central banking is bad. People say “you need it”. But I think that it is evil and it is entirely possible to run a national economy without such a monstrosity. Andrew Jackson was right to kill the Second Bank and someone should come along and kill the Fed.
This is just another example of why most laws should be “sunset laws”. Unless Congress periodically renews the law, it goes away.
110th anniversary of the death (calculated murder) of the republic.
The FED is a massive banking cartel. Idiot politicians think the US government controls the FED. Just the opposite.
Wilson was essentially a Fabian socialist.
Aside from the fact that they didn’t then and don’t now understand the nonlinear behavior of the system they created, the bigger problem is that you cannot have such a system without a way to collateralize it.
That is done via the Federal Income Tax. It’s no coincidence that the two things were put in place in the same year.
IOW the Fed requires a captive population to pay the bonds it issues to collateralize the currency. That means we are simply tax slaves, here to bolster the fiat dollar.
Odd how no one ever seems to point that out.
The Creature.
See the tag...
why, of all the oppressive leftist/globalist/elitist institutions in America, did a black basketball star, Royce White, lead a protest against the federal reserve?
Another huge mistake.
And it was a dark day for America when it happened...
From Karl Marx’s “10 Planks” to communizing a nation:
“Centralization of Credit in the Hands of the State, by Means of a National Bank with State Capital and an Exclusive Monopoly.”
The Word say that God is no respecter of persons, but hell has gotta have every special places for dirt bags that created that crap to steal, kill and destroy.
Look on the bright side: they haven’t destroyed/stolen the last 3% of the value of the dollar they were entrusted with... yet
Black day today...
Read the book; The Creature from Jekell Island by Burke. The Rothchilds and Warburgs were some the principal designers of the FED.
The attack on America began 110 years ago. The FED should be wholly closed as a public-private entity, the private side "share" owners bankrupted by "bail in" to liquidate some of the debt, and the government "own" it in the same manner the government "owns" and operates the military. Are we stuck with the FED as it is? Nope. It's a matter of politics and fat cats.