RE: In fact, I sent an affidavit to Tucker that I had not even attached to a pleading yet to help him understand the situation, and I offered him another witness who could explain the mathematics and the statistical evidence far better than I can. I’m not really a numbers person
I am curious to listen to Tucker tonight to see what he has to say regarding this. He could have invited BOTH Sidney and the other Math Wiz witness to his show. Why didn’t he?
RE: “In fact, I sent an affidavit to Tucker that I had not even attached to a pleading yet to help him understand the situation,”
Tucker could have READ the affidavit for us, the audience to hear. Why didn’t he?
Faux Spews is almost finished from a conservatives viewpoint. We are leaving the network in droves, in 6 months Dora the Explorer will be higher rated.
Fox is racing to the bottom as fast as they possibly can...................
I think she may be interviewed on WMAL in about 30 minutes.
Tucker could have written his own contract with newsmax OAN , or the blaze. Now when fox cans him he’ll be lucky to land a gig with the psycos on the view....
If a Democrat farts they consider that evidence.
Who was Tucker’s father? How connected was he?
Fox is dead. If Tucker wants to revive his career, he will have to move to another venue.
The evidence would be in the system logs and server logs that showed the timestamped activities for each of the voting machines, who was logged on, what network access transfers occurred, etc.
The fact that this is not required by law to be made public (with IP/MAC addresses redacted) is evidence that the electronic voting system used is not transparent and must be assumed to be suspect. Without having a lawsuit in court Sidney Powell can not enforce the discovery necessary to retrieve this information. Her argument is that the software has been designed to cheat, the pattern of vote tallies appears consistent with previous vote switching frauds in Venezuela, and statistical analysis shows impossible volumes of processing. This should trigger further discovery in a normal case.
Tucked In is a fraud.
tucker carlson once had integrity..
now he will sleep with wallass and romney and soros
and the democrats whose anus he admired once too often.
Tucker Carlson just did the exact same thing that Fox News Channel did...he killed his own career. Carlson is toast, no, burnt toast and huge dummy to boot!!!
Link straight to the video:
If the data Sydney says she sent to this little nettle is correct, then Tucker is not to be believed. He is smearing Sydney because his prickish little ego is rejected.
Posted several times.
Did Tucker ever demand that Mueller shell out the evidence in a matter of days?
There’s no legitimate reason why voting machine software should provide an algorithm that adjusts vote totals proportionally based on some system adjustable parameter. If this is confirmed in the source code it should cause a complete audit of all electronic vote totals to document where this logic was applied to the presidential race.