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LIVE Final Presidential Debate 10/22/20 8 PM CENTRAL
Commission on Presidential Debates ^
| 10/22/20
| Spirit of Liberty
Posted on 10/22/2020 1:57:09 PM PDT by Spirit of Liberty
Debate is scheduled for 8:00 PM Central, which is 9:00 PM Eastern.
Not sure if Mountain and Pacific will show live or not.
TOPICS: Breaking News; Front Page News; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections; US: Tennessee
KEYWORDS: 2020; biden; coronavirus; covid19; debate; nashville; presidentialdebate; trump
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To: ScottinVA
Biden defiantly lost PA tonight. He did say he was going to get rid of gas and oil. Doesn't matter if he said it would be a transfer. He's going to get rid of it.
posted on
10/22/2020 8:33:30 PM PDT
To: mass55th
If he was looking at an Apple Watch and it was giving him messages, I certainly hope that comes out. He was definitely looking down a lot.
To: Jane Long
Hadn’t thought about that.
But it was obvious he had several of the questions in advance.
It didn’t save him though......but since he didn’t fall over the fake news media will say he won it.
To: 7thson
Actually, the reason that many of us may not have been specifically given the talk is because we were taught from an early age onto respect authority and not mouth back.
It wasnt a talk per se, but a lifetime of learning, a lifestyle.
We knew by the time we were teens how to interact with LE because we were raised with it.
posted on
10/22/2020 8:34:49 PM PDT
(...fixing our eyes on Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of our faith...)
To: dougherty
Yes, we owe them ...
A free ride back to their SHITHOLE COUNTRY!!! 😀
posted on
10/22/2020 8:35:04 PM PDT
Deplorable American1776
(Proud to be a DeplorableAmerican with a Deplorable family...even the dog is, too. :-) Trump 2020t)
To: mass55th
I hope Joe turns around to find a Juggernaut running up his ass really soon.
posted on
10/22/2020 8:35:17 PM PDT
(Clap for that, you stupid bastards!)
To: lapsus calami
Senile Joe claimed another 200K are dying by the end of the year. There is no possible way of that happening.
posted on
10/22/2020 8:35:31 PM PDT
(Pray for President Trump)
To: grey_whiskers
She’s just doing what she’s naturally inclined to do.
Joe, on the other hand is somehow more despicable. Malice aforethought - like “Look at these stupid motherf*ckers, I’m ripping them off blind and they’re rewarding me.”
posted on
10/22/2020 8:35:43 PM PDT
(The Second Amendment - By Any Means Necessary.)
To: metmom
I believe it....when you see how they're manufactured my gosh the costs are unbelievable....and the output is so little by comparison.
posted on
10/22/2020 8:35:46 PM PDT
To: Jeff Chandler
Damn. Joe is tied with “I’m Not Sure”.
posted on
10/22/2020 8:35:47 PM PDT
Charles Martel
(Progressives are the crab grass in the lawn of life.)
To: Jane Long
The Carlton!
"It's not unusual!"
posted on
10/22/2020 8:35:59 PM PDT
("Forward to what lies ahead" ~ Phil. 3:13)
To: Spirit of Liberty
My electricity went out at 10pm and just now returned at 11:30pm. Cable TV and Internet(spectrum) is now offline and said they should have service back by 1:00am. Rrrrrgh,
posted on
10/22/2020 8:36:04 PM PDT
(Fallujah be damned ...S. Helvenston RIP)
To: ConservativeInPA
“Joe is denying. Hes dead meat”
yeah, he totally F-ed himself with definitive statements of denial, while ex-biden-business partner Tony Bobulinski is getting ready to provide definitive evidence of joe’s involvement tomorrow ...
posted on
10/22/2020 8:36:11 PM PDT
(Cat Nipman: Vote Republican in 2012 and only be called racist one more time!)
To: jennychase
I can’t do twitter polls - not a twitter member -
Do you have links to any other debate polls?
Comment #3,275 Removed by Moderator
To: matt04
When Biden was describing oil on the windshields I was thinking what world is he living in.
To: metmom
I was simply told that if I did something stupid that caused cops to stop me, I was on my own and to not even waste my dime calling home for help.
You can bet THAT made me a really polite, law abiding kid because my dad meant it.
posted on
10/22/2020 8:37:30 PM PDT
(Clap for that, you stupid bastards!)
To: caww
Blanket amnesty and fracking will rile people’s where Biden lost.
To: maggief
And he never said “on Federal land.” Harris specifically said “end fossil fuel on public land.”
posted on
10/22/2020 8:38:21 PM PDT
("Courage is being scared to death, but saddling up anyway." ~~ John Wayne)
To: moviefan8
maybe his contacts were dirty.
posted on
10/22/2020 8:38:21 PM PDT
(Clap for that, you stupid bastards!)
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