Posted on 11/29/2023 7:08:59 AM PST by Red Badger
Sounds like she wants Michigan to be a forest preserve.
This is like slaughtering all the horses when the horseless carriage is just being started.................
Keep letting them cheat and they will indubitably ruin the entire country.
...the state, this country...may not EXIST by 2040.
In Atlas Shrugged, remember John Galt worked for an Auto Company where he created his revolutionary engine, the Children of the owner took over the company and completely changed the pay structure so those who needed the money got paid more than those who already had money, it resulted in the bankruptcy of the company.
In Michigan today, similar things are happening. The Auto Industry built Detroit and Michigan, now the politicians are actively trying to put the industry out of business.
“No. It’s not idiocy.
Whitmer and her co-conspirators know what they’re doing. Their destructive acts are deliberately evil.”
Yes. To call it idiocy is to trivialize the threat. Sadly, the public supports this evil.
And the clapping seals standing around her are just as nuts!
You hit the nail on the head.
The technology isn’t there for us to transition to electric cars and clean green energy and all of that.
But liberals in positions of political power are overzealous and trying to force feed us Into this transition.
Even if, for sake of argument , you want to say that we should all be driving electric cars, there is no way our electrical grids could handle hundreds of millions of electric cars charging as of today.
Even if , for sake of argument ,myou want to say that we should have electricity generated by windmills and solar, we do not have the ability to generate all of the power that we use by those methods as of today.
Going back to the stone ages! That said, this is meaningless but should make for good campaign fodder.
Freezing in the Dark - 2040
excellent point.
Maybe someday we will have electrical generating capacity to recharge all of the electric cars that were supposed to be driving. But we are decades away from that even if it does happen in our future.
What is needed is that before 2040 politicians like Witmer are banned forever.
Beautiful, isn't it? Compared to this!
If they ban fossil fuels that would have to include tires also to say nothing of hoses and belts. Take the belts out of the electric furnaces. .
The "green energy" isn't there for us to transition to electric cars and dirty "green" energy and all of that.
All fed by the lie of ‘climate change’.
There is no ‘climate change’ that is of any consequence.
For 4 billion years the climate has changed, up and down, and all around.
Man cannot change it.
Man cannot stop it.
Man cannot affect it more than a miniscule amount.
These ignorant people are ruining everything 10 thousand years of civilization has built up.
There is no such thing a ‘green energy’ or any other color energy.
Energy is not ‘renewable’ nor is it ‘sustainable’ in any way shape or form. You either have it or you don’t.
There are long term energy sources, nuclear for instance, but that doesn’t fit their plans for total control. Cheap energy is anathema to their objectives.
These people are worse than ignorant savages in the Amazon jungles.
An ignorant savage can be educated......................
Whitmer is making sure that Michiganders will freeze in the dark and voters and those in local control cannot stop her.
“sever Michigan from the rest of the US power grid! and lets see how successful they are!”
Fine, but we have much of the water on planet Earth and we’ll see how long that lasts LOL. Seriously, it seems that every eight years we swing from totally red to totally blue on the state level, there is no purple. I’d wager that WHitler is going to be picked by Gruesome Newsome and the real good news is that Trump will reduce Whitler to one IQ point above Kamala and looking forward to that fun!
Stupid witch.
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