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To: Oldeconomybuyer
Being candid with the truth - rare move.
To: Oldeconomybuyer
what is the unverifed portion
4 posted on
07/21/2023 5:20:36 AM PDT by
( )
To: Oldeconomybuyer
Democrats: “You have no evidence!”
Republicans: “Here is evidence.”
Democrats: “You can’t do that!!!”
5 posted on
07/21/2023 5:20:59 AM PDT by
(It's not a government. It's a criminal enterprise. Fear it, but do not respect it.)
To: Oldeconomybuyer
The leftist/socialist/commie/marxist/demonKKKrats will do everything to discredit and destroy that document, along with the informant’s credibility.
6 posted on
07/21/2023 5:21:42 AM PDT by
Carriage Hill
(A society grows great when old men plant trees, in whose shade they know they will never sit.)
To: Oldeconomybuyer
I wonder if Ian Sams finds it remarkable that Biden’s DOJ is going after his political opponent with, what, over 100 charges. Or what about the democrats who starting bandying impeachment against President Trump IIRC just days after his taking office.
7 posted on
07/21/2023 5:25:16 AM PDT by
To: Oldeconomybuyer
They stress the word ‘unverified’..............
Where were they when Trump was accused of Russian ‘collusion’?
They sang it out full throat as if it was the Gospel of Jesus, never once using the word ‘unverified’. They announced it as if it was the truth......................................
9 posted on
07/21/2023 5:27:59 AM PDT by
Red Badger
(Homeless veterans camp in the streets while illegal aliens are put up in hotels.....................)
To: Oldeconomybuyer
Why have the Bidens set up dozens of shell companies and bank accounts to distribute large amounts of money?
This is classic “money laundering.”
If you have legitimate business income in large amounts, you put it in a single account.
To: Oldeconomybuyer
There's nothing "unverified" about that document.
It's on an FBI form, and the FBI redacted the name of the informant.
Would the FBI recact the name of an informant if it was "unverified?"
I'm thinking NO, they wouldn't.
Logical conclusion: It's real. BTW, the FBI confirmed it was real. So much for unbiased "news" from the lying liberal lamestream media.
This right here is a prime example of GASLIGHTING.
12 posted on
07/21/2023 5:31:40 AM PDT by
(When The Ballot Box No Longer Counts, The Ammunition Box Does. (What's In Your Ammo Box?))
To: Oldeconomybuyer
Has anyone asked Gropin’ Joe about any of this? How about Hunter?
13 posted on
07/21/2023 5:32:12 AM PDT by
(Why do climate change hoax deniers live in mansions on the beach?)
To: Oldeconomybuyer
15 posted on
07/21/2023 5:33:55 AM PDT by
( )
To: Oldeconomybuyer
Yesterday it was “debunked”, today it’s “unverified”, pretty soon it will be “yes that’s true but we’ve been over that before and it’s old news”.
16 posted on
07/21/2023 5:34:18 AM PDT by
(Conspiracy theory is the new "spoiler alert")
To: Oldeconomybuyer
17 posted on
07/21/2023 5:36:08 AM PDT by
(The above is not a statement of fact. It is either opinion, or satire, or both.)
To: Oldeconomybuyer
18 posted on
07/21/2023 5:36:58 AM PDT by
(“Liberalism is totalitarianism with a human face.” Thomas Sowell)
To: Oldeconomybuyer
You know why it’s “rare”?
Because Wray is defying Congress every step of the way.
That’s why it’s “rare”.
19 posted on
07/21/2023 5:40:00 AM PDT by
( Peaceful coexistence with the Left is not possible. Stop pretending that it is.)
To: Oldeconomybuyer
“Democrats pounced on Grassley for publishing the FD-1023, accusing him of selectively highlighting uncorroborated information to hurt a political opponent.”
Gee. Isn’t this EXACTLY what the Communists in our Federal Government have been doing to President Trump for the past 7 years?
22 posted on
07/21/2023 5:53:52 AM PDT by
(Let's Go Brandon!!)
To: Oldeconomybuyer
It is remarkable that congressional Republicans, in their eagerness to go after President Biden regardless of the truth, continue to push claims that have been debunked for years," White House spokesperson Ian Sams saidWhat's remarkable is the lengths the corrupt media will go to protect Biden, it borders on being unbelievable.
23 posted on
07/21/2023 5:54:02 AM PDT by
1Old Pro
To: Oldeconomybuyer
The media duplicity is vomit inducting.
If the name was “Trump” -> SMOKING GUN!! IMPEACH!! IMPRISON!!
As the name is “Biden” -> Debunked! Unverified!
...and they think we don’t see the difference.
25 posted on
07/21/2023 6:18:21 AM PDT by
(welfare state = sharing of poor moral choices among everybody)
To: Oldeconomybuyer
Democrats pounced on Grassley for publishing the FD-1023, accusing him of selectively highlighting uncorroborated information to hurt a political opponent. Yeah, it's nice how Democrats would never do anything like that. /s
26 posted on
07/21/2023 6:23:39 AM PDT by
Mr. Jeeves
To: Oldeconomybuyer
The media always comes up with a way to frame bad stuff on a Dim in a way that just causes low info drones to shrug it off as not true.
27 posted on
07/21/2023 6:30:43 AM PDT by
Sir Bangaz Cracka
(Poor 'lil Travon bees slamming dat white cracka'a head into dat sidewalk causin he be scared)
To: Oldeconomybuyer
32 posted on
07/21/2023 7:19:02 AM PDT by
(Sun Tzu: “The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting”)
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