Posted on 07/13/2021 5:31:09 AM PDT by KeyLargo
Chicago gang members outnumber cops 10 to 1 as crime spike reaches fever pitch Bradford Betz, Andrew Murray 4 hrs ago
Amid nationwide calls to defund police departments and a rise in crime in major cities, the number of Chicago cops that have retired this year has already surpassed all of the retirements in 2018 and are on track to be the highest number in the department’s history. The figures come from the police pension board, as reported by the Chicago Sun-Times. It shows that between January and June, some 363 officers called it quits, and another 56 were expected to retire this month. "We are on track, I believe to have one of the highest retirement numbers in the city’s history," Ald. Ray Lopez told the newspaper. Fox News’ Geraldo Rivera, citing Superintendent David Brown and Mayor Lori Lightfoot’, wrote that the city’s roughly 117,000 gang members outnumber the city’s 13,000 police officers by roughly 10 to 1.
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Can you dig it?
Who gives a damn?
The Africanized City State of Chicago is no longer America
It would appear that Chicago gang members have more shooting incidents than police engage in every week as well and the public there does not protest against the gangs are insist that Chicagoans defund the gangs.
These gangs are small potatoes for now but they are showing promise. The real good ones are the Planned Parenthood gang. They kill huge numbers of blacks every year - half of all blacks conceived! The other gangs have not figured out how to most effectively help achieve the goal of a 100% rate. But we can work with them to improve their yield. (/white, liberal Democrat)
Chicongo might be more appropriate. :-)
Ahhh yes, the dog days of summer in chicago.
Just go get a job in a nice suburb. Where they like cops
Let the blue cities BURN. TO THE GROUND
So I wasn’t the only one reminded of one of the opening scenes from “The Warriors” ... ;-)
Good! Give the people what they want, good and hard.
“Alright, boppers!”
The dems sent a clear message last year: that violent crime by blm and other street savages WOULD be tolerated, accepted, welcomed, and protected.
This year we are seeing the inevitable result, and dems are desperately trying to blame it on Whitey.
Who gives a damn?
The Africanized City State of Chicago is no longer America
We’d better give a dam because this will affect the rest of us. Republicans need to run hard against this and offer Chicagoans a choice.
Well, maybe we can pump in more reparations, er, welfare to stem the crime tide. Yup.
During its peak, I don’t think the number of killings during the era of the Outfit on a per capita basis came even close to what goes on now in Chi. Most famous of those occurred on St Valentines day when 7 were killed. That is just a normal Saturday night in chrimetown now.
All is not lost though, Bidet has dispatched a current Eliot Ness styled bunch to take them down. That should be interesting. Of course rather than stumbling around looking for breweries, this bunch will focus in on LEGAL gun dealers. This will not end well for 2A supporters and on the other side, the gangs will thrive.
I guess they’re gonna need more midnight basketball courts.
Blacks now feel emboldened to do whatever they want to whomever they want, knowing that there will be little or no consequences except for an unlucky few. That’s what we get from Soros and his crowd of billionaire criminals, and the Media Mogul-Dem Party.
Then-—DO NOT REBUILD the blue cities-—
Let them stand as monuments to the stupidity of Democrat women Mayors & governors.
The clip from "The Warriors":
Pay attention, because this was prophecy.
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