With the advent of DNA I'll bet that there are far fewer wrongful convictions...particularly in cased involving serious charges. I'd prefer to see 99 truly guilty murderers to be executed along with one who didn't deserve it than to see those 99 avoid execution.
I'm willing to live with an imperfect justice system...because the only alternative is *no* justice system.
To: Gay State Conservative; NEBO
When I see Merrick Garland, the FBI, and countless other dimensions of the law consciously ignoring justice, and you add many cases of Death Row inmates being released when an evil prosecutor or DNA comes to light, being anti-death penalty on technical/empirical grounds is perfectly legit.
We don't have to give the bad guys the royal treatment. But death had only been cheated by One Man. I can't get behind the chair etc.
Personally, the case of the Amiraults in Mass (and the coverage in the WSJ) helped turn the tide for me, and that wasn't even a capital case. In fact that sombich DA remained in power and unrepentant.
44 posted on
06/09/2022 4:46:57 PM PDT by
(Gravity's waiting period is about 9.8 m/s^2)
To: Gay State Conservative
Only GODS justice is perfect, and we ain’t GOD.
We just have to deal with it.
72 posted on
06/09/2022 6:28:33 PM PDT by
5th MEB
(Progressives in the open; --- FIRE FOR EFFECT!!)
To: Gay State Conservative
“I’m willing to live with an imperfect justice system...because the only alternative is *no* justice system.”
Amen and hallelujah! It isn’t “just” for 99 evil men to live out their lives because MAYBE 1% (and probably less) are wrongly convicted of terrible crimes. And they don’t give out death penalties for free....
92 posted on
06/10/2022 8:33:48 AM PDT by
Mr Rogers
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