I just took the turkey legs out of the crockpot. I always take off the meat, dark, my favorite, so I can have turkey sandwiches with cranberry sauce.
I picked each one up and the bone came away clean as a whistle laving the meat on the plate. I was shocked.
The deviled eggs came out great, if I do say so myself. I even sprinkled paprika on them. They are not as many as started on the plate.
But I’m saving all my turkey for later. A couple hours ago an old neighbor brought me a full turkey dinner. And about 20 minutes ago Sean had his grandkids deliver another whole turkey dinner. They are really different styles, but both delicious. Half of each is going in the freezer. My turkey meat is in the fridge for sandwiches.
Those turkey legs sound great! And what wonderful friends you have that bring you a whole Thanksgiving dinner!
Piper’s boyfriend [yes, she has one. Boggles my mind! LOL] is supposed to bring us some kind of Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow, which is when we were going to celebrate with my brother.
Now I’m hungry for deviled eggs. :)
It sounds like you made out like a bandit! LOL Two full dinners and you have your turkey legs for sandwiches. It sounds like they cooked perfectly.
I didn’t have paprika for my deviled eggs. I rarely ever use it and didn’t think about getting some when I was at the store Tuesday. Oh well, they still disappeared.
I guess we’ll both eat well the next couple of days or so without having to cook. LOL I came home with leftovers.