Call me crazy but 700,000,000 ÷ 100= 7,000,000 people in the state unemployed?
If that's true you got a real problem that is getting ready to explode
I imagine it costs way more than $100 per person to put someone on welfare
By the looks of it, California could be spending 6x that on welfare benefits pretty soon
So, my fuzzy math says you could spend $4.2 billion per month you are not currently spending and that is just for welfare checks
Gee California, that’s too bad
do the states HAVE TO pony up the 100?
and 7 million sounds insane
Well Mr empty suit, I guess Kalifornia can’t pay that extra $100 and folks will just have to get by on $700 a week ($400 max State, $300 Federal)
Hey, maybe they should allow businesses to open, so people won’t need unemployment benefits to survive. Crazy idea, right?
CA should secede ASAP so that we can enjoy the sure to come collapse.
We can then invade, “take care” of the progressives and GOOGLE, clean the sh*t out of PelosiTown, and restore the state to its former glory.
So Pretty Boy Newsome are you saying the 30 billion or so spent SO FAR on the train to nowhere might have come in handy. I bet you are, you just aren’t saying it out loud.
“Never underestimate the Democrats ability to f**k things up”
There’s ~2.8m unemployed in CA as of June so the 700M a week is BS just like everyone in government in CA.
Well, Newscum, if you would stop showering money on illegals and criminals, you could afford to help taxpaying cirizens.
Everyone knows Dems can’t do simple arithmetic. Even if they could, Nuisance is sending millions to illegal immigrants which inflate what is actually needed by the state.
If only there were a solution to getting them back to work.
Didn’t the state have to cough up funds under the $600 a week pla?
Not a peep out of them then.
Sorry to tell you this but for every dollar the State of California hands out it takes a bucket load of dollars in state employee costs, software modification costs, legal analysis by political cronies, plus supervisory expenses and overhead to support state buildings.
You just included the cost of the money being given out in your fuzzy math.
Thanks for posting.
about 2.5 million unemployed... so $700 million divided by 2.5 million is $280 per person per week to send them a check.
As of June 2020, there are 2.31 million unemployed in California.
I thought there were only 3 million unemployed and 4 million dead people collecting benefits.