New Zealand is a friggin’ island and closed their borders. Population 4.86 mil. Cases..Maybe 100. But I have to research it more.
Trust the Clinton/Bush/Obama deep state bureaucracy with universal contact tracing powers.
Crossfire Hurricane anyone. The governments of Taiwan, Singapore, and SK seem to serve their people. Our bureaucracy - serve?!? - they're at war with the President we elected and by proxy us.
They don't give a fig about us. And that is the way it is especially not this way overpaid Fauci Clown - he makes twice what 4 star generals make.
Can we learn anything from Sweden since it is over the virus?
Simple solution to the pandemic,,,,Make HCQ and Azithromycin OTC drugs so anyone who develops a cough and/or fever can go the nearest drug store and self medicate with the drugs along with Zinc Sulfate with correct dosage within 48 hours of symptoms and pandemic over.,,,,,instead of waiting a few days to get tested and 5 days for the results,,,,if over 60 years of age,,,,youre dead.
All these plague like diseases (including the actual plague - silk road) come from there.
What the hell is this idiot talking about?
Another overpaid gubbermint bureaucrat. These people exist on the backs of productive American citizens. Like the EPA, DOJ, FCC, now the NIH is someone else saying to the American public: “we’re from the government and we’re here to help.”
They don’t help. They don’t fix anything. They don’t produce wealth. They are mere political creations when politicians want to declare a war on drugs in the 80s, fight terrorism post 9-11, save the planet in the 70s... Useless people that sit in Washington making a lot of money and who literally serve the public best if they are lazy and sit on their ass and don’t concoct another regulation that kills prosperity and liberty. These are people making their living regulating toilet water usage, what lightbulb you buy, or what cooking oil is used to cook your French fries. Yes, even the oils temperature is a concern for them, as is the lyrics in a song, or if someone can fly a private and because they have some minor health conditions... Useless “gubbermint” folks that are worth not a penny more than the thousands employed in DC standing around all their government offices protecting them.
He $384,000 and his wife $~250,000 a year (not bad for a nurse) should collect their tax money year after year with the world’s best retirement system and just shut up.
Darn - I can’t remember who or where I saw something over the weekend about Fauci. A doctor was being interviewed - I should have written his name down. It definitely was on FOX cable and he talked about the poor work Fauci had done with AIDS - nothing good to say about the man. I seem to recall his name began with an “R”. There have been so many who have spoken out in disagreement with him and this guy covered a lot of territory. Don’t we all (of advanced age) say to ourselves, I don’t need to write that down, I’ll remember it?
Then Dr Death Fauci can move to an Asian country.
I thought I read where doctors recently removed Fauci’s voice box so he couldn’t talk anymore. Musta read that wrong.
The number one reason is that they ALL prescribe HCQ and zinc for their populations.
New Zealand and Korea have almost zero herd immunity.
They have bet their lives and their standard of living on the mass delusion that someone is going to develop a miracle vaccine in the near future.
“It ain't that kind of movie, Bro!”
Their only hope is that COVID-19 will mutate itself out of existence, like COVID-03 did.
In the meantime, they also risk having no natural immunity to random colds and flu viruses that may be circulating because their entire countries are locked down, masked, and socially distanced.
They also use early frontline treatment of mild cases using HCQ and/ or steroid inhalants...unlike our early treatment protocol which is stay home, take some tylenol, go to the hospital when you cant breathe By which time you are very sick and if you have underlying risk factors...very very sick and in danger.
Why doesnt someone call out this old ferret on the disparity in medical treatment across nations as a factor in disease control and mortality?
Homogeneous populations and islands.
The U.S. is neither.
Go away Dr. Fauxci.
The graphs are all showing a decline in infections, hospitalizations and deaths. This is Fauci’s last gasp chance to get some air time.
China is an Asian country, idiot.
Sweden's seven day running average for daily deaths is currently < 1.
If everyone contracted it, a lot of people are going to die, the doctor said. The death toll would be enormous and totally unacceptable.
Fauci's "flattening the curve" approach doesn't reduce the number of people who are going to die. It just prolongs the interval of death and stops additional deaths that may occur from overcrowding hospitals. And we resolved the hospital problem back in April!!
And according to Dr. Risch, Fauci has held back HCQ and AIDS medications killing tens of thousands.
Facui is dangerously full of it.
To learn more about Dr. Fauci and his history, watch the Life, Liberty and Levin Show from last night on Fox.
South Korea COVID cases are currently sharply increasing.
Fauci is full of it.
I foresee a new entry into the urban dictionary “Don’t step in that pile of Fauci”.