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To: nickcarraway
Oh dear lord, here we go again.
2 posted on
11/03/2022 5:30:54 PM PDT by
(The head, hands, and heart, serve even further than the purse. )
To: nickcarraway
When public officials imposed vaccine mandates, the unvaccinated certainly appeared to pose demonstrable dangers to their communities. The public officials created the myth that the unvaccinated posed dangers to their communities. There was never an iota of science to back up the contention, and there still isn't.
The officials are liars and those who believed them are suckers.
4 posted on
11/03/2022 5:32:59 PM PDT by
To: nickcarraway
I hope those peddling the clot shots get every disease mentioned in the Revelation to John.
5 posted on
11/03/2022 5:33:19 PM PDT by
(Standup Philosopher)
To: nickcarraway
6 posted on
11/03/2022 5:33:33 PM PDT by
To: nickcarraway
I like the fact that all the inoculated people are mysteriously dying.
Nobody misses a Democrat.
Bell won’t toll for them.
7 posted on
11/03/2022 5:33:59 PM PDT by
To: nickcarraway
Wrong question.
Correct question: “Are the mRNA injections still a threat to those who receive them?”
9 posted on
11/03/2022 5:36:53 PM PDT by
(... the right of the peopIe to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed)
To: nickcarraway
Dr. Jeffrey Shaman You just can't make this stuff up.
11 posted on
11/03/2022 5:37:47 PM PDT by
(... the right of the peopIe to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed)
To: nickcarraway
Yes- yes i am. So all you vaccinated folks stay the ef away from me!!!
12 posted on
11/03/2022 5:38:13 PM PDT by
God luvs America
(63.5 million pay no income tax and vote for DemoKrats...)
To: nickcarraway
Our healthiness is a threat to the unhealthy vaxed.
13 posted on
11/03/2022 5:38:40 PM PDT by
(The Republic of Texas is available on Barnes and Noble )
To: nickcarraway
14 posted on
11/03/2022 5:39:30 PM PDT by
House Atreides
To: nickcarraway
It is apparent the vaccinated are the danger to the rest of us.
17 posted on
11/03/2022 5:40:46 PM PDT by
(If your theology doesn't become your biography, what good is it?)
To: nickcarraway
If dems had their way the vax resisters would be in a gulag and their money seized.
21 posted on
11/03/2022 5:45:52 PM PDT by
I want the USA back
(Our news media isn't worth camel spit. Neither is the democrat party. )
To: nickcarraway
"The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.
-George Orwell.
I can safely predict with absolute certainty that the LA Times is a model "Operation Mockingbird " staffed news outlet.
22 posted on
11/03/2022 5:46:23 PM PDT by
(The head, hands, and heart, serve even further than the purse. )
To: nickcarraway; ransomnote; metmom
Oh, the horror....the’s the VAXXED we all need to be leary of...with their compromised immune systems causing all kids of issues...just as REAL docs warned us would be happening, with these horrid $hots.
23 posted on
11/03/2022 5:46:28 PM PDT by
Jane Long
(What we were told was a “conspiracy theory” in 2020 is now fact. 🙏🏻 Ps 33:12)
To: nickcarraway
Nope. THe real issue is the folks who drank the KoolAid and got all the vax and booster bullshit...
24 posted on
11/03/2022 5:46:43 PM PDT by
(RKBA; a matter of fact, not opinion. The Dhimmicraps are ALL Traitors. All of them.)
To: nickcarraway
Nope. THe real issue is the folks who drank the KoolAid and got all the vax and booster bullshit...
25 posted on
11/03/2022 5:46:43 PM PDT by
(RKBA; a matter of fact, not opinion. The Dhimmicraps are ALL Traitors. All of them.)
To: nickcarraway
They are not going to give up easily on their “burn the witches” campaign...
26 posted on
11/03/2022 5:47:10 PM PDT by
(Claiming that laws and regs that limit “hate speech” stop freedom of speech is “hate speech”.)
To: nickcarraway
It is impressed upon me that the scolding pedantic tone brings forth memories of a Freshman Orientation class proclaiming the horrors of VD. Also the equally scolding lectures given to private snuffy before going on leave. My point being that any level of intellectual discourse has been replaced with a nagging ex wife. Imagine someone articulate or intelligent giving the same message. William F Buckley or Dr. Peterson. Even if I didn’t agree with their argument at least I could respect them. These articles come of as written in a Freshman composition class for the special kids with low SAT scores.
28 posted on
11/03/2022 5:48:06 PM PDT by
(Liberty and Risk. Flip sides of the same coin. So how much risk will YOU accept? Vive Deo et Vives)
To: nickcarraway
Regardless of my vaccination status, I am a clear and present danger to all COVIDIOTS.
To: nickcarraway
Do the vaccinated shed the poison.
33 posted on
11/03/2022 5:51:51 PM PDT by
Old Yeller
(A nation of sheep, produces a government of wolves.l)
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